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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsBreaking: Whitehouse calls for trial to be suspended, wants to depose McCarthy and Tuberville.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
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(1,861 posts)marble falls
(63,621 posts)sfstaxprep
(10,599 posts)They're wrapping it up tomorrow.
I've watched many of the shows tonight on CNN & MSNBC, and they say there is ZERO chance of there being witnesses.
Time to move on folks, and accept the country we live in.
(10,261 posts)Plus any talking head was speaking based on hours old information before Tuberville statements and the context and content of McCarthy's phone call with trump. I think there is a fair chance of witnesses being called.
(109,763 posts)for not doing enough investigation.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,957 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)during which they can take a vote on deposing witnesses; and if the vote is yes, then they can spend time debating and approving witnesses.
I think Sheldon Whitehouse is being the stalking horse, and we should all support him in this.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)3catwoman3
(26,319 posts)...very good thing once Joe and then Kamala have had their time at the helm.
marble falls
(63,621 posts)babylonsister
(171,887 posts)better and better with President Biden at the helm, regardless of how this turns out.
Just not having to see that ratfink mofo45 makes me happy.
(1,402 posts)Me, too...........but I will never understand why DJT was acquitted again. It makes me so sad. What have they done to our country. Sorry, I just had to sound off. I don't get it - one minute they were going to call witnesses and the next, DJT was acquitted. If you know what happened, Babylon Sister, please tell us.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)sfstaxprep
(10,599 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)shitty morning of ups and downs. Made the mistake of looking at twitter ..maybe 80%? of Dems I read are like totally pissed.
(13,101 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,668 posts)madaboutharry
(41,734 posts)There are republicans who are involved in a cover-up.
As dumb as Tuberville seems to be, there is an obvious line in the sand. He doesnt appear willing to lie this time. Surprising to say the least.
(46,545 posts)Sucks to be Trump's legal team. They will pay the price even if their client walks.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Newbie, with zero idea how Washington works. At first, in awe of being in DC and the president ewing and awing over him. Dinner at Trump DC...Sure!
But he's an effin coach!
Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)of sympathy for him, I guess. On the other hand, I can totally see being swept up in it all... Any of us might have been.
Yet HE was the one who called it to light, right? That Trump called at X o'clock and said X ???
(26,158 posts)"duty of candor to a tribunal" is a real thing. Who knew? Well, attorneys apparently, but still.
Rule 3.3: Candor Toward the Tribunal
Well, I'll be darned. Many of us, including the dishonest trump team, thought that the lying liars who lie could get away with saying whatever convenient thing they wanted. That may not be the case after all. Could be that tomorrow just got very interesting.
Thank you, Senator Whitehouse.
P.S. I'm wondering if Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are still feeling like smarties for helping the team.
(46,545 posts)Evidence and witnesses will continue to emerge - especially as 100's of insurrectionists go to trial. Every time will be another black welt for Republican turncoats. They sure are gluttons for punishment.
(36,631 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Nevilledog
(53,798 posts)angrychair
(10,261 posts)So far I've got no explanation why they would make that kind of request.
(13,807 posts)Confusing. It's late.
(10,261 posts)
Thank you. That makes a lot more sense.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)world wide wally
(21,836 posts)Do what he suggests.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Just curious, because he has always seemed so perfect to me.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)SheltieLover
(64,041 posts)

Silver Gaia
(5,022 posts)I've been saying this all night! Call witnesses, those two in particular!
(31,170 posts)MyMission
(2,004 posts)They need to depose and call witnesses. Uncover more evidence, from secret service, FBI, social media, phone calls, whatever it takes. Let the trial continue for several weeks if necessary, as they follow up. Depose others as well. What does Barr know?
I didn't watch the entire trial, but I don't think they mentioned 45 firing and replacing key positions in defense and the pentagon. Or military leaders reminding military of their allegiance to the Constitution. Rioters thought military and Leo's would be on their side.
45 was hoping for that too. Paramilitary groups provided security to Stone and others.
They were involved in planning and directing things. There's evidence waiting to be uncovered.
(73,488 posts)for himself. Well, speaking for what we all want but still just something in the air. Not an official imperative.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Baclava
(12,047 posts)Wawannabe
(6,639 posts)I was this far in the thread before I get that Whitehouse is NOT THE Whitehouse.
Happened yesterday too. I asked them to change because misleading. Didnt
(308,345 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)anything that is close to happening?
If it isn't, wake me up
(25,061 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)mucifer
(25,061 posts)
(3,617 posts)Criminal indictments and civil actions are in the queue.
Witnesses, subpoenas, depositions, and real juries.
This is necessary, but it is a political, not criminal action.
(919 posts)the truth will come out. R senators have to be thinking about what is worse for them. truth or consequences.
(54,952 posts)
(15,177 posts)Because they could not lie - too many people heard the calls, and were told about the calls.
Might be a good thing.
I was just talking to my wife tonight, you know, and I told her that if we went to the way-back-when, when we were both kids in the sixties, Trump would have lasted...well, he wouldn't even have made it past the primaries.
It just blows us away, how these Republicans can just sit there and lie. It drove me nuts when none of them would admit that Obama was born in the USA, and that the birthers were lying. And it drives me nuts now when none of the Republicans admitted he had lost the election.
Well, him getting convicted is a long shot indeed, but at the least the case is being presented. Our guys did a great job with it, too. Two of them are from my state! Neguse and DeGette.
(85,353 posts)badboy67
(460 posts)Mike Niendorff
(3,588 posts)DO IT.
(5,452 posts)I read Whitehouses tweet.
(11,893 posts)I doubt there is an agency more respected and trusted than them. Evidence obtained from their undoubtedly well-kept records would be a thunderbolt for the defence to have to contend with.
As a post of last night had it, it is inconceivable that a group of them, charged with defending to the death the life of the VP would not be in near-constant contact with the WH, and whatever leadership in the SS there might be that they report to.
I would be utterly gobsmacked if a half-dozen...even a dozen seems reasonable, given that a demonstration was expected...would just be out there, flying by the seats of their pants.
And my final thought on this...if there was a significant contingent of SS manpower - abundance of caution is barely even caution to them - a group of rioters inside the Capitol that ran across them would have had many sadz.
The rules of engagement for the SS in those situations are CONSIDERABLY different than, say, the Capitol police, and they are ALWAYS armed.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)wishes more of the insurrectionists had been shot or injured. Preferably not dead, but incapacitated in the moment. Or Mike Pence had been captured (even the worst part of me can't wish the gruesome gallows were used.) But, the fact that they were actually allowed to do what they did and then just saunter out of the building and go off and celebrate their crimes, is utterly mind-boggling to me, for many reasons.
Regarding who knew what, as with most things, what Rs say is easily disproven blatant BSt that their brainwashed base will nevertheless accept. This fiction that TuRdRUMP didn't know what was happening with is clearly Pence preposterous.
And speaking of the SS, here's a stupid question: would SS agents be bound by a subpoena or do they have some special exception? I assume they would have to testify if called in an impeachment or criminal trial, but a lot of things I used to believe have been shown to be overly optimistic (and I'm a pessimist!)
Blue Owl
(55,543 posts)Danascot
(4,983 posts)would adjourn the trial and depose witnesses and conduct further investigations for a while. You just know there's a lot more to come. A big plus would be it would drive the QOP crazy.