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The VP nominee is a message about her priorities and what this race is about. With Tim Walz she is broadening her cultural and geographical reach in a big way.
She is swinging for the fences. For the people.

(5,856 posts)Abe FUN. And maybe we will really see a bold and exciting platform.
(7,934 posts)brewens
(15,359 posts)a 180-degree difference. It has to suck being on Trump's campaign. Going down, abuse, finger pointing, suspicion, all the great perks in his world!
Contrast that with the Harris crew. They went from having a chance with Joe but under a cloud to kicking ass and taking names!
I felt that in my working career. I worked commercial jobs where I delt with abusive bosses and customer to working for a blood center on blood drives. Blood donors are by default the nicest people to deal with. My territory included two universities. It was almost impossible to fail so we were always racking up good numbers. I'd go out and do that for free for a couple hours just for fun if they would let me now that I'm retired.
The moral may end up being the big difference.
(5,856 posts)a powerful contrast. JOY. Yes.
In an article I read a while ago Biden said about Walz "he's a blast" and his staffers said they'd never seen him in such a good mood. They were joking they needed to bring Walz around Biden often.
He and Kamala are going to bring that JOY back into people's lives.
(5,402 posts)Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)Walz can outreach to many voters the Democrats have had a hard time with.
(223 posts)reach some of the undecided, and even some that were going to vote Republican but aren't that attached to tRump.
(2,537 posts)his status as a native Nebraskan and an upper Midwesterner will have credibility in Omaha (1 electoral vote) and Wisconsin (10 votes).
Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)I don't think it will but it's nice to have a native son on the ticket. I bet he will campaign there and it will be a big deal for those folks in Nebraska.
(2,537 posts)Well stated.
Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)Now it's a matter of reaching out and I have no doubt that the Harris will do it, as will volunteers. People I know are talking about their kids being fired up.
(26,243 posts)Yep!
SO superior to fake hillbilly Vance! I so regret reading his book when it was being heralded...
Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)The guy really is just a tool - both in the pejorative sense and in that he is being used by the rich tech bros.
(27,870 posts)Unlike repuQs, we dont sulk and get butthurt when our favorite doesnt get picked.
(26,891 posts)He is fantastic in front of a microphone and camera.
Maybe we can now regain the narrative again?
I have been donating to ActBlue on my phone, is there a way to donate here to give DU credit? Is Omaha Steve the bag man?
(3,797 posts)PRESIDENT
Democratic Underground to elect Kamala Harris
(18,368 posts)BadgerMom
(3,127 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,415 posts)

(1,207 posts)Thanks OmahaSteve!
(31,320 posts)You're the best!
(35,055 posts)This contribution was made on August 6, 2024.
Please note that on your credit card statement this contribution will appear as one or more charges to ACTBLUE*KAMALA.HARRIS
via Democratic Underground Donate to elect Kamala Harris
Recipients (via Democratic Underground Donate to elect Kamala Harris)
Date Recipients Amount
2024-08-06 Kamala Harris $85.00
(281,693 posts)A happy progressive warrior
(7,934 posts)Tommymac
(7,334 posts)This is going to one hell of a Fall.
Got my 'drums' and Popcorn ready.
🌊 It's gonna be a blue wave, baby. 🌊
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Im not complaining.
(8,009 posts)murielm99
(31,745 posts)Thanks for posting.
(20 posts)Based on maps from 2020, as usual hanging crepe, neglecting all that has gone on since....MSNBC had all the folks who preferred Shapiro give their reasons.
(26,891 posts)If people can donate any amount it will send a message, now is the time.
I just donated with a 10% tip.
(1,206 posts)Knew nothing about him then he called Trump and Vance weird.
Hes got my vote!😈
(6,294 posts)not to mention the current chair of dem governors association. He balances out Harriss sharp prosecutorial demeanor. Even repubs can see that Walz is so much better than vance, they are VP jealous.
(1,207 posts)
(2,393 posts)Sergeant Majors get shit done. They are uniformly respected in the military by enlisted and officers alike, and they take no BS doing it.
(6,988 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)I like him, but it's not like there's an under-representation of straight white christian males in our government.....
(281,693 posts)mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 6, 2024, 03:49 PM - Edit history (1)
In 2006 I donated to Tim Walz. First time I donated directly to a candidate outside my state. He flipped a republican seat! Go Tim!!
(35,055 posts)that's how I knew Shapiro. It can be pretty dismal living in TX, so sometimes I donate out of state on races that look closer instead!
(3,688 posts)hibbing
(10,414 posts)Of course the Republicans were against this. Sorry for the crappy sound on this video, I think this was around the same time Huckabee was signing a bill to let children work.
Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)I had seen this video before but it's worth seeing again and again. That screenshot is something Dems can use too. What a great, genuine person he is. My idea of what a real man is.
(1,639 posts)I love that she picked someone who is a former social studies teacher of 20 years.
Silent Type
(8,631 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,961 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,415 posts)Can this guy be ANY cooler???
(I'd not be surprised if he had a YouTube vid about the correct use of jumper cables...maybe I'll search for it.)
(10,787 posts)in places like Minnesota and the Dakotas, and a lot of peeps there are still Lutheran/Catholic. They do remember such a thing as 'the liberal church', despite the roe decision and the hay that the right wing loons made out of it...a reminder from one of their own may be just the thing needed to finally put that orange fucker out of our body politic and into a federal prison.
(25,381 posts)It's mostly down to their Pro-Life views.
(35,055 posts)Trump is not. But this is probably what she needed to do. Good pick.
