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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThings I learned about Republicans at the County Fair...
I worked two shifts at a County Fair in Minnesota last night and this afternoon. Its a really red county, so running a Democratic booth takes a bit of courage. Ive worked before, and its usually pretty quiet. This year the A$$holes were out in full force. They are loud, they have no concept of personal space, and reek of superiority. I was called a murderer, told that I was going hell. One guy walked in and wanted to know if we had ever held a two day old baby, then went on a rant about after birth abortion🙀. Another crazy eyed lady informed us that Joe Biden had dementia and that he had taken millions of dollars from China, and how could we support Kamala because she must know about it.
Today, a man came in raving about abortion, I asked him if he thought abortion was murder, he agreed, and then I asked if he thought we needed laws to make sure no more children were murdered, and he agreed, I then said he must be in favor of gun control to prevent murder of school kids. Honest to god, he said who is killing school kids? I brought up Sandy Hook and Uvalde
.he said that was fake news. He started walking away and told me that God would judge me and send me to hell. I said, Ill see you there. The last guy came marching in with his son, about 13 or 14, and again, he picked the smallest woman there and got in her face and wanted her to name one thing that the Biden - Harris administration had done that was good. She replied that just recently Biden has negotiated to lower drug prices for 10 Drugs. They both laughed and said those drugs were just for old people and didnt amount to squat. Again he asked and the gal said I just told you. He was getting agitated and I finally got up and stepped in between him and the gal and got real close to him. Im 66, and towered over him. He said Back off, Im not intimidated by you, Im ex military. You touch me, youre dead. I replied, Thank you for your service. Now get the hell out of here. He replied, Im exercising my First Ammendment right of speech. I replied, And Im expressing my right to tell you to take your bullshit somewhere else He finally left, grumbling.
These people are living in a different reality. Brainwashed
We talked afterward about why these people think they have the gravitas to confront like they do. Perhaps they see the walls closing in and fear is driving this behavior. I know this got long, had to vent!

(162,357 posts)it always amazed me when repukes wondered why Dems weren't out there in "BIDEN GEAR" - because WE'RE NOT A FUCKING CULT!!!
(70,748 posts)Ishoutandscream2
(6,746 posts)They know they are losing. And all they have left is openly antagonizing and expressing their anger. I want to believe that deep down, they know that theyve been on the wrong side of history. Perhaps Im giving them too much credit.
(4,126 posts)And they are scared to have to compete on merit against a larger cohort. It's an inferority complex. All the corporate news is disasters, crime and fear.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)LittleGirl
(8,591 posts)Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)mamacita75
(155 posts)omg!! LOL!!! Too funny.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)oasis
(52,071 posts)total waste of time.
(2,818 posts)Easterncedar
(3,951 posts)Last edited Sun Aug 18, 2024, 04:16 PM - Edit history (1)
Maybe someone confused them describing the afterbirth? As in the placenta? Which some people do, I am told, eat. So cannibals.
Maybe I should have suggested sarcasm. But The Mango Mussolini has apparently confused asylum seekers with escapees from mental asylums.
(4,723 posts)Like when Kennedy r Louisiana asks if the person he's grilling believes in abortion at birth. Does he realize that abortion is terminating a pregnacy and so is birth terminating a pregnancy. So what the hell is he asking? Is he asking if the person supports murdering an infant that has been born already? Like Obama says there is already a law covering that. It's called murder and that is not the same as late term abortion.
(40,915 posts)Republicans are in favor of killing living babies and have done so.
Pro-life to conservatives/republicans is a myth.
The supposed pro-lifers cared naught when the state of Texas (republican gov, republican Prez) deliberately killed living baby Sun Hudson against the mother's wishes because he was an inconvenience to the state.
It is not a matter of life to the supposed pro-lifers.
It is a matter of control.
(18,114 posts)Chronology
Hudson gave birth to a son with an unknown father on September 25, 2004, at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Houston, Texas, with thanatophoric dysplasia, a typically fatal form of congenital dwarfism. She was informed that the infant was most likely unable to survive, and should have his breathing tube removed pursuant to Chapter 166 of the Texas Health & Safety Code, the Advance Directives Act. Under this act, a doctor's recommendations to withdraw medical treatment can be followed, after they have been reviewed by the hospital's ethics committee and after 10 days' notice is given to the patient or guardian. Hudson was given 10 days from written notice to find a new facility to accommodate the infant, but was unable to do so. Texas Children's Hospital states that it attempted to contact 40 facilities without finding a willing one.
