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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRick Wilson: Please don't entertain the illusion that Trump did the NABJ racial attacks deliberately. He has no control
of his mouth, brain, or behavior.
This is stochastic racism, not 56th dimensional chess.
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(26,285 posts)he knows TSF better than Rick Wilson. I believe the Rev when he said that everything TSF said at that sit down he meant to say.
TSF regained the narrative, even Rick Wilson is talking about the sit down
(1,626 posts)Even if he didnt go to this event.
(3,436 posts)I don't understand, really.
I mean, the crazy guy on the subway screaming about the voices he hears in his head also has control of the narrative, by way of volume if nothing else, but he's not swaying anyone's opinion. And if you ride the same subway regularly, and hear the guy repeatedly screaming the same nonsense, that doesn't lessen your conviction that he is nuts, and that steps need to be taken to get him help, or at least off the subway.
(2,493 posts)calling him crazy! He didn't one single vote from this appearance, not one!
(13,774 posts)the stories talking about Democratic enthusiasm and record fund-raising appear to have disappeared. Trump knows the media and American people have a short attention span, so doesnt expect, for good reason, that he needs to worry about longer-term blowback from the appearance and comments.
(3,436 posts)champion at making lemonade out of lemons.
(2,666 posts)Blues Heron
(6,334 posts)Of course he knows what he is doing - he is maximally slippery. Dont be fooled - he is a reality TV professional, he knows exactly what he is doing.
(306,953 posts)dwayneb
(933 posts)samnsara
(18,381 posts)...UNTIL the prisoner release this morning....
(1,835 posts)then his campaign creates a plan. He has almost zero control of what leaves his mouth
(86,172 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,490 posts)TwilightZone
(28,835 posts)It's amazing to me that after a decade of this, people like Rick Wilson still don't get it. Trump is an actor playing a role.
It doesn't have to be 56th dimensional chess. It's just another racist shout-out to his base, from a guy who has a history of similar behavior. It's not any more complicated than that.
(25,183 posts)spouts racist garbage. Racism and misogyny are the only two genuine beliefs that he has, besides his belief in himself as the center of the universe.
(306,953 posts)TY
(751 posts)It is being covered differently than in 2016. His miscalculation this time is trump fatigue. Those independents who may have been intrigued by a guy who just says anything, has passed, and the press is better about hitting back now. I think yesterday went over great in the Maga base but I don't think he got one vote, and likely lost some in the middle.
(36,631 posts)From a very young age, Donald Trump was taught there were only two kinds of people in this world: winners or killers and losers.
[ ... ]
Fred Trump decided to send Donald at age 13 to military school, where the lessons in how to dominate would reach another level.
Trump follows tested 'counterpuncher' playbook in face of indictments
Aug 17, 2023Trump has long said he lives by two hard and fast rules: Never back down, his father, Fred Trump, taught him. And always hit back, 100 times as hard as you got hit, his lawyer and mentor Roy Cohn ...
Go back and watch the first 3 minutes of the NABJ video. He considers the first question and questioner to be very hostile and he hits back.
(306,953 posts)TY
(36,631 posts)Cha
(306,953 posts)

(36,891 posts)Whom he feels entitled to abuse if they make him uncomfortable by reciting facts about his behavior. His bigoted narcissistic ego is damaged and rather than take responsibility and make changes, he feels they are in the wrong and lashes out.
(13,774 posts)Agreed. Its been his modus operandi from the start, constant chum thrown to the media.
As for this, consider all the free air time GOP politicians are getting to bash Kamalas policies when asked to defend Trumps comments.
(933 posts)He knows this role so well he could play it in his sleep.
(1,406 posts)This is the correct take. Trump is a weirdo goofball racist without any impulse control.
John Shaft
(808 posts)racists are hard-wired for being racists. They cannot help themselves. It's a state of being.
Chump is gonna racist NO MATTER WHAT.
