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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump, "Hitler did some good things. Such as rebuilding the economy."
Yes, the economy under Hitler and the Fascists did get better in thanx in part to:
1). Slave labor. See the concentration camps and POW labor.
2). All the money, gold, jewelry, properties, and businesses that the Nazis stole from the
the Jews (and others) and in many cases they used Swiss Bank Accounts to keep their ill
gotten funds in.
3). Fascism with the German Businesses making millions and hiring all kinds of people
who in many cases were unemployed or under employed to make the weapons of war and
products such as Zyklon-B which was used to murder millions of people in the gas chambers.
Why is he still in the race?
Some of the good things that Hitler did for Berlin.
(16,176 posts)but fact is, Hitler killed millions upon millions.
(18,986 posts)probably what he's souping up his base for right now
(65,230 posts)The day he came down that tacky gold escalator he was blabbing about illegals being criminals and rapists.
He's kept it up since. And it's not a coincidence that Melania wore that "don't care" jacket the day she visited the border.
These people have one script and they read it every day.
(73,018 posts)He blamed International Financial People aka The Rich Jews for supporting a large
caravan of refugees from Central America after which a pro Trump conspiracy nut ball
- I refuse to post his name - went to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh)
in early October of 2018 and murdered 11 people and wounded another 6. Trump less a
week to 10 days before the shooting went to Lebanon, OH and stoked the flames of anti-
semitism along with pro Confederate/Racism (Robert E Lee was a great general).
Btw the shooters life was saved by Jewish doctors and nurses after the shooting.
(65,230 posts)Botany
(73,018 posts)
to see if her familys name was included with the victims. It was a brutal 24 hours because
I knew that her family were members of that Pittsburgh Synagogue and it really hurt. Her family
wasnt hurt but it was strange to be happy that other people were shot.
Trump and his biker/meth head/mouth breathers are chaos agents who are part of Putins
war on America using racism, antisemitism, and ignorance to weaken our nation.
(65,230 posts)I think the GOP and a lot of economists really believed in Reagan's trickle down economics. They didn't think Bidenomics would work. They figured we'd be in a recession now. That way, Trump could tell the voters that only he and only fascism would save us. The script was written years ago.
Fortunately for those alive now and very fortunately for the possibility of democracy surviving, Bidenomics is working! The economy is improving.
So now all Trump has are his lies.
(65,230 posts)I missed your OPs.
Kid Berwyn
(18,981 posts)One that bears on how some of the most evil got away:
Nazi War Crimes Trials: CIA Witholding Documents about U.S. and Nazi War Criminals
(January 30, 2005)
(6,660 posts)I hope people are not still buying that these people that support today's GOP are just misunderstood.
The people I know personally that defend this bullshit - people I have loved, and probably still have some love for - are not misunderstood. They are just as despicable and would probably do despicable things themselves. Not just say despicable things.
Blue Owl
(55,183 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,165 posts)Always something you can cherry pick from history.
(68,936 posts)"Mussolini made the trains run on time" has as much veracity as "Trump secured the border."
(7,879 posts)In what context, ANY context, could you say "Hitler did some good things"? So the economy was vibrant. Well that is good right? Except it was in many ways because of forced labor. So not so great. Hitler certainly didn't like "the different", immigrants, hated socialists, communists, gypsies and gays. He wanted to make Germany great again. On second thought I do see some reasoning why Dolt 45 would applaud Der Furher.
(22,622 posts)Printing cash left and right, Aland promises never delivered while keeping wages low.
(4,140 posts)I dont doubt that he did but, lets face it, even if he openly said this at a rally it wouldnt matter to the cult, the media or anyone other than decent people. Someone alleging that he said it isnt going to be a blip on the radar.
(102,920 posts)Bender also writes in the book, titled Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost, that Trump was undeterred and persisted in his defense of the German dictator by claiming the country made economic gains under Hitlers leadership.
This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired, Liz Harrington, chief spokeswoman for Trump, told CNN Wednesday.
Even if it was true that he was solely responsible for rebuilding the economy, on balance you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler, Kelly reportedly told Trump. You just cant.
(4,140 posts)Itll be dismissed out of hand.
(22,124 posts)They were so similar to Trump in that they bragged endlessly about things they didn't do when the facts were they were running their governments as kakistocracies. Same as Trump in the US, rule by the least competent. Germany was a mess, Hitler didn't do anything good. Mussolini didn't mke the trains run on time, nothing worked well in italy under his rule. But all 3 of them bragged endlessly.
It's popular among White Supremacists to tout Hitler as smart and as a great stategic military mind. Hitler was the worst military leader maybe in history, he made tactical error after tactical error. He was a moron who ignored experts and went with his gut in trying to be bold (remind you of anyone?).
The one thing they did that Trump models himself after is propaganize exceptionally well. The entire MAGA movement is modeled after the rise of Nazism, every last little detail is based on Hitler's rise to power. And it's very miticulously on purpose.
(9,629 posts)And wealth stolen from Jewish people and other minority groups, and wealth he could steal from other nations (Austra, Czechoslovakia, and all the other nations the Germans invaded in WW2).