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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCan anyone even imagine what it would be like to turn 10 million people into desperate fugitives in an instant?
And then to set the cops and the military on them? And then to herd them into camps?
Actually, you don't have to imagine. It's all there in the history books.

(4,728 posts)when one third of the country flooded due to global heating.
Sorry, I know this is off-topic, but that's what came to mind when I saw your subject line. We already have climate refugees by the millions. Just wait until it hits the billions.
I agree that 10 million fugitives would be quite an issue. He won't do that so drastically, though. The rich want undoc'ed workers, poor and desperate, willing to take any peanuts they hand out, and no complaining to OSHA. I think he would round up a few thousand a year, with massive publicity, of undoc'ed who dare to raise their heads up and ask to be treated as humans. He'll make some awful examples. Cheaper to shoot and kill them, "STOP RESISTING!". That's why he's talking about violent policing.
(211 posts)I lurk right-wing places because, know thy enemy and all that, and a lot of them were outraged by his idea of "one really bad hour and it will all go away".
Why? Well, not because doing such a thing is antithetical to the American way, they don't give a shit about that, but rather because they know that it won't stop at the cops / military rounding up brown people and deporting them. They know that eventually they would become the targets, and that some roided-up cop squad would do the exact same thing to them given the opportunity.
I was really quite surprised that there was a substantial amount of criticism coming from the acolytes of their Orange Messiah.
(4,728 posts)have had encounters with armed authority.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)to enforce immigration laws, much less some kind of huge "round-up"--
(nor has Trump made any suggestion about how it would all be paid for)
Those are state and local, and they don't have to take orders from the federal government--- nor is it their job to enforce federal laws. They enforce state and local laws.
They might get some help from red-area law enforcement, but I expect there would be outright defiance from most in the blue states.
(3,623 posts)local police departments and they will just love this! Jesus 🙄
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)How do you deputize anyone if they aren't in the room with you ?? By email?
Logistically is not very probable. Anyway, they aren't going to win.
(3,623 posts)😂 you asked and I just reported what he said 😂. Sometimes you have to laugh, otherwise they win.
(15,316 posts)This would be a ridiculous shitshow. Mostly they will round up and deport the refugees who did the right thing and applied for asylum, as they know where those people are. The people who just crossed the border and never created a paper trail will be hard to find. On the other hand it will be open season for anyone looking Latino, so a lot of legal residents will get harassed and perhaps deported as well.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)There should be negative ads about this, somewhat similar to the abortion rights ads which show police pulling over a mother and daughter and asking them where they are going----
I can visualize a great ad now, cops breaking down the door and putting zip-ties on Latin Americans,
while they scream "but I'm a US citizen!" and the cops say, "sure you are!"
Mz Pip
(28,022 posts)Conservatives are supposedly all about small government. Rounding up 10 million people and deporting them would take a commitment to a big government.
MAGAs are full of shit if they think this can be done without spending a huge amount of money.
(14,397 posts)The majority of asylum claims get denied and per current law, they are no longer eligible to stay.
(7,482 posts)it would be a nightmare of epic proportions.
Honestly I don't think they would be able to do it. They just love to brag about it to excite their sick base.
(6,562 posts)...or risk going straight to to the Gulag.
Ihre Papiere bitte!
(4,728 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,482 posts)Hekate
(96,580 posts)Why? Because their culture was an exemplar of music, art, and scholarly attainment.
She believed what she was seeing with her own eyes, and tried to persuade her family to leave, I think she even bought train tickets for her parents. But they said, essentially, that these troubles come and go and this will pass. Eventually she got 2 of her sisters and their husbands and kids out to Belgium just ahead of the Anschluss.
Even so, few of them lived through the war.
Can this happen here? Well, if theres anything a decade of Trump has revealed to me, it is this: the groundwork is being laid, and yes it can.
(7,482 posts)the Dems and the Free Press and stricter laws against Hispanic immigrants... yes it could happen, but not in the next 4 years even if Trump is elected.
(5,366 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)What exactly are you referring to?
(6,562 posts)If that's not your preference, try books about Stalinist Russia, Mao Zedong's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, or the American Trail of Tears.
(33,424 posts)Certainly in Europe it was gradual.
(281,618 posts)Rec
(96,580 posts)Dont forget the serial numbers
(4,803 posts)delusion that it can't happen here.
Apparently the FACT that half of the nation is enthusiasticaly chomping at the bit to elect a DICTATOR who promises mass deportations and raids (correction... "purges" ) of America's 'third world' cities,
has ESCAPED them.
(96,580 posts)
and that towns would fight back. Im sort of gobsmacked at that dont they read the newspapers, or even whats presented on DU?
There are, sadly, any number of gun-totin LEOs in America that want nothing more than to show brown and black people whos in charge, and they arent confined to red states.
I live outside Los Angeles, in blue California, and an ongoing theme of investigative reporting in the Los Angeles Times is police brutality, and especially cop gangs and deputy gangs complete with membership tattoos sporting hateful violent images.
(4,803 posts)Can you imagine what it'd be like when Trump and his facists give them carte blanche and COMPLETE IMMUNITY to do whatever they want??
That's why I'm equally stunned whenever I hear of some hip hop artist endorsing this psychopath, or of 'undecided' young Black male voters.
I mean, What the everloving FUCK?
(25,190 posts)WarGamer
(16,579 posts)LeftInTX
(32,702 posts)Sorry, but there are all sorts of hare-brained schemes, I can't keep track.
Is it Project 2025?
Something Trump said in a speech? (This content changes frequently)
Somewhere else?
(6,562 posts)Besides, what do the MAGAts care if it's a haphazard plan executed poorly. To them, people dying in poorly built camps of starvation, disease, or exposure wouldn't bother them a bit.
On edit, if you want some perspective, read about Andersonville.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)And no doubt the camps theyd be held in would be a huge expense. Traitor Trump never thinks about that kind of stuff. And though I think Trump would be happy to just dump them into the ocean, you have to send them somewhere and other countries might have different ideas about it.