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The GOP is a terrorist organization.
I live in a "swing state," the only place where any votes seem to count according to people who defend the electoral college.
My daughter is a county clerk; she is in charge of handling elections for a large county in Michigan.
The FBI came in and told her to shut down all her social media, and if she couldnt, to remove all references to family and change her name.
No one in her office is allowed to open any mail without gloves and a mask. They have armed security when they enter and leave the city building. They receive 2-3 letters a day filled with white powder (so far, flour or powdered sugar).
Please dont think weve got this under control. There is LITERALLY a war going on, quietly, waged by domestic terrorists, to take away your right to have your voice heard.
This woman, who I cant name because her life is in danger, goes into combat every single day to try to protect your right to have your voice heard!
Dont let her down.
Link to tweet

(17,497 posts)But, really, what have we become? It's difficult to wrap your head around just how goddamn out of control people are. There needs to be a reckoning. And I think once, we get through the next few weeks, it's going to come. Peace
(3,803 posts)But I'd be so proud of her if she was. These people are so brave.
At least the FBI is protecting them.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)...the fbi is only suggesting ways for them to protect themselves.
(5,343 posts)Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)....about stopping this kind of thing in it's tracks.
Over the past 8 years that trumpers have watched this type of thing go unprosecuted and become normalized and basically safe to do, they are only getting bolder and more hateful.
(5,343 posts)The DOJ really has been seemingly absent for 4 years. It's one of things that has made me more and more nervous.
(7,752 posts)Looks like this is only on Twitter, so could be false information.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)....about all these terrorists (that's what it is) being arrested or prosecuted.
Maybe that might make people think twice about doing this kind of thing, don't ya think garland?
....oh, gaaarrrrland? Are you there?
(3,213 posts)AloeVera
(2,332 posts)
Yeah, maybe all he needed was just one good night's sleep.

(3,213 posts)No one picked up that I had sleep apnea until 1998 a decade and a half later. Girlfriend said I turned cyanotic and she was pounding on my chest to wake me. Got a study and I've slept much better since.
I have a ResMed AirSense 10 and use nasal pillows, not a mask. Been reliable and no recalls like Phillips. I won't even consider Phillips when I comes time to replace it after 5 years.
(2,332 posts)I have ResMed too but time for an upgrade.
But I hate CPAP. Only use it when I notice I'm getting more bonkers.
Some people here might say that explains a lot. Hey, I can laugh at myself at least.
(3,958 posts)When the did my home test they found out I was having 60 incidents a night. Just had my yearly check in 3 weeks ago. Down to like a half incident a night. I pop out of it much quicker.
(3,213 posts)I still resent not knowing for that long...who knows the health problems that caused me.
(12,167 posts)as at March 2024 there had been 20 arrests and prison sentences up to 3 1/2 years, and no doubt more since then.
Reported by WaPo.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Next he'll be arresting steven miller for jaywalking!
We're safe!
(Thank goodness for Marc Elias and the American Bar Association Election Task Force.)
(12,167 posts)you cannot even concede that it is actually happening when you are writing a post saying it was not happening at all.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Bev54
(12,167 posts)Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)...the complete lack of any meaningful action by the doj to stop and deter the most dangerous threats our nation has ever faced.
(Again, thank goodness for the pro-bono, volunteer civilian attorneys doing the work our exalted Attorney General should be doing.)
(12,167 posts)to be fact checkers, like we do for republicans. If you are tempted to blurt out your opinions do some research first, it helps keep this site a place where people can come for truth not someone's alternative facts.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts) post clearly says I haven't seen many reports, there doesn't need to be any fact-checking, because I haven't seen many reports.
Your lie that I stated there were NO arrests is just that, a lie.
Thank you for your input.
(12,167 posts)Maybe "think again".
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Bev54
(12,167 posts)especially when it comes to Garland.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)...there were no arrests when what I clearly said was that I haven't seen many reports of arrests (it's right there in reply #3 for all to see).
And now you're doublng down on that lie.
(51,058 posts)

(7,393 posts)Stupid is eternal. Sucks, but there ya go.
(51,058 posts)Now they are the mainstream of the party
(13,773 posts)He focused it and poured gasoline on it, but the underpinnings of Trumpism were baked into the Republican party for quite a few years before Trump came down the escalator and entered politics. This is why it's important for voters to understand that keeping Republicans out of power at all levels of government is the best way forward.
