Study about Presidential news conferences
Here is a scientific analysis of Biden's solo news conferences over the first three years of his presidency, conducted by John Woolley and Gerhard Peters, of UC Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project I encourage you to look at the whole piece, but the table shown below highlights why I consider to be a particularly significant metric.
Also, here is the conclusions section:
Ultimately the issues raised by complaints about Bidens news conferences require that we define standards of performance that would apply to any president. Do reporters have access? Do they have sufficient opportunity to ask questions? Is the Administration sufficiently forthcoming with information about policy and strategy? And, not least, is the President using his time and resources in a way that best advances his goals and objectives?
In the first three years in office, all of the following are true concerning Biden's performance in solo news conferences starting with George H. W. Bush:
- Presidents Trump and George W. Bush had fewer solo news conferences than Biden.
- Biden answered more questions on average than either Clinton or Obama.
- Media questions and Bidens answers were shorter than for other Presidents except Trump.
- Presidents Clinton and Obama exceeded Bidens linguistic sophistication
- Presidents Trump and Clinton exceeded Bidens number of exchanges with reporters.
- The Biden Administration had more press briefings than any other.
An additional factoid, not mentioned above, is that we believe that Biden's January 2022 solo news conference is the longest for any president.
Undoubtedly Biden has not measured up to media demands in various ways. In that respect, certainly, he is not unique among recent Presidents. But it is always important not to confuse the theatrics of the Presidency with the substance of policy and the realities of citizens lives. The ability to sway the public with graceful rhetoric is a great advantage for Presidents. In some circumstances, such rhetorical ability may be essential for effective leadership. Presidents with those abilities have been rare in American life."