Legal delays prevented the removal of the breathing tube, which would have occurred on November 28, 2004, but a judge ruled that the removal of the tube did not require Hudson's agreement. On March 15, 2005, Texas Children's Hospital personnel removed the breathing tube. Official reports state that he was sedated, and asphyxiated in under a minute. Hudson disputes this, and told reporters, who were not permitted entrance, "I wanted y'all to see my son for yourself, so you could see he was actually moving around. He was conscious."
The hospital lacked confidence in Hudson's mental competence; she was quoted by The Dallas Morning News as saying that she didn't seek prenatal care "because I trusted in the Sun", which she claimed fathered the baby. She also made similar comments during an interview with Greta Van Susteren.[2]
(3,868 posts)Pro Choice Republicans (Kay Bailey Hutchison, Christine Todd Whitman ) but theyre gone now.
(1,342 posts)Meadowoak
(6,409 posts)To infant hospice, when the Drs know the infant won't live more than a few days and they keep them comfortable and allow them to die.
(6,009 posts)There is nothing left to abort.
(14,004 posts)Babies who are born, but won't survive due to congenital organ failure or fatal birth defects like encephalocele.
Babies who are very much wanted, but will die within hours or possibly months in agony.
The parents and doctors make the decision to not make heroic efforts, but to keep the baby in comfort until it passes naturally, or some miracle happens.
Republicans conveniently ignore situations like Sun Hudson's, where hospitals in Red, "pro- life" states are allowed to pull feeding or breathing tubes if the parents have no insurance or can't pay, and refuse to take the baby home to die after a certain amount of time.
But it's apparently Baby Murder to not waste hospital money and resources to keep a baby alive until a specious time or cost level is reached, if the parents can't come up with the money for long term heroic measures.
The parents and the baby must
Suffer through the fatal birth defect, because the Christo-fascist God made it happen for a reason.
(4,429 posts)
.he picked the smallest woman to get in her face
Wonder why, they always pick the smallest woman and not a man or large woman?
(6,639 posts)Not a small woman but stupid is as stupid does! (Forest Gumps mom)
(5,126 posts)are the best targets for bullying.
(85,353 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,415 posts)smaller person. Every time.
(3,429 posts)My guess is far western or Southwestern Minnesota.
(4,429 posts)Glaisne
(560 posts)The lot of them. That's what happens when all you listen to is right wing media, and there's not a single progressive radio station for miles and miles. Very sad what is being done to these people.
(994 posts)for your service!
(5,349 posts)Welcome to DU.
(35,728 posts)don't be fooled by a low post count.
my anniversary is around thanksgiving and this year it will be 20 years for me.
the op has been here a month longer than i have!
(5,349 posts)
(3,494 posts)The goal is political power. But people recognize the truth when they hear it, especially when people share their personal stories. They cannot win a good-faith argument. They can't support their argument with facts. If the truth is heard it is believed, especially when your personal story about why this is so important to you is shared.
That makes us powerful, and therefore they work hard to demoralize us.
Maybe it's sucking us into what we think is a conversation with the hope of having the other person become at least somewhat open to our point of view. Instead, the other just moves to another argument once you effectively counter one of theirs. That's to waste your time and wear you down.
They create chaos and also flood the zone with sh*t, like you've probably seen in videos of school board meetings, to intimidate and try to get you to give up.
Trouble Nation | Red Wine & Blue has a great training video on how to deal with harassment. Just watched it today and took lots of notes.
(64,849 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,832 posts)I'm to the point that anyone who supports trump identifies with a criminal. There is no way they could ever be trusted with anything.
(64,849 posts)Maybe they didn't start out as racist fuckheads, but they've supported a racist fuckhead through three elections, so at this point the difference is insignificant.
(11,756 posts)Mariana
(15,404 posts)When I say it's a cult, I am not speaking figuratively. These crazy beliefs that they hold are religious beliefs. They believe these things on faith alone, because they sure don't have evidence for any of it. People who don't believe as they do are heretics. People who speak against Trump are blasphemers. Etc. It is literally a cult.
(1,664 posts) kill a newborn child. I mean, where in the hell would they get that weird information?