(67,654 posts)some mental health intervention. They are full of hate.
(9,640 posts)It takes an open mind to want to receive counseling.
(13,538 posts)Don Jr doesnt have "IT" & neither does Vance.
The MAGA base will splinter with MANY conmen trying to take the mantle
(8,251 posts)Trinity Broadcasting on steroids?
(85 posts)I've been in a position where I had my life threatened and received hate mail. It's scary. Your daughter is an exceptional woman. Give her a hug and thank her for all of us. I continue to pray and send good thoughts to her and all election workers.
(39,907 posts)If this were true there would be corroboration by now by our more trustworthy media.
Gov Whitmer or her SoS would at least acknowledge such a serious problem.
Just my opinion, but I will consider tweets by unknowns that instill fear in general, and fear about violence, to be disinformation.
(3,938 posts)News outlets would be all over this, the top ladies in charge in Michigan are smart, tough and a great asset to our state. Governor Whitmer, SOS Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel. I have not seen a mention of this anywhere but this post on X.
(39,907 posts)
(3,213 posts)
(32,701 posts)Cut and paste with no reference or forwarded crazy stories with no reference. My dad was RW so, there were emails about the "terror of Obamacare".
So an elected official in a large county was forced to shut down their social media or change their name by the FBI? County Clerks are elected and visible.
Has the FBI ever told an elected official to shut down their social media or change their name?
(39,907 posts)when the FBI processes people into the Witness Protection Program. That's it.
(32,701 posts)Maybe there was a "death staged" and we never knew about it? LOL
(39,907 posts)I don't recall any witnesses that have been elected, because they have to be in a court of law, and I can't remember if we've seen any federal court testimony by elected officials. IIRC, there might have been one in the New York case where trump was found guilty of 34 felonies.
According to Gerald Shur, who created the federal program, about 95% of witnesses in the program are "criminals". They may be intentional criminals, or people who are doing business with criminals, such as one engineer who bought off a mayor "'because that's how you do business in the city.' In his mind, he wasn't doing anything criminal," Shur said. A witness who agrees to testify for the prosecution is generally eligible to join the program, which is entirely voluntary. Witnesses are permitted to leave the program and return to their original identities at any time, although this is discouraged by administrators.[13]
In both criminal and civil matters involving protected witnesses, the U.S. Marshals cooperate fully with local law enforcement and court authorities to bring witnesses to justice or to have them fulfill their legal responsibilities.[2]
The program is highly secretive in order to ensure the safety of its participants. The leaking or sharing of information on these participants is taken seriously. A former federal law enforcement officer, John Thomas Ambrose, was convicted in 2009 of leaking information about a federal witness in the Witness Protection Program, Chicago Outfit hitman Nicholas Calabrese.[14][15][16][17]
(3,803 posts)
(6,060 posts)I'm not so sure they are only domestic terrorists.
I'm sure there are Russian cells here....
(16,953 posts)peppertree
(22,850 posts)They want the Latin dictatorship model of governance (but with a lot less Spanish).
(39,907 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,548 posts)ArkansasDemocrat1
(3,213 posts)But him and Pryor were okay.
(17,548 posts)spell of the KKK and christian nationalism.
(3,213 posts)Last edited Tue Oct 1, 2024, 05:07 PM - Edit history (1)
But they're definitely back. Lookit she-Faubus's shenanigans and the rest - we're already back to the bad parts of the 50s. The old sundown towns like Mena...we won't travel thru them at night.
Response to FelineOverlord (Original post)
Emile This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,526 posts)Today is Oct. 1st.
The only reason why any "FBI" would come into some facility is with a warrant (search/seizure/arrest) for an alleged crime
That "X" sounds like a pile of bullshit.
States are in charge of elections, NOT the federal government.
(39,907 posts)LeftInTX
(32,701 posts)Since when does the FBI come in and tell an elected official to delete their social media or change their name?
Sounds fake to me!
"Where's our county clerk?"
"She disappeared"
(6,758 posts)and would like to know what county this is.
