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Mike Nelson
(10,497 posts)... his drug of choice is something else. I saw his rally on CSPAN yesterday. It did not look like alcohol, to me. I also thought Elon Musk seemed trippy.
(65,715 posts)Maybe he's turned Donald on to something new.
(4,834 posts)But I'm not a doctor.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(30,234 posts)i think he's falling apart. any level headed person can see that he is not up to the job he's looking for. probably on drugs to regulate his behavior, but drunk?
full disclosure i can't look at or listen to him for extended periods of time.
(1,166 posts)I know he doesnt get much sleep. Hes getting older and hes worried about losing. I know he was, and maybe still is, an adderall abuser. Something is definitely wrong with him, but I think its more to do with his 78 year old body and mind being worn out.
diane in sf
(4,139 posts)sentence. His father had dementia. Could be tertiary syphillis, frontotemporal dementia, who knows? Because no one has seen his medical information.
(33,001 posts)brush
(59,146 posts)But whatever it is, anyone who votes for this mental wreck is nuts.
What scares me is some might vote for the fool thinking that if it comes to it, they can evoke the 25th Amendment and get Vance in there, the anti-woman creep who wrote the forward for Plan 2025.
(26,780 posts)There's a tipping point where the drug suddenly starts to have a rebound and the user gets incredibly sleepy so instead of being awake and alert the user can't keep their eyes open.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,921 posts)Any time you put something out of balance, you're likely to swing the other way before the pendulum settles back down the middle.
(12,929 posts)mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
out of one's mind
not in one's right mind
non compos mentis
mad as a hatter
mad as a March hare
stark mad
off one's head
out of one's head
off one's nut
nutty as a fruitcake
off one's rocker
not (quite) right in the head
around the bend
raving mad
stark raving mad
with a screw loose
not all there
off the wall
out to lunch
not right upstairs
barking mad
stark staring mad
round the twist
off one's trolley
as daft as a brush
not the full shilling
one sandwich short of a picnic
up the pole
away with the fairies
out of one's tree
Opposite - Sane
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)But the chief cause is his 78 year old brain and whatever condition it is in. As far as him not drinking, I dont think hes a big drinker but hes no teetotaler. Everything he says is a lie, why would anyone believe him when he says he doesnt drink at all?
(15,584 posts)One sandwich short of a picnic or Away with the Fairies !
Not really come across either one much but I like those..
(12,929 posts)Response to captain queeg (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(1,741 posts)Tanuki
(15,655 posts)wolfie001
(4,218 posts)I wish we had a middle finger emoji. Bye bye
(69,304 posts)It came in very handy for times like this.
(4,218 posts)We're trying to be nice and their preachers want to shoot LGBTQ people in the back of the head. Where's the equivalence? You fight war with war until they surrender.
trusty elf
(7,484 posts)
(4,218 posts)
Pacifist Patriot
(24,921 posts)I think it's a combo of a number of things and none of them involve alcohol. Though I wouldn't write that off. He claims not to be a drinker and his lies are legion.
He's old. He's got dementia. He's a known abuser of stimulants. He isn't a healthy person, so who knows how many conditions he may have that could contribute.
I continue to be amazed he can still function at all, even on this obviously limited basis.
(26,780 posts)I completely agree with you. It's never one thing that's entirely responsible for aberrant behavior.
It's always a combination of things when one is evaluating health conditions and disorders.
He's a ticking time bomb. It's like we have an entire dart board of choices.
When he finally goes it's going to be spectacular. I hope I'm alive to celebrate.
I hope you enjoy your day, Pacifist Patriot.
(24,650 posts)Disgusting pretend human.
(15,359 posts)Vinca
(51,715 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,497 posts)mountain grammy
(27,575 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,692 posts)And he's a different man. You don't realize how bad Trump has gotten until you compare the 2. He's falling down that hill into dementia even more rapidly now.
(38,510 posts)Junk food, Adderall, four hours of sleep a night, and a mind saturated with toxic waste will get him where he's going that much faster -- like asbestos-laced cigarettes.
(122,572 posts)different amounts of sleep for their particular, individual well-being. Thoms Edison was reported to sleep 90 minutes a night. Starting in my mid-teens, and up until just about two years ago, I slept no more than three hours a night, and I am 74, with no underlying health conditions. Now some nights it can be as much as four hours, unless I am reading a really engrossing book.
(6,692 posts)reliance, some say abuse, of pharmaceuticals mainly stimulants. But it would not be an unusual thing for someone like that to also begin to rely on pain meds or sleeping meds etc.
(6,692 posts)reason he never releases his medical records is that any prescriptions would also be listed. Unless he's got a "pill doctor" on the side which many celebrities and the big shots do. Real doctors for illness and then "Doctor Feelgood" for the party potions.
(49,111 posts)especially since no medical records are ever released. Did they figure out how Miracle Ear healed so fast with no scarring? In the real world the medical profession would be all over that like flies to honey.
Anyway ... allergies, obvious inflammation, dementia. Bring the brain back with stimulants, calm the resulting anxiety with mild sedatives, reduce inflammation with diet and mild steroids (which may help the brain as well). Does Trump look like he's finally lost a few pounds? I think so.
But it's all intuitive. No I don't think it's alcohol. Elderly people in similar condition would be quite adversely affected by booze.
(6,668 posts)He just riffs mindlessly through past applause lines. Strung together snippets, stream of consciousness. Adds more extreme snippets to keep the Magats engaged.
It's just DonOLD turned up to 11. Trying to hold on long enough to turn it over to Vance.
(2,393 posts)When the economy was melting down under Bush Jr in 2008, it became very obvious to me that he had fallen off the wagon, and was drinking pretty heavily at that point. It wasn't a major news story primarily because Obama and John Glenn were in the middle of the 2008 campaign and the stock market was dominating the news cycle, but the few times where you did see him, he was clearly drunk.
Trump acts like someone who increasingly has trouble regulating his drug intake, and its definitely taking its toll. I think the consensus view here is likely correct: he's an Adderall addict, which also has the side effect of inhibiting Dopamine uptake, much like cocaine. This can enhance many of the symptoms that you see already in a narcissistic personality - difficulty in finding pleasure in ordinary activities, a near constant craving for social stimulus, sociopathic tendencies, paranoia, decreased cognitive capacity and so on. Factor in age, bad diet, a family history of dementia, and quite possibly the lingering effects of long Covid, and what you see is a person who is NOT capable of being president.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I cant remember what tipped me off.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)His brother was an alcoholic, and Trump has never been known to touch a drop.
More likely cognitive decline.
(19,784 posts)But there are enough other explanations for his disturbed speech without going there.
(11,686 posts)Too many alcoholics in the family or something. It's Adderall + dementia.
(2,706 posts)
I can't listen to his stupid ignorant whiney lying voice. He looks like old worn leather sagging off swollen puffy eye sockets, disgusting anus mouth surrounded by flabby fleshy multiple chins, an obviously UNshot ear, topped with spun cotton candy alleged "hair."
The congealed gelatinous blubbery blob gave an unhinged speech? Really? I'm so very shocked by this revelation.

(1,962 posts)jfz9580m
(15,584 posts)I finally watched those. Havent watched any videos of Nutler after 2020. I try to tune him out.
He has deteriorated noticeably over the last 3 years.
I mean .
You cant be serious. That man cannot run anything.
(18,956 posts)How Trump's Speeches Are a Red Flag for Mental Decline: Experts