(3,213 posts)chouchou
(1,664 posts) do the unthinkable. On the other hand, why do I think that the far-right actually cares about people?
(85,353 posts)travelingthrulife
(1,741 posts)kerry-is-my-prez
(9,640 posts)PlanetBev
(4,283 posts)Ive manned tables before. Sooner or later, somebodys gonna get in your face.
(186 posts)We are at the end stage of Ronald Reagan's legacy - ending the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. If it hadn't been eradicated, Rush on the radio, Fox News and a host of other vile liberal hate porn would not have come to pass (or would have at least been delayed). But after more than 30 years of being allowed to choose their closed minded reality, Conservatives have been transformed into these barely recognizable beings.
(52,266 posts)is what I have been saying for years.
The Grand Illuminist
(1,768 posts)The KKK would have the right to equal time. That is the last thing we want.
(22,486 posts)We're better off not requiring mindless talking points from "both sides."
(186 posts)I understand what you're saying. However, America existed with the Fairness Doctrine for decades and that scenario didn't happen. The key was always to put pressure on the network. They all knew that if they allowed one to happen, they would be REQUIRED to allow the reverse opinion to be stated. Technically, Rush could have had his show during the era of the Fairness Doctrine. But if it aired on any station/network, the provider would be required to free up the same amount of time for the opposing side. Nobody was going to take that risk. That was the beauty of it.
(1,451 posts)This is the result of years and years of the mental poisoning of our citizens by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It is so sad. These people don't have any clue how brainwashed they are.
KS Toronado
(20,958 posts)He said no of course, so I asked " Then why in hell would you vote one to be President over you"?
" Go ahead don't be scared, talk into that smart phone trump lies"!
Mike Niendorff
(3,588 posts)And Trump has groomed them aggressively to be more and more paranoid and more and more violent.
This isn't an aberration, it's a warning sign of much worse things to come if they are not stopped cold.
(113,131 posts)Chamber of Commerce hearty handshake and say "I'd heard god was dead, but I hadn't heard you got the job! Congratulations!"
They can't get away fast enough.
For the rest of it, I ask them who told them a stupid thing like that, whatever stupid thing they've said. It completely wrong foots them and I can make my own escape while they struggle to reboot.
Or if I'm pressed for time or just in pain and having a bad day, I'll laugh and walk away twiddling my index finger next to my temple.
Plus, goofing on them is better than wanting to punch their lights out because trying to beat some sense into those people is just never going to work. Fighting their way back from a cult is their job. For all our sakes, I hope TFG buggers off the national stage soon and that there is no one to take his place. Fortunately, all their other rising stars have even less appeal than JD does, and his is in negative territory.
The most hopeful sign, IMO, is that Limbaugh has stayed dead.
(85,353 posts)The biggest and most poisonous irritant is no more.
No more!!!
Limbaugh was a cancer on the American body politic.
Theres a true joy for me to speak AND think of him in the past tense. Ding dong the demons dead. Best thing he ever did for us all.
(18,114 posts)They just don't stay dead-and-gone.
(113,131 posts)but no one had the national reach and schoolyard bully persuasiveness that he achieved.
Nasty gasbags come and go. Few last 30+ years with a cult of faithful listeners, most have smaller audiences of shorter duration. His listeners never thought the barrage of middle school taunts and insults was getting stale.
Look at TFG for the difference. He's getting stale and predictable, even as he continues to get more off the wall with his lies and conspiracy theories.
That is why I will continue to be very, very grateful Limbaugh has stayed dead.
(92,489 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,481 posts)Having done many shifts at the Olmsted Country Fair over the years at the DFL booth as well as the Women's Expo in October, I would come across ignorant people. When Barack Obama was POTUS, I remember a teenager came by the DFL booth and did a pantomine of one holding a rifle. I would get assholes in my face as well. One woman who was really nasty, tried to bully her way. I said to her, "You want to go back to the time of having no personal rights, a baby every year, no job and educational prospects, and constant despair, be my guest. I have no time for you." The sad thing often times, it was women under 35 with several kids in tow spouting Republican talking points.
Often I remember angry people trying to bully me about abortion, etc. My questions back to them would catch them off guard. I guess I was "too educated" for them. When people would throw scripture at me, I would reply with Scripture back. That angered them more.
