it occurred to me it might be just another hard-right conspiracy hustle again, and remembered how much of his adult life has been involved in government conspiracies, and finally bailed.
It didn't occur to me immediately, as they kept referring to the complete absence of any serious effort made by corporate media to do respectable investigation after swallowing sketchy, insufficient stuff from government sources at every step instead.
After Jones' face started swimming before my eyes I felt maybe I'd sit the rest of it out.
It really hooked me, at the beginning, as I always felt so much more was needed, myself, and I felt it was a mistake to move swiftly to execute that strange bomber, and I do feel they should have pursued it all much more deeply.
Right wingers always do start screeching, however, that they are being persecuted politically, just as they always have, with their red-baiting since the 1950's. Anyone who doesn't defer to them instinctively has to be a "commie."
I started balking because . . . . too much Alex Jones! (I am a little curious if any interesting points were made after I left.)