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On Wednesday night I attended the New York Film Festival and witnessed a cinematic masterpiece, the film that last month won the top prize as the Best Film of the Venice International Film Festival. Its called Joker and all we Americans have heard about this movie is that we should fear it and stay away from it. Weve been told its violent and sick and morally corrupt an incitement and celebration of murder. Weve been told that police will be at every screening this weekend in case of trouble. Our country is in deep despair, our constitution is in shreds, a rogue maniac from Queens has access to the nuclear codes but for some reason, its a movie we should be afraid of.
I would suggest the opposite: The greater danger to society may be if you DONT go see this movie. Because the story it tells and the issues it raises are so profound, so necessary, that if you look away from the genius of this work of art, you will miss the gift of the mirror it is offering us. Yes, theres a disturbed clown in that mirror, but hes not alone were standing right there beside him.
Joker is no superhero or supervillain or comic book movie. The film is set somewhere in the 70s or 80s in Gotham City - and the filmmakers make no attempt to disguise it for anything other than what it is: New York City, the headquarters of all evil: the rich who rule us, the banks and corporations for whom we serve, the media which feeds us a daily diet news they think we should absorb. This past week, a week when a sitting President indicted himself because, in true Joker style, he was laughing himself silly at Muellers and the Dems inability to stop him, so he just quadrupled down and handed them everything they needed. But even then, after ten days of his flaunting his guilt, he was still sitting with his KFC grease-stained nuclear codes in the Oval Office, so he told
Captain Sketchy to fire up the helicopter, the sound of its blades revving up, meant only to alert the reporters to scurry outside for the daily press conference Trump walks outside into the deafening cacophony of the whirlybird and publicly and feloniously asks the Peoples Republic of China to interfere in our 2020 election by sending him dirt on the Bidens. He and his magic carpet of hair then walked away and, other than the citizen howls of CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!, nothing happened. As Joker opens this weekend, Joker, Jr. Is still still sitting at John F. Kennedys desk in the Oval Office on the days he shows up to work, dreaming of his next conquest and debauchery.
But this movie is not about Trump. Its about the America that gave us Trump the America which feels no need to help the outcast, the destitute. The America where the filthy rich just get richer and filthier.
Except in this story a discomfiting question is posed: What if one day the dispossessed decide to fight back? And I dont mean with a clipboard registering people to vote. People are worried this movie may be true
oo violent for them. Really? Considering everything were living through in real life? You allow your school to conduct active shooter drills with your children, permanently, emotionally damaging them as we show these little ones
that this is the life weve created for them. Joker makes it clear we dont really want to get to the bottom of this, or to try to understand why innocent people turn in to Jokers after they can no longer keep it together. No one wants to ask why two smart boys skipped their 4th-hour AP French Philosophy class at Columbine High to slaughter 12 students and a teacher. Who would dare ask why the son of a vice-president of General Electric would go into Sandy Hook Elementary in
Newtown, CT and blow the tiny bodies apart of 20 first-graders. Or why did 53% of White women vote for the presidential candidate who, on tape, reveled in his talent as a sexual predator?
The fear and outcry over Joker is a ruse. Its a distraction so that we dont look at the real violence tearing up our fellow human beings 30 million Americans who dont have health insurance is an act of violence. Millions of abused women and children living in fear is an act of violence. Cramming 59 students like worthless sardines into classrooms in Detroit is an act of violence.
As the news media stands by for the next mass shooting, you and your neighbors and co-workers have already been shot numerous times, shot straight through all of your hearts and hopes and dreams. Your pension is long gone. Youre in debt for the next 30 years because you committed the crime of wanting an education. You have actually thought about not having children because you dont have the heart to bring them onto a dying planet where they are given a 20-year death-by-climate-change sentence at birth. The violence in Joker? Stop! Most of the violence in the movie is perpetrated on the Joker himself, a person in need of help, someone trying to survive on the margins of a greedy society. His crime is that he cant get help. His crime is that he is the butt of a joke played on HIM by the rich and famous. When the Joker decides he can no longer take it yes, you will feel awful. Not because of the (minimal) blood on the screen, but because deep down, you were cheering him on - and if youre honest when that happens, you will thank this movie for connecting you to a new desire not to run to the nearest exit to save your own ass but rather to stand and fight and focus your attention on the nonviolent power you hold in your hands every single day. Thank you Joaquin Phoenix, Todd Phillips, Warner Bros. and all who made this important movie for this important time. I loved this films multiple homages to Taxi Driver, Network, The French Connection, Dog Day Afternoon. How long has it been since weve seen a movie aspire to the level of Stanley Kubrick? Go see this film. Take your teens. Take your resolve.
This is excellent and why I'll always be a Michael Moore fan. I admit to buying into Joker propaganda. Moore is setting me straight once again.
Thank you, Michael Moore.
(10,084 posts)Isn't that the truth.
Great review.
(16,291 posts)thats an excellent review and commentary on our current society.
Maru Kitteh
(29,491 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)Thanks for posting it.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)It was only when he resorted non-stop Democratic bashing that I gave up on him.
