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Last edited Fri Mar 8, 2024, 10:43 AM - Edit history (1)
I have a favorite out of these for tomorrow's homepage, but I'm curious to know what you think
Friday update: We have a winner! The first one is now up on the homepage.
122 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Time expired | |
The first one | |
88 (72%) |
The second one | |
7 (6%) |
The third one | |
4 (3%) |
The fourth one | |
1 (1%) |
The fifth one | |
22 (18%) |
2 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
Show usernames
Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

OAITW r.2.0
(29,536 posts)I pick "all of the above."
(153,122 posts)

(10,337 posts)mahina
(19,524 posts)Thank you EarlG!
(26,780 posts)sheshe2
(90,280 posts)However 2 and 5 cracked me up.
(26,780 posts)
(90,280 posts)However I voted for #1
(1,445 posts)It was between 1 & 4 but 1 summed the whole thing up nicely.
(2,269 posts)along with outright clapping at times, I was thinking at the time that a meme with him saying "Where can I sign up to be a Biden supporter?" would be appropriate.
I mean, I was watching in amazement, wondering what kind of outrage his numerous nodding in agreement head shakes would induce.
(15,274 posts)it looked to me more like Pastor Johnson was shaking his head in disbelief that Trump would say such idiotic things.
It was great. And I feel we're not in the minority to believe the majority in the nation will believe the Speaker was more in agreement with Biden than he was trying to convey displeasure.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Please, oh please, oh please #5!
(10,609 posts)But #5 made me laugh so loud, my next door neighbor probably heard me.
(36,631 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)Niagara
(10,280 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,650 posts)

(35,728 posts)NavyDem
(558 posts)All of them were great! I just caught the highlights of the SOTU a little bit ago, but from what I can see, Biden kicked the crap out of the pubs.
(122,572 posts)ms liberty
(10,021 posts)Niagara
(10,280 posts)I apologize for not being able to choose only one, they're all spot on and perfectly accurate!
Whatever one you decide is fine with me.
(53,544 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,526 posts)All of them!
(I saw what won though )
(49,927 posts)They're all great, you've outdone yourself!
Wild blueberry
(7,474 posts)Voted for #1 but would have voted #5 as well if we could vote for two.
(Agree on not giving Look-at-me on Steroids any attention).
I watched the whole speech, a great one!, and noticed the Squeaker encroaching into Kamala's space when they were standing before the speech, creepy.
(1,720 posts)from under the GOP and they did a spectacular Faceplant 2024 is going to hurt Republicans. It's going to hurt bad.
(23,525 posts)
(113,303 posts)Otherwise, they would have had a more aggressive response. What kind of speech did they think Joe was going to give? Somebody's head needs to roll for making Trump look so bad.
(37,131 posts)HandmaidsTaleUntold
(406 posts)Nailed it. I have 2 things. When Biden got bum rushed by Marge he shouldve said, I didnt know it was Halloween. AND Gawd Katie Britts official republican response was eerie...she was scary creepy fake. She reminded me of the lead Anna Faris in all those Scary Movie versions...Twilight Zone Stepford Wife like the movie Dont Worry Darling. She blew her career and needs to hide under a toad rock now.
(6,630 posts)Mickju
(1,816 posts)Thank you!
(22,748 posts). . .but drank his milkshake!