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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsForced to marry their rapist? It occurred to me as I was reading an OP
about "popp'n out babies", just how close we are to this bizarre scenario again (still, in some places). We have "politicians" (otherwise known as misogynist, woman-hating assholes) overturning Roe, denying women health care, insisting that women must stay in violent, abusive marriages, must pop out babies like human pez dispensers, have their menstrual cycles monitored, and have 19A repealed. It isn't too far from there to forcing women tto marry the rapists. The basic thinking is that men should have access to women wherever and whenever they please, women's choices be damned. I can see the incels having a field day.
Over the top? Histrionic? Exaggerated? I don't put one goddamned, woman-hating thing past these bastards. Not one.

(19,481 posts)When many of those State legislatures have women serving in them willing to vote to repeal their right to vote.
Talk about nuts!
(122,572 posts)misogynist assholes are talking about it, yes? Nowhere did I indicate that it is likely, yet. Once they abrogate the Constitution, do you think they would give a damn? The fact that it is even being discussed should frighten everyone. When I look at comments on political pieces on youtube, especially if women politicians are covered, I am seeing an alarming increase in comments about repealing 19A. The misogyny is disgusting.
(26,780 posts)
(26,780 posts)Niyad is making a passionate case for bodily autonomy. But I don't think it's anything close to "nuts" for everyone to be concerned about losing rights.
If we don't believe that women are in trouble it's going to be a shock if they win, when they go on the attack and one by one strip away other civil liberties and rights. Some of which for certain other identifiable population groups within our country already hang in the balance.
They're already trying!
Having "women" in government isn't all it takes. That doesn't create some magical firewall. We need the right women and we need enlightened men with all other genders in America to understand this and support our cause.
Because liberty is supposed to be for everyone. And yes, that even includes non and anti Democrat knuckleheads who are trying to burn it all.
There's more than one way to fight for freedom and it's definitely not free.
❤️ pants
(19,481 posts)I refer to my post regarding the fact that many, if not all State Legislatures, have women serving in them.
It would be "nuts" for them to vote to repeal the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. It will take 37 states to repeal an Amendment to the Constitution or add to the Constitution.
(26,780 posts)I refer you to my post about the naiveté about a magical female firewall.
Many others here could use more civics in their lives. Especially when it comes to knowledge of the Constitution and all the rest of Government from the top all the way down.
(12,168 posts)niyad
(122,572 posts)Lifeafter70
(465 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)Has it now become state law in other states as well? Or was that only re-legalizing slavery?
Dont laugh yet. Wanna bet Alito and Thomas would vote to uphold both?
(122,572 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,780 posts)~Chinese Proverb
I get you, niyad. ❤️
(85,353 posts)Too good not to be!
(26,780 posts)Dan
(4,429 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,366 posts)niyad
(122,572 posts)the rapist.
(9,605 posts)Menace gets back into power. Alito and Thomas have probably already drawn up the legal justification.
(1,878 posts)Check out Deuteronomy 22 if you have the stomach for it.
(96,580 posts)
all these many years.
I see what you see.
(45,645 posts)and other non consensual encounters. Women will magnanimously not be forced to marry a legitimate rapist (i.e., a stranger of a different race or ethnicity), but a man from within the community who just wants himself a wife? Heck, thats an opportunity for which any woman should be grateful!