Now I live in Hennipen County at a Senior Living facility. There are some Republicans here. Some know where I stand on issues, others know I am a Grandma not to be messed with. I shoot from the hip and am direct. I am not out to win popularity contests with these people. They want to vote for the MAGAt party, that is their choice.
(18,114 posts)Keep on keeping on!
(15,124 posts)Red county, blue state. Ive had some good experiences and some bad. Not sure what to expect this time but Magats gonna Magat. The year the Tea Party had a booth was fun. I refuse to be intimidated.
(18,114 posts)Altho I know these numbers are just numbers, I think they also convey some of who we are.
(15,124 posts)Im not exactly prolific. . Ive been here a long time so Im kind of a slacker.
(33,001 posts)in reality they don't know anything.
(1,294 posts)I would probably be in the news - and not in a good way.
Glad that you could endure.
Truthfully, thank you for your service.
[not sarcasm].
(51,061 posts)I'm from Iowa but have spent some time up there.
I suspect they are lashing out because they know they are losing.
(115 posts)Douglas County, red as they come.
(51,061 posts)I've done some work in and around Alex.
Beautiful scenery though.
(28,710 posts)(my cousin lives in Alexandria & sent me the link).
It was very good & nice to now there is such an active DFL group in that area.
(6,348 posts)We understand that trying to argue with them is pointless, so they think they can treat us this way and get away with it.
(115 posts)We had several people come into the booth wanting Harris-Walz yard signs. Almost every one of them said four years ago they were afraid to put up signs. Not this time. Theyve had it, to hell with the fear. I think Kamala and Walz have given them the courage to fight back!
(87,121 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,929 posts)dalton99a
(87,121 posts)
I took a trip to Trump country. It was more bleak than I could have imagined
By Soleil Ho, Opinion Columnist & Cultural Critic
Aug 17, 2024
Recent polls show a decline in support for Donald Trump among many voters after Vice President Kamala Harris dramatic emergence as this years Democratic presidential nominee. That includes key swing states like North Carolina and Georgia, where Trump, once the favorite to win the election, is now tied with Harris. In swing states, many white working-class voters, who had been a reliable source of support for the GOP, have switched over to Harris. And her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, has been working double-time to win swing state votes.
But even in a reliably blue state like Illinois, you wouldnt know it from walking around the county fairgrounds.
(13,433 posts)There are downstate islands of sanity but not as many as you might think. That has been the political reality for a long time. The Illinois GOP has been a long term mess and the orange pendejo has made it worse.
(60 posts)For doing this They want to intimidate us and it isnt working anymore. Life for them will be harder than they ever imagined!
(2,818 posts)and likely will never be attempted, but we know that they can't stand being ridiculed or looked at as fools.
If there are at least two of you in the booth, what if you agreed ahead of time that when they come in there with their bullshit, you start with a look at each other and a smile and soft chuckle and no response. They get mad. You laugh a bit more, do not speak. They get madder. You guffaw, start holding your finger up with the "just a minute, give me a minute" while whooping, both of you. Then settle down with an "Oh my god" from laughing so hard. If they are still there (and, say, haven't punched you (maybe have a third person there with a camera...), apologize, ask what were they saying, and then it all starts again from a small chuckle.
Yeah...could be dangerous, but could be fun and effective.
Or don't.
(12,604 posts)Pushing back usually makes them step back. They see us as weak. I refuse to let them bully me! Good for you for doing the same.
(24,429 posts)I have found over the years, that when confronted by a bully that expects you to step back, step in and get in their face instead. They back up.
I'm 5'6".
(37,587 posts)The Grand Illuminist
(1,768 posts)Sooner or later they are gonna take the chance so might as well give preventative medicine.
(11,236 posts)Because I HAVE SEEN A TWO DAY OLD BABY.
I have also seen babies born with any one of the many grossly deformed anomalies, that should NOT have been carried to term, endangering the life of the mother.......There is a medical book that is basically a glossary of these things, along with color photos to show the anomaly.......
(17,497 posts)it's another to find the smallest person you can and begin to berate them with your fantasies.
(13,511 posts)My daughter is afraid Ill get punched someday. In that case, I hope theyre rich.
