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Members of the party's base, particularly Black and Latino voters, are warning that efforts to push Biden out of the 2024 race are undemocratic

(4,365 posts)Call the bastards out
(35,352 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,530 posts)Are right.
(49,470 posts)Frasier Balzov
(4,044 posts)The goal is for him to be clear with everyone why he thinks Kamala can't win or why he thinks she would take the government someplace he wouldn't want it to go.
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)proud patriot
(101,665 posts)
(1,050 posts)W_HAMILTON
(8,782 posts)Biden won the primary -- that is the only hurdle or """goal""" that he needed to achieve in becoming OUR nominee.
He doesn't need to tear down his VP to accept the nomination that WE, THE VOTERS, selected him for.
And he has already said that it's not that he believes that other Democrats couldn't win, it's that he believes that HE can win and that the others trying to pressure him out haven't put forth any concrete data showing otherwise. How have you been around here so much commenting on the topic and yet didn't know that simple fact? He literally was asked this during the Stephanopoulos interview.
Response to W_HAMILTON (Reply #7)
Post removed
(36,631 posts)Your attack on Biden is noted.
Response to Hermit-The-Prog (Reply #15)
Post removed
(19,098 posts)I Just put him on IGNORE! (full)
(19,098 posts)
(297 posts)ColinC
(11,098 posts)Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)FakeNoose
(36,826 posts)I really think you should remove or edit your post.
Response to FakeNoose (Reply #9)
orange jar This message was self-deleted by its author.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Hes never said or implied that he has a problem with Harris. Stop with the trolling.
Ocelot II
(123,518 posts)bluestarone
(19,098 posts)edisdead
(3,359 posts)sdfernando
(5,595 posts)This is not a Joe vs. Kamala fight.
(18,876 posts)Who dont have to worry about being deported or having The State hijack ownership of their own bodies or having to worry about being forced back into Jim Crow or getting taken away from their parents and put into conversion therapy or worse, detention camps if they dare express who they really are to anyone? Must be nice, but it takes a little bit of empathy and courage to stand up for others.
President Biden doesnt use eloquent speeches. He actually gets things done. We know this, and Im one of the ones on the verge of being disenfranchised by members of my own party. I voted for Biden/Harris, the whole damn ticket. He owes us nothing, but is willing to push back and give all hes got for our democracy. Why do you think several factions are pushing so hard to oust him? They know hell win this!
(20,174 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts) the "Dems" that are echoing that call might want to step down themselves.
(1,876 posts)Tweedy
(1,277 posts)Happily watch democracy die after their lawyers talked the supreme 6 into keeping a democrat off the ballot in Michigan and Ohio.
This scenario could see our democracy murdered by 6 unelected jurists 5, all of whom were selected by a president who did not win the electoral vote,
simply by keeping the Democratic ticket from the ballot in all 50 states.
Think about it. These 6 would likely use one of Thaddeus Stevens civil rights amendments too. They do like to take their pound of flesh each and every time.
Anybody know if there might be something in our water that is making so many right leaning folks into outright sadists? I hope somebody somewhere is asking that question.
I hope this temporary insanity inside the Democratic Party is not a sign that the sadism is spreading.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Tweedy
(1,277 posts)Some are just scared. Some are confused. Most are misinformed. Some were born Republican and they dont think about it much (nicely make them think about things!)
Did you know viewers of Fox News are the most uninformed in the country? You likely do.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)...but seriously, you have it backwards, rightwingers aren't rightwingers first and then become bad people, the rightwing is made up entirely of bad people who become rightwingers because it's acceptable in the rightwing to be a bad person.
The rightwing is the result of bad people joining together.
(1,277 posts)But then I remember older people, some who have passed and some who remain, who were caring decent people to everyone they met while being in a sort of thrall to the right wing of the gop.
These people didnt live to cause pain. They were and are happy, decent Americans who were usually afraid. I found listening helped with the fear. Unfortunately, I lectured too much and hectored too freely on too many occasions. Nobody loses their fear because of a good scolding. I dont think they are bad people.
I think they would be happier and less anxious with us where the sun is shining and the truth is told.
I think Joe Biden is the guy who can help get more of those people liberated from their fear too. It took me time but I thought so in 2020 too.
From that vantage point, Idk if all of this attention on Joe Biden might be ok even if it feels vindictively awful right now.
At least, right now, more people are listening to what Joe Biden is actually saying. Before I fretted he would ever find a way to break through all of the noise of the chattering classes.
he has
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Also, you have to admit that the republican party that those older people knew was much different than today's rightwingers.
The same can be said about christianity, no 1970's "jesus freak" would want any part of today's christian movement.