Response to DownriverDem (Reply #24)
ArkansasDemocrat1 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(38,978 posts)Biglinda 52
(100 posts)is that the judges and poll watchers and election clerks are your neighbors. These people just want to see the democratic process that has worked so long in this country continue to be a success. They get paid a pittance to put in those long hours at the polling places on election day. They should be thanked and not threatened.
(281,617 posts)Rec
Response to FelineOverlord (Original post)
mysteryowl This message was self-deleted by its author.
(122,572 posts)Response to niyad (Reply #41)
mysteryowl This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,958 posts)be cautious.
(25,124 posts)niyad
(122,572 posts)FUCKING MAGAT TERRORISTS, and their sick, twisted, demented orange "leader", along with the ones actually pulling the strings.
Sendng vibes for sfety and pritection for all those brave people on the current frontlines of this insane battle.
(15,177 posts)Vance's guru Yarvin.
These traitorous dirtbags believe the government should have a total reboot, and be replaced by a corporate structure complete with a national CEO (dictator).
They don't give one little hoot about democracy or this republic, and instead are intent in taking us down the rabbit hole of hate and laissez-faire capitalism.
It is upsetting, particularly in the face of a) Netanyahu's expansion of the war in the Mid-East, b) the war in Ukraine, c) our media's UTTER FAILURE to report news that is not biased toward maximizing shareholder PROFITS by presenting this as a horserace, d) the ongoing sane-washing of Trump, e) the idiocy about 'undecided voters' and their mealy mouthings (see point c immediately above).
The electoral college has got to go.
(39,907 posts)before and after Nov 5. We're now in that zone, and shouldn't trust any but trusted prior sources. Especially on Elon's platform. No one should appear to or be allowed to hijack public perception and discourse on platforms from now on out. But they will on Elon's platform.
(36,826 posts)May Ohio voters get fed up and RECALL him in 2025.
(22,486 posts)elleng
(138,693 posts)NoMoreRepugs
(11,049 posts)Figarosmom
(4,723 posts)For the guy directing the terror are just as responsible for all this shit.
(13,669 posts)bdamomma
(67,654 posts)Don't let these domestic terrorists stop you from voting or doing your job. They are stoking fear and division.
(38,978 posts)No names, county isn't identified, no other sources corroborating the story. Michigan State Police would most likely be involved and not the FBI.
(38,978 posts)Since it hasn't, I very strongly lean towards disbelieving it until confirmed by other sources.
Mme. Defarge
(8,648 posts)Très important!!!
(6,692 posts)dramatically increasing the penalties for this kind of activity aimed at elections. For example right now in most states if you vandalize someone's yard signs the cops and the DA are handing out a slap on the wrist if even that. I remember one instance in Wisconsin where they had the perp on tape. It was the daughter of a local elected official. She got a visit from the cops and a lecture.
How about for things like vandalizing, intimidating, electioneering outside the polls, sending phony information meant to misinform about what day or where to vote etc. we make the mandatory penalty 3 years in jail? How about for these acts like described in the OP we make the penalty mandatory 25 years and if physical harm occurs the penalty can go to 50 years?
I know I might sound harsh but I'm done with the slap on the wrist crap for election crimes and I feel the same about internet crimes. Put up a phony web site and scam people you do 10 years mandatory.
Yes I know it will never happen and the slap on the wrist will be the normal response. It's why campaign finance violations are laughed at by the guilty parties. But maybe if it meant 5 years mandatory in jail it might have an impact. As long as we had enforcers who didn't "define away" charges.
Betty Boom
(325 posts)Is there any legitimate verification of this to be found? I have no doubt that election workers feel under threat from these assholes, but I am suspicious of anonymous reports like this on Twitter. Where is the verification that this is happening? it does not help our cause to spread false information. That just makes legitimate occurrences of threat immediately suspect as nobody knows what is the truth and what is fiction
(1,151 posts)I live in Indiana, so in reality my whole state doesn't count. We don't matter one way or another which way the state goes, it doesn't effect the outcome of the election. If it was done by popular vote, my vote would matter. One vote would count the same for everyone.
I wonder if the rules will ever get changed?
(12,739 posts)Nimble_Idea
(2,544 posts)millions at the ready to beat the magats.
(92,489 posts)Heftylefty
(11 posts)In my area, schools are used as polling places. For the first time, the schools will be closed on Election Day, because of the threat of violence. This isn't the Third World, we don't expect that in America.