Back when John Kerry was running I was manning our small dem headquarters in the evenings, usually alone. One night when I was locking up I noticed that someone(s) had written Baby Killers on the front windows. That was the last time it was manned alone and after that cameras were placed out on the premises. They came another night and they were identified as two unknown women. Someone said they thought one was from the cuckoo Baptist church. There are two Baptist churches in town.. one is friendly/normal, the other is not.
I dont think much was done about it. But I always had a creepy feeling working there late after dark.
(4,386 posts)You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.
I live in a very red county in TN, and I put out my political signs. But I would never have the guts to put myself out in a booth for the Democratic party.
(211 posts)and post everywhere on social media all the do is prove their own stupidity
(40,915 posts)Many children having babies Babies having babies
It is graphic, sickening and heart-breaking:
A 12 y/o holding her teddy bear or dolly while giving birth.
(7,462 posts)If you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will believe it's the truth.
These folks are willfully ignorant & detached from reality. It makes them extremely gullible.
I really don't understand why they allow themselves to be controlled & used as puppets by rich & powerful propaganda producers, why don't they think for themselves? It's a question that I frequently ask MAGAts.
(1,638 posts)Woodwizard
(1,119 posts)We asked people walking by if they were registered to vote most said yes a few came in to get in to get registration forms. Some said yes but not voting for democrats.
Now we get to the stereotype, almost all that walked by that said stupid shit were white men in groups of 3 or more in their late 30's on up.
Much more women approached our both and engaged positively. A 15 year old boy and girl stopped by and said they wished they could vote and hoped it would not be too late for them to vote in the future.
Some that stopped by were hopeful and terrified at the same time. I have to say I feel the same.
The level of public engagement was much higher than last year at the fair.
(5,452 posts)why they feel the gravitas to comfront the way they do:
Im not convinced they think theyre losing because the Menace tells them theyre winning, and if they believe the after-birth abortion insanity, and all the other crazy, just because he tells them, then they believe himm when he says theyre winning.
I think they act that way because the Menace gave them permission to, encourages it. They;re bonded with him when they do.
What an awful experience.
Xavier Breath
(5,388 posts)In the Republican tent there was a large cutout of Trump that you could take a picture with, as well as t-shirts for sale with his mugshot on it. Clearly no adults were in charge there. I stopped and talked with the Democrats for a bit, this was before Walz had been announced, and we debated the obvious candidates. They offered me some yard signs, but I had to decline and told them I wouldn't feel comfortable displaying them with all the dipshits about. I credited them for their courage in our red county and wished them well.
PS: this thread title would be a good title for a Dr. Seuss book
(6 posts)We worked fair in red county in WI. Was on day of Trump's assassination attempt. Went well at beginning. Kids had interesting questions. One dork asked me what I had to say about Biden's age. I asked him what he had to say about Trump's age and crazy ramblings about sharks. Told him politely to leave. Had drunk harass friend later on. Parade a few weeks later went well. Lots of cheers. One bozo shouted Kamala will kill us all. I laughed at him. Lots of gloomy MAGATs, lots more happy joyful liberals. One guy even ran out and asked for a sign. Wish us well in WI or help us out. You can easily sign up to phone canvas or come to WI to knock on doors. We need all hands on deck.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)green light and kudos for being the biggest a-holes they can be cuz you're "owning" the "libtards". Thanks for 40 years Rush. Wish you had choked on your Drumpf award, which was disgusting.
I seriously don't know how you can do it. I'd get hauled off.
(10,918 posts)FOX and its regular viewers are perhaps the most insidious and destructive force we face as a nation. The rest of the right-wingnut media, conspiracy insanity, white nationalist growth in social media, worship of fascist murderers, and on and on, all flow from almost three decades of FOX.
I have seen smart, reasonable, sane people lose their minds when they start watching FOX.
Twenty years ago, my partner's mother moved to Florida. This is a woman with an amazing background. She went to law school and passed the NJ bar when that was an incredibly rare thing for a woman. In younger days she was on a roller derby team. She and her husband were active in there local Democratic Club (when there were such things).
Around 2005, something strange started happening. She would say the most off the wall things. Like that unions had destroyed the economy. Like that social safety nets killed ambition and had created a snowballing cycle of poverty
I was floored. My partner (Senator here on DU til his death in 2011) figured it out instantly. He said, you watch FOX down there, don't you? The answer was yes, everyone did.