To decent people, Chump's diarrhea of the mouth is repellent and abhorrent.
(39,395 posts)displacedvermoter
(3,436 posts)And fewer and fewer people seem to be buying into that, and he didn't look like a genius yesterday, far from it!
(39,395 posts)Oh but one poster claimed just that.
(47,817 posts)Cha
(306,953 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)lindysalsagal
(22,454 posts)He's totally imbecilic.
(13,774 posts)Its just as much about disrupting the media coverage, and his racist attack was effective in diverting coverage from Democratic enthusiasm, record fund-raising, Kamalas youth vs his age, etc.
(38,001 posts)ecstatic
(34,602 posts)trump is a performer, a carnival barking con man.
In trump's mind, he "crushed it" yesterday.
(47,817 posts)
(122,015 posts)wiggs
(8,052 posts)media loves to ignore. It is who he is. The first journalist to ask a question gave a partial history of his racism, which is completely appropriate and refreshing. Context! Haven't seen any outlet say that the premise to her question was just scratching the surface
Just as when he looks at it as though he hasn't lied opposed to noting that it's not the first lie, it's the 48,327th lie and by now we should just assume that he's lying every time he speaks.
(8,052 posts)of misogyny, xenophobia, and homophobia have a close race.
(16,210 posts)Wednesdays
(20,328 posts)Just not as part of a strategy.
(15,698 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,490 posts)He barely qualifies as a mediocre checkers player.
(26,285 posts)about how people underestimate TSF. It is an excellent read. I forget where I saw it.
Found it, from The Guardian, a good read.
(26,039 posts)always say it is/was his strategy (and he is a great campaigner) versus that what he does or says - is just the ramblings of a very weird and dangerous man?
Why are people giving him more credit for yesterdays embarrassment he brought on to himself. Why don't they tell it like it is - he shot himself in his foot.
When Tr**p loses in November - it will be because he was himself - responsible for his own undoing.
(26,285 posts)read the article right above you.
(26,039 posts)I'll stick to my posted assessment!!!
(39,395 posts)I read OPs day after day from one particular poster declaring Trump a genius and today is no exception.
(9,997 posts)and he did. If it had not been there it would have been somewhere else, but that venue was perfect.
Kamala switched her race when it was convenient. No matter what he was asked he would have answered with that BS. It was his purpose for being there. JMO.
Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)and just let out every racist thought that came into his brain. He has the self control of a toddler who had too much sugar at a birthday party.
(113,131 posts)and every time that man opens his mouth, shit will pour out. He can't help it.. It's who and what he is and always has been. He was just able to control it well enough to do that gig as a "reality star."
No more, the filters are being disabled.
(24,906 posts)unplanned impulsive outbursts of his naked ID. So it's a weird mix of planned and totally spontaneous crap. Which is weirder by far than either a planned strategy and an uncontrollable flow of emotion and neuroses.
(71,475 posts)He's not a strategic thinker, but even if others around him are (and I see limited evidence of anything other than tactical thought), he's not able to stick to a plan.
So, even if there is a "strategy" (which again, I question), it doesn't matter.
Like Tyson said "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." In TFG's case, they have a plan until a microphone goes hot.
(12,635 posts)How Did this happen?
(71,475 posts)We had folks here promoting that notion yesterday.
I pushed back as there has never been evidence that's he's capable of strategic planning, let alone the discipline to stick to a plan.
He just went nuts and this is the result.
(306,953 posts)when it was put forward that TSF was doing it deliberately.. Some grand strategy. NFW
I said "GMAB"!
(2,818 posts)Shit and he did. Nothing special. Even the rude stuff, he's been doing that for years at press briefings.
Martin Eden
(13,775 posts)...He can be manipulated into self destructive behavior.
(90,893 posts) was immediately followed by a barrage of like tweets and other social media posts.
It looked coordinated. Not sure what the point is in deflecting blame or intention away from him.