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Cut off FOX News and the snake will die.
They are leading the propaganda campaign to divide and destroy our country. It's not only the "news" they choose to tell, it is also the "news" they choose to exclude. There is no truth to be found within their network.
Trump says, you knew I was a snake when you let me in. Yes, we know. But folks that only watch FOX News do not know.
The problem is FOX News. Get rid of them and the rest of right-wing news will die. Only then can America return to some sort of normality.

(19,784 posts)Take away Fox, and CNN moves to the right. They see it as market share.
(113,303 posts)I doubt they would replace FOX.
Dave Bowman
(4,756 posts)hadEnuf
(3,019 posts)Fox Propaganda literally has people brainwashed into a different reality. People who rely on Fox only hear that ALL Democrats are bad, evil and are the reason for ALL of their problems, regardless of the truth. That is the underlying message of every single news show and their news casts, no matter what the issue.
Fox News is not a free speech issue. It is targeted, seditious propaganda and it has been going on for almost 30 years.
And many wonder how so many of the electorate can be supporting a monster like Trump?
(54,594 posts)There's other RW TV, especially Newsmax.
There's so much streaming, so many RW podcasts.
Lots of RW writers.
Lots of RW organizations, from Heritage to ALEC with its direct influence on state legislators.
Lots of billionaires funding all this.
Lots of anti-democratic religious extremists and tech bros rarely reported on even by the MSM.
HRC was correct when she called it a vast rightwing conspiracy.
It's more a hydra than a snake.
Wiz Imp
(4,096 posts)I believe talk radio is a far bigger influence than Fox News. Daily Primetime audience for Fox is typically between 2 and 3 million (usually at the lower end). Meanwhile, just the top 5 conservative talk radio shows combine for over 53 million listeners each week (I know there will be overlap in there - but Sean Hannity alone consistently reaches 5 to 7 times as many people daily on his radio show as he does on his Fox News show)
Program Weekly listeners (in millions)
The Sean Hannity Show 14.5
The Mark Levin Show 12
The Glenn Beck Program 10
The Dan Bongino Show 8.75
The Mike Gallagher Show 8.5
Killing Fox news would be great but unless something is done to address conservative talk radio, the propaganda will still reach huge numbers of Americans.