My sentiments exactly! In fact, I went to one of his live shows when he was campaigning for Kerry in 2004.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)then he was right. Now I listen to him.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)This is nothing new. The point where I finally gave up on him was when he said Barack Obama will be remembered only as, "the first black president." Obama wasn't perfect, but given the circumstances under which he took office and with which he had to work with he did an incredible job. I get sick of people like Moore only denigrating Democrats and never giving them any credit for what they do accomplish, and Obama accomplished a lot. The prevalence of attitudes like his did just as much to elect Donald Trump as anything Hillary Clinton did with her so-called "scandals."
Michael Moore helped give us W too by hawking Nader.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)I'm a Democrat and thank Moore for his relentless honesty. We allow ourselves to be painted as the same as republicans. We quote Ronald Reagan for respect we'll never get.
Moore is a fighting liberal and I love that he's out there.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)I no longer do.
(18,576 posts)So weve got a solid range of opinions here.
He's perceptive and engaged. Somethimes the truth hurts.
I had no plans to see the movie, but now I hope it comes to Thailand so I can see it.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Now after reading this and a ringing endorsement from my son I will.
Hope alls well in Thailand. My husband has fond memories.
(18,576 posts)That admire and value Michael Moore also cant stand President Obama. They disregard the unprecedented, racially fueled obstruction completely, and then blame him because they didnt get their magic unicorn show pony. Its quite disgusting. And you are right about Moore. The Nader shit in 2000 did it for me but unfortunately snake oil always has a market.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)but agree with him. And that's precisely the problem. And Moore doesn't help the situation at all. He makes it worse.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)And pretty much sounds like the snake oil sold by corporate and right wing media.
(18,576 posts)mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Like Jim Hightower said:
"There's nothing in the middle of the road but a yellow stripe and dead armadillos."
(18,576 posts)Btw, Jim Hightower has bad mouthed every Dem president and nominee over the last 30 years. He also was extremely critical of Hillary in 2016. I couldnt care less what he has to say about anything. His shtick is for people impressed by folksy witticisms and who see the world in exclusively black and white. Which is also how Moore sees it. Spoiler alert: Its not black and white.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Docreed2003
(18,022 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,476 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,206 posts)so get over yourself.
Second, this movie does a FANTASTIC job of looking at mental health, the treatment of those with mental health issues, and the way the rich elite don't give a shit about anyone.
Also, you don't need to now anything about comic books to see this movie (knowing that Bruce Wayne becomes Batman, that Thomas Wayne is his dad, and that Arkham Asylum is a really bad place helps make a few things be more poignant, but you don't need to know those things).
But, mostly, get over yourself.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Comic books and super heroes got going during the Great Depression. They were absolutely a commentary on American life and culture and cruelty.
(255 posts)Intense, emotionally involving, disturbing. A thick, deep story that if it didn't have a Batman reference, you would never know. I think Michel Moore's review sums it up well. Excellent psyco-thriller drama.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Now I will. He references, Dog Day Afternoon, Taxi Driver and The French Connection.. all movies that stick with you.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,206 posts)Still process and decompressing. What a fantastic film.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)defacto7
(13,765 posts)truth is truth no matter where you find it.
(3,115 posts)And what Moore says is true. Our antihero is beaten down until he literally goes out of his mind. This film attacks the one percent, so of course they're going to jump up on their high horses and tell us it's too dangerous to watch.
Fuck you, Dump, and the rest of your filthy brethren. This is Big Brother shit.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Yes, this is big brother shit.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,206 posts)His "what do you get" joke to DeNiro was fucking money.
(1,383 posts)mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Missn-Hitch
(1,383 posts)Missn-Hitch
(1,383 posts)I plan on multiple viewings. Maybe one more before it leaves the theatres.
Have a great day!
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Excellent film. Joaquin Phoenix was amazing.
(1,383 posts)rickyhall
(4,889 posts)He makes me think I'm not as crazy as many people think I am. I rant & rage about what the repugs have done to my state (Texas) and my country (USA) since 1980. I knew Nixon was a crook but he never tried to fuck my country like Raygun and his successors have.
(188,269 posts)A third modern rendition of the same character. Nicholson's version was really thin especially for a Tim Burton film - it was Jack being Jack but that sells tickets. Heath Ledger gave a performance in the top 10 easily of all time in my estimation- my wife watched it last night for the first time and was amazed. Joaquin had a weird period, almost Andy Kaufmanesque, but while I was watching it I got a real sense of his artistic chops. He took chances, he takes chances. That's what artists do.
Not a comic book reader even in my youth but The Joker has always seemed like the CRAZY counter to Bruce Wayne/Batman. Ultra wealthy, oooold wealth. As much as I like Batman movies (most of them) I've always seen Batman as a guy with toys. A guy who simply can afford them. The Dark Knight was a masterpiece.
I'm looking forward to seeing this.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Saw Joker with my daughter last night. We both think it's excellent. I saw it thanks to my son who highly recommended it, along with MM.
Now my daughter's convinced me to see Dark Knight. After the Aurora shooting, I just couldn't, but she said if I like Joker I'll like Dark Knight.
My children are so much smarter than me.