(1,277 posts)In the 70s too. There were birchers and precious bodily fluid(ers) that seemed the same but werent. That was the birth of anti-vax. Womens lib was to blame for most everything and public schools broke the law and started class with their version of the Lords Prayer. The equal rights amendment was being assassinated by a thousand cuts and little children watched their heroes murdered on television after watching footage from war.
We didnt get President Humphrey either.
(357 posts)Daily Kos has some good articles on this sourced from the WSJ and various financial publications where several billionaires are quoted as switching to the GOP because they are afraid Biden will regulate AI and bitcoin, and raise their taxes.
Of course, we know what happens when new financial instruments are not regulated. Ask Sam Bankman-Fried.
(119,882 posts)iluvtennis
(21,082 posts)Bev54
(12,169 posts)Forcing the primary winner out is disenfranchising voters. It is disenfranchising every voter who voted Biden/Harris.
(31,311 posts)He is the nominee.
(159,576 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)Teach!
(820 posts)We're trying to turn him against them. I just left a message for Biden and donated to his campaign.
(15,177 posts)for billionaires to literally buy elections and politicians, isn't it?
(17,908 posts)So, why not say it? People with too much money who want the focus on poor/middle class people to cease in favor of things that make them exponentially richer, want our incumbent president gone. No matter that we chose him in a primary.
(4,277 posts)To DESTROY DEMOCRACY????
Thomas is a POW Piece of Work huh? He's sitting on the court because BIDEN thought he was a good man.
AND Thomas is nearly succeeding at DESTROYING DEMOCRACY.
(16,926 posts)At least play up the fact they both want the same thing. Not sure why Vance came out with it, unless he thinks someone else is easier to beat. It's not like he actually cares about Biden's ability to govern, since he is tied to a guy who cannot.
(30,235 posts)totally dismissive of "of, for, and by the people" - we chose our nominee with our votes!
who the fuck do they think they are? who are they working for? why is this happening
(15,177 posts)think so. The unwashed masses like us don't know, aren't capable of governing ourselves. Nope. We need really rich people to do it for us.
Not a new idea.
Do I want Biden to stay in? Yeah, he's fine.
But the billionaires don't, because they are afraid he will win and they won't get their tax cut they so desperately want so they can feel just a little more secure.
Our species really is pretty pathetic, isn't it?
(7,512 posts)That's it in a nutshell, kiddo!
(39,907 posts)The list of "drop out Joe" congress people and megadonors doesn't even add up to 10% of both groups put together
-- AND put together, they don't have the nomination power of 3,904 Democratic delegates.
So wtf are we talking about here, anyway. Huh?
(286 posts)We The People will be introduced to a new and as yet unknown person that we will all fall in love with and vote for and throw Democracy away for. This is crazy and perhaps those "elites" are the ones planning the coup.
(3,121 posts)Shine a light on the donor shit all over the noses of the turncoats.
(33,006 posts)the fascist. Now I don't know. . .
(1,240 posts)The mostly privileged, white anglo male drop out Joe elites are acting just like the 5 GOP SCOTUS judges who disenfranchised our entire country in 2000. They need to be called out loudly for this!
(36,594 posts)valleyrogue
(1,824 posts)I have taken to calling him the Louisiana Loudmouth. He has caused untold damage because he doesn't have the brains to think before he shoots off his mouth. His glory days have long since passed him, but apparently he still has clout with donors. His meltdown over Biden's debate performance was ignorant, unnecessary, and completely uncalled for . It is ALL on him. If by some chance Biden loses this election, which I cannot even begin to believe he will, defeat will be entirely the fault of James Carville. Not Trump, not Project 2025, not Putin, not the Democratic Party, not the donors, not Biden-Harris, not even the media. It is solely Carville. Nobody else. He should be a pariah in American politics.
Martin Eden
(13,949 posts)Republicans have long cited the "liberal elites" in their faux populism, purtporting to be champions for the common folk while actually serving the oligarchy.
Any person who rises to the top of the Democratic Party, or any large organization or profession or even scientific discipline, can accurately be described as "elite."
In that respect, Joe Biden is an elite. The question as to whether an elite has lost touch with and cares not for the common folk has to be taken on a case by case (or person by person) basis.
The situation we now find ourselves in is fraught with the perils of Democrats turning against each other. Hard feelings and blame can be destructive to our common cause, as are accusations of ulterior motives.
All of which hurts the prospects of Democrats keeping the presidency and the Senate, and taking back the House.
I do not profess to know whether rallying behind Joe Biden or selecting a different candidate will best ensure, in what looks to be a close election, defeating the orange criminal.
THIS has to be our top priority, which I am inclined to believe is shared all Democrats. Please, let's give each other the benefit of the doubt.
...I find so disheartening is that so many don't even have half the loyalty of a magat...
...I know politics ain't bean-bag but a magat would support and vote for trump even if he was dead...
...helping Joe instead hindering Joe might have been a better way to go...
live love laugh
(15,021 posts)