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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump blatantly lies about meeting family of murder victim, Ruby Garcia RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) The sister of murder victim Ruby Garcia said she and her family were home watching live, in disbelief, as former President Donald Trump told an audience in Grand Rapids that he had spoken with some of her family.
He did not speak with any of us, so it was kind of shocking seeing that he had said that he had spoke with us, and misinforming people on live TV, Ruby Garcias sister, Mavi Garcia, told Target 8.
Mavi Garcia, the family spokesperson, said neither Trump nor anybody from his campaign has contacted her or anybody in her immediate family. She said her family is close and she would know if that had happened.
It was shocking. I kind of stopped watching it. Id only seen up to that, after I heard a couple of misinformations he said, I just stopped watching it, Mavi Garcia said.

(13,007 posts)The broader question, left unasked is this:
Why is the entire GOP okay with this rapist traitor getting the nomination of the party? They are all A OKAY with EVERYTHING he says and does.
They need to be burned to the ground and the ground salted.
(12,431 posts)Response to Nevilledog (Original post)
senseandsensibility This message was self-deleted by its author.
(28,835 posts)This is a perfect example. There's no reason to lie about it, and the lie is easily proven false, yet he tells it anyway.
It's pathological. He just can't help himself.
(53,519 posts)B.See
(4,339 posts)They'd sooner reason that everyone else is lying. Trying to apply normal rational or reasoning to these zombies is useless. They ARE a lost cause.
lonely bird
(2,072 posts)The cult does not care if he lies. Hell, some would probably start saying that the family is in the country illegally because their last name is Garcia.
The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes sowed with salt.
(49,840 posts)It makes no sense whatsoever. I've known liars like that though. It is as if they can't help themselves. They lie about anything and everything, even if the truth would serve them better AND they realize that people know they are lying. It is almost like an addiction.
(22,994 posts)Example: she had a very pretty ruby ring, which I complimented. She could have said "thank you it was a gift from my brother" (or some such). Instead she launched in to a very elaborate story about her boyfriend who went up into Cambodia (he was in Vietnam, during the war) to get them.
She and her children were in town and we planned a trip to the science museum. I had to pick my daughter up at church choir rehearsal, so we met at the church (it's a landmark, and very easy to find; it looks like an old cathedral). THe minute she saw the building she came out with this elaborate tale about an uncle's funeral in Chicago aat the Methodist cathedral, with the Methodist Archbishop officiating. It was like a switch was turned on and the story just poured out of her like a faucet, details and all. It was as if she immediately had to establish her position as being superior because of the size of my church building. The amazing part was the speed with which the story developed. When she finished telling about the fancy robes and so on, I told her that there is no Methodist Archbishop and we don't call our churches cathedrals. She even argued with me about it.
She was also rude to waiters, a chronic complainer and generally unpleasant.
I only spent time with her because I had to, and there were only a few incidents but every occasion was at a minimum unpleasant.
(49,840 posts)I've known several compulsive liars like that. The stories just flow from them with little or no effort. It is like they speak BS fluently and they can rattle off a story often without even taking a breath. To me, it is so bizarre as I am a terrible liar and can't begin to imagine being so comfortable with such outrageous fiction.
"Methodist Archbishop"???? Too lazy to even do some research before making up a whopper. Meanwhile, what on earth was the point of such a story?
(22,994 posts)PatSeg
(49,840 posts)I wonder what the church in her fantasy mind looked like. Probably Notre Dame!
(306,953 posts)a word salad fantasy of his Demented mindless Warped matter.
Blue Owl
(55,210 posts)If only....
There will be dancing in the streets all ove the world.... same with his ruler.
(19,319 posts)GiqueCee
(1,677 posts)... who still supports Trump is just as vile a piece of shit as he is.
(36,582 posts)IronLionZion
(47,455 posts)Lying is his well established nature. Nobody should be surprised by his lies anymore.
His staff scour news for any immigrant related crime to support his racist/xenophobic platform. No attention to the many Americans murdered by Americans all the time.
I doubt any of us would shed a tear if Melania felt inspired to commit spousal murder.
(19,319 posts)He probably wouldn't miss his father, but that way he'd lose his mother as well.
(86,172 posts)Upthevibe
(9,383 posts)Thanks for this post.
It just makes me sad for the family.....
(12,619 posts)Kingofalldems
(39,395 posts)His cult fans know he is a liar but don't care.
(36,297 posts)
(24,080 posts)I heard one of his cult members say he can shoot and kill someones and they would still vote for him.
Another one of the million plus lies he has sprouted during his 78 years.