Schrodinger's economy ("chuds at the MAGA diner" phenomenon).
I would presume this has probably been brought up at one time or another during this or the previous election season, but hey, why not bring it up again anyway! Particularly because just yesterday, there was a DU post where Fox News was--for the ten millionth time--reporting from a diner somewhere in Real America about what the chuds think and why it's more important than actual facts are. (In this case, the reporter was the execrable Steve Doocy). The context of this was Fox News unsuccessfully trying to spin positive news on the economy into something disastrous.
So my question is this: if the economy is so rotten and everyone is broke, how is it that so many MAGA chuds are able to sit idle at "Fred's Typical Ohio Diner" all day waiting for Steve Doocy to show up and interview them about the crappy economy? Furthermore, if the economy is indeed so abysmal, why is everyone paying extra for breakfast at the diner, not cooking it themselves--and more importantly, why aren't they all burning holes in their shoes (like their hero, the "D-Fens" character in Falling Down), pounding the pavement looking for a J-O-B? Just asking.
I guess you could call this the Schrödinger MAGA economy, where chuds can complain about how they apparently want a USSR-style market ( where Biden has a button he refuses to push that says "Make Economy Gooder" ), yet the economy is firing on enough cylinders that the chuds can still find enough coins under the mattress to make it to the diner for a few bon mots with Steve Doocy. Got it.
And here's the original "Fred's Typical Ohio Diner", courtesy of Tom Tomorrow and This Modern World! (See panel #5).