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Democrats look to seize the high ground on freedom and patriotismRob Schofield
(Michigan Advance) The national presidential race has undergone a sudden and striking overhaul in recent weeks. President Joe Bidens decision to turn the reins of the Democratic Party over to Vice President Kamala Harris has sparked a remarkable resurgence of energy and enthusiasm amongst voters who generally support the policies of the past four years but felt strongly that it was time for Biden to exit the stage.
But another important factor in the newfound Democratic unity and enthusiasm that extends beyond the handoff (and that could play an important role in the 10 weeks that remain between now and Election Day) involves two matters of substance.
The issues are freedom and patriotism.
For many years, the American political right has done a skillful job of seizing these issues and making them their own. Much of this success was about labeling see, for example, the ultra-conservative and misnamed House of Representatives Freedom Caucus but some of it was real and substantive.
And so it was, as Susan J. Demas of the Michigan Advance noted in a recent column, that Democrats in Chicago last week embraced a muscular, liberal patriotism, from breaking into spontaneous U-S-A! chants to filling the hall with a sea of American flags during key speeches. .............(more)

(16,421 posts)GQP yelled the loudest for same but never really did mean it.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,179 posts)Hotler
(12,636 posts)BoRaGard
(3,924 posts)make no mistake. The G.O.P. is at war against the core American values; and tries to substitute Greed is Good, and Lies are Truth. They are counting on Americans being SUCKERS AND LOSERS for their BS once again. But no.
(12,101 posts)I know there will be multiple TSF bumper stickers.
LT Barclay
(2,817 posts)Which part?
The war against labor and the poor in general
The fight against civil rights
The wanton destruction of the environment
The unfettered greed
Gulf Wars for oil
Destabilizing the Middle East
Never won a war
Which part was patriotic? Please let me know.
(13,663 posts)"Meanwhile, when one of the chief substantive policy divides between the modern left and right revolved around taxes and business regulation, it was easy for champions of laissez faire economics to claim the 'freedom' moniker as their own."
(5,612 posts)They are not doing enough to call out Dump's crimes. The streaming platforms are flowing red with his Pac's bullshit all day. The Dems need to step up the anti bs and you don't do it by singing Kumbaya.
(314 posts)have always held patriotism and love of country in our hearts. Quiet and determined. We don't wear it on our sleeves like the right wing grifters do for show.