(40,321 posts)Walz will take a lot of MSM and Republican incoming for governing as an unapologetic progressive. Im sure VP Harris was hearing from people about the benefits of choosing a candidate perceived as more moderate. Kudos to her for going with Walz who has passed the same types of legislation she would like to enact on a federal level.
(35,055 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,321 posts)Nice to see you add vanilla though.
(35,055 posts)I guess that's why I don't see it as some big "bold" choice. These are the same guys who have been in charge of everything forever, at least in my world (I grew up in rural Wisconsin)
But I also see the value in the choice. And I support it - I've already donated this morning.
(91,504 posts)Maybe Kelly .
(40,321 posts)The CW also held that Shapiro was safer for his ability to guarantee PA. These were all very good options, too.
(2,408 posts)out there. (Though that's on me for reading comment sections.)
(3,797 posts)Hot pick to me, not vanilla.
And in January Minnesota gets an Native American woman as governor and a Black man as lieutenant.
(35,055 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 6, 2024, 02:52 PM - Edit history (1)
that's a big deal!
I had a History of Wisconsin class at UW that really focused on the the tribes that settled Wisconsin, not sure if Minnesota is similar? At any rate, very exciting!
(25,381 posts)Four Dakota Mdewakanton communities:
Prairie Island Indian Community
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Lower Sioux Indian Reservation
Upper Sioux Community Pejuhutazizi Oyate
Seven Anishinaabe reservations:
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Grand Portage Band of Chippewa
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
White Earth Band of Ojibwe - This is the nation that Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan belongs to.
Red Lake Band of Chippewa
(2,114 posts)2023-2024 Regular Session
State gets oversight over health care mergers, power to stop those contrary to the public interest
A new law requires the Department of Health to analyze all proposed sales or mergers of two hospitals or health care systems to determine whether they are in the public interest and stop them if they arent.
The law requires a health care entity with an average revenue of at least $80 million per year to notify the Health Department within 60 days of a proposed merger or sale and submit the details of the proposed transaction, which could not proceed without approval from the department.
(400 posts)I didn't dare to hope that there would be such a roar from decent Americans to counter the ugliness of Trump's hatred, but here it is. Big time Roar.
(1,213 posts)When Biden passed the torch to Harris. He simply added up right as her VP. I thought how fiery yet no-nonsense he was would balance out her urbane and iron-in-a-velvet-glove persona.
If this rumor is true, they will be a formidable team. Very tough to beat, because they are both dangerous to conservatives in different ways.
(15,013 posts)Luciferous
(6,384 posts)Passages
(2,114 posts)lostnfound
(16,874 posts)AdamGG
(1,633 posts)25 years as a Navy combat fighter pilot and astronaut seemed that it would have been the perfect complement to shore up perceptions about the first woman president. They probably didn't want to risk losing his Senate seat, but to me it seemed like the strongest choice.
Walz is good too though and I'm still psyched for the convention and to back this ticket. Hopefully, he's popular enough in neighboring Wisconsin to pull some more votes there.
(6 posts)This is so good to me I am absolutely giddy. Jim Walz is the opposition's poster boy for all that is good in America (White, male, midwest roots, Patriotic, bootstrapped, football and service to community). Yet he manifests it in a modern way that truly cares about people. They can't touch this. Bring on the debate with JD. I can't wait. Oh yeah, I echo the requests for donations today. It will send a signal. We see you. We raise you.
(14,415 posts)
(25,381 posts)
Tim is going to be a great VP!
(2,114 posts)Self Esteem
(1,973 posts)It's a good pick. A bold pick would have been Pete.
But this is a pretty conventional pick and that's okay. I really like Walz and think he's a great messenger.
Very similar to Biden in 2008.
(784 posts)from the Human Rights Campaign:
"I hope you heard the incredible news Vice President Kamala Harris selected Governor Tim Walz as her running mate! Just think what a Harris-Walz administration would mean for LGBTQ+ people!
Governor Tim Walz is a career-long champion for LGBTQ+ people. In 1999, as a history teacher and football coach, Walz sponsored his schools first gay-straight alliance student group. He opposed efforts to ban same-sex marriage in the Minnesota constitution. While serving in Congress, he co-sponsored legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, voted to repeal the discriminatory Dont Ask, Dont Tell law, voted for the Matthew Shepard/James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and introduced legislation to protect LGBTQ+ service members from discrimination in benefits. As Governor, Tim Walz signed an executive order banning the dangerous practice of conversion therapy in Minnesota.
And Kamala Harris has been our champion for decades. Together, she and Governor Walz would be an unstoppable force that would advance our rights and ensure our children have the future they deserve!"
(5,856 posts)Same year.
(10,414 posts)Groundhawg
(1,107 posts)seleff
(165 posts)Tim Walz really reminds me of the spirit of those two guys embodied in one of the most likable person imaginable. Now we can envision and celebrate an America where all of our children are truly above average!
(26,243 posts)well-balanced ticket!
Representation is so important..across the board!
(1,238 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 6, 2024, 02:15 PM - Edit history (1)
this wasn't a 'safe' pick but a progressive/brave one. Let's hope it pays off!
(51,079 posts)If that is the criteria, any of the choices that were supposedly on her list would be bold.
(4,920 posts)... them will help dilute the perceived "excess" progressiveness of the Duo of Light and Laughter
LFG !!
(727 posts)He is a great pick! I am just learning about him over the last couple of weeks and I have loved everything I've learned about him. He is a happy warrior, he is genuine and as Clara McCaskill said " He is who JD Vance pretends to be. " People are saying that Shapiro would help with Pennsylvania and he would have, but I think he still will. Shapiro is very popular in Pennsylvania at 61% approval rating and he will be campaigning for the ticket very hard like everyone will be. We all know what the stakes are...