We had many, many conversations about it. Implored her to stop watching that shit. I don't think she ever did. It was a sort of binding force in their community. She just stopped parroting the crap when we were around to avoid the lengthy, heated, conversations that followed.
Since that time, FOX and its viewer have only gotten more and more extreme to the point that a book like Unhumans, the far far, far, right dystopian nightmare of how fascism can save the world from the progressive Unhumans --a book that glorifies Franco and Pinochet - is blurbed by a Vice Presidential candidate, a former president's son, and others prominent voices you'll find on a mainstream network watched by millions.
These people aren't stupid. They are victims of a highly ubiquitous, sophisticated, and effective propaganda campaign that began with soulless right-wingnuts like Rush Limbaugh on the radio.
I don't have an answer. But I do know that name calling and stereotyping "them" as all idiots just exacerbates the problem. Feeling hated by the people they call "them" only binds them together more and powers their hatred for us.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)
(24,429 posts)Glad you're on our side.
(6 posts)I've actually been on DU for years. Has saved my sanity especially through Trump presidency having a community of people who have my same views. I've been here reading every day for almost as long as DU has been around. I rely on this site to tell me the real on the ground political stories in real time. My sense is that team Biden did make a politically savvy decision by stepping
out right after Republican convention. If you've watched team Biden carefully, they've pulled some amazing one two punches to team Trump and this one best yet. Yes, it was unexpected how we reacted and a huge risk but they read the tea leaves correctly. It was a real gut punch to the Republicans and I don't think Team Biden/Kamala are done yet. There are enough people on both sides who do not want Trump to win. It'll be a scary, nail biting, crazy ride to the election. Let's do all we can to push all Democrats all the way down the line in every state no matter how red . The fever may be breaking especially with women and the young. OMG, I remember the days of Trump boat parades, pizza gate, the lies they spread and are still spreading. It's still here. Obviously. Still cold stare hatred from the MAGAT crowd but as you said, they're running scared right now. Some befuddled. Some hesitating. Don't even try and argue with a MAGAT but there are those Republicans who just can't stomach it anymore. To give you hope. Overheard a Republican say I will vote for Peewee Herman, and I know he's dead, before I'd vote for Donald Trump.
The Wizard
(13,091 posts)I have two responses. I'm hard of hearing and make them keep raising their voices until they're exhausted, that or In perfect English I tell them I don't speak English. No point in engaging with them. It's akin to pissing into the wind.
C Moon
(12,735 posts)My girlfriend and I decided to go on some of the rides. One of them was a haunted house or something where you get into a cart, and it moves you through (like Disneyland). There were two skinny white guys working the ride, I heard them talking and they had extreme hick accents. I'm guessing the fair rides travel across the country? So they were from Tennessee, it sounded to me.
We climbed into a cart, and the couple ahead of us was moving in their cart into the ride. They were a black couple. One of the ride attendants was glaring at them as they went past him. The guy putting people into the carts said, "Patience, Bobby" (I don't recall his name, though). "Patience."
He continued glaring until the cart was inside the ride.
I've never gone to another fair after that.
Kid Berwyn
(19,442 posts)followed by 9 of nonstop Trumputin will turn many an idiot into a NAZI, especially boys.
(1,162 posts)Its much appreciated. I hope you had some favorable interactions with some good people.
(7,482 posts)MLAA
(18,998 posts)Well done with the asshole.
(7 posts)Isn't it nice? We can better grasp the type of scumbag who longs for the return of fat trump, so he can set up his dictatorship-for-life. Screw the First (and many other) Amendment(s)! More and greater tax cuts for Billionaires! Close alliances with Putin, Orban', Xi, Kim and any other world-class despot who captures fat trump's fleeting fancy! Proud Boys deputized to patrol the streets, to assure the proper behaviour and submission to the glory of fat trump! Roaming Military troops (properly vetted for harboring the "correct" Ideology, of course) to quell any signs of protest against, or disagreement with, his glory fat trump! Keeping women and all those pesky dark-skinned people in their proper places! Christianity for all! And SO much more to which we can look forward!! We will Make Amerika Great Again!! Sieg Heil MAGA!!
(11 posts)These people have been conditioned for almost the last 30 years that their cause is righteous, anyone who opposes them is morally wrong, and must be annihilated. That justifies these rude confrontations as well as political violence. It has culminated in acts like Jan. 6, and manifestos like Project 2025.