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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsLet me make this Pellucidly Clear
The election will not be close
Harris & Walz will destroy the CONvicted felon.
Stop the negativity and vote.
The women and young people will save the day.
MAGAts and their leaders will soon be running like rats in a cane field fire.
Get it fucking done.😀😀

(37,587 posts)It was a hopeless doomfest
(65,817 posts)Harris and Walz are fighting for every vote. They are avoiding mistakes Dem tickets have made in the past and taking nothing for granted. It's a fight Kamala is bravely taking to DJT and outsmarting him at every turn. Bringing in Obama was perfect, he did what needed to be done.
(4,402 posts)dawg
(10,777 posts)I hope you're right.
But we need to be prepared to defend a narrow victory.
(26,860 posts)malaise
(281,618 posts)brewens
(15,359 posts)werdna
(983 posts)When the wife and adult daughter fill out theirs it's off to the ballot box outside the board of elections office I go!
(38,551 posts)gab13by13
(26,860 posts)Davis Plouffe and the Harris campaign are going to have to publicly call it a close race, but as Plouffe hinted yesterday, he would rather be in Kamala's shoes than TSF's.
The nonsense about how people will stay home for a projected winner doesn't correlate well with sporting events. People show up at stadiums to see winners, people with losing teams stay home.
I understand it's all about Electoral votes, but Kamala is going to beat TSF by 11 million votes.
(281,618 posts)their polls😀
(85,353 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)🥳🎉🗳️🎊🥰🇺🇸
(4,701 posts)quakerboy
(14,307 posts)It's the being a fool that makes him look like a fool. The crowd size thing demonstrates his deep weakness and insecurities
(2,112 posts)They want to create the illusion that Trumps ahead.
In the last month there have been something like 30 nonpartisan polls, 26 Republican sponsored polls and 1 Democratic sponsored poll.
Its not a done deal, but I like our chances.
(2,583 posts)Plus, confidence and optimism are helpful in moving some voters off the fence.
(18,902 posts)Which is why I often call the place Doom Underground. I think Harris is going to win anyway but even if I were unsure I dont think Id spend the last few weeks of hope we have in a fetal position worrying myself into a fit. Why go down that way? Go out fighting and with passion.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Id be lying if I said I wasnt a bit worried but theres nothing I can do except work for Harris and get out to vote. If Trump wins, he wins, and Ill at least know we did everything we could to save this nation.
(281,618 posts)RT Atlanta
(2,584 posts)And bring them in to office and help usher in better days ahead for us, our children and their children!
(2,729 posts)First time she could vote for president. I helped her out how to research the judges and school board and questions. She voted straight D. We did find one school board candidate was involved with the Moms for "Liberty" group so it was easy to figure out that the other candidate was the one to choose. Proud of her. She's a straight D voter (and straight A college student). Nevada's questions seem easy this year. All of them yes except for the voter ID one.
We're still waiting for the rest of the family's ballots. 5 solid D vote here. We raised smart kids. They told me that most of their friends are motivated to vote against the Felon and the Couch-fucker. And against the weird people in the GOP.
(281,618 posts)Rec
(8,251 posts)The newprint pamphlet I received with information on the issues on the ballot (nothing about the candidates)) is so thick it would choke a horse.
(2,729 posts)I went to the state's Democratic Website for help on the ones that weren't obvious (like abortion as a right) then had to do some research to see who is opposed. We had one about moving the University Board of Regents out of the Constitution. Rural counties are opposed. Rurals are full of Trumpanzees so I ended up voting yes on that one since I couldn't find any argument that was persuasive for that question. If Trumpanzees want X, then it's probably best to vote not X
(8,251 posts)I generally don't read it, but, like you, look to see who is supporting and who is opposing. It that doesn't settle it, there's always Ballotpedia.
(2,729 posts)I've used them before. How do you pick a non-partisan position like School Board or Justice of the Peace when there is no R or D to help guide you? Ballotpedia helps
(8,251 posts)tells you he's a Democrat in his quaestionnaire, and another doesn't mention party but wants to defund something good. Both of those happened in the last schoolboard race here.
(2,729 posts)Is affiliated with Moms for Liberty. That was an easy choice to vote for the other person when I found that out
(8,251 posts)crosinski
(581 posts)We are getting it fucking done!
(3,773 posts)I have all the votes I need".
And he does.
6 people are going to be following the script that they have already fine-tuned, and they will decide everything.
Hoping I'm wrong!!!!!
(281,618 posts)He still had to leave
Eff him. Down he goes
H2O Man
(76,258 posts)Crush the maga infection.
(24,464 posts)I agree I think its going to be a landslide like 1964. Women are going to come out in full force and between now and election the maggot is getting more unhinged and I predict will have a Face in the crowd moment because of his cognitive problems. And he cant play golf and that must be killing him inside!
FYI Face in the Crowd is on TCM tonight 5 pm PST 8PM Eastern time.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)The election will not be close. In reality--probably less than is feared. After Republican manipulation, I am less sure of that.
Harris & Walz will destroy the CONvicted felon. I hope, but I am only cautiously optimistic. They are going all out to suppress the vote.
Stop the negativity and vote. For the ninety-ninth time, YES.
The women and young people will save the day. If the day is indeed saved, I agree--this is who our knights in shining armor will be.
MAGAts and their leaders will soon be running like rats in a cane field fire. They do that anyway. How will we tell?
Get it fucking done.😀😀No ifs, ands, buts, or excuses. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
(281,618 posts)Lulu KC
(7,308 posts)Are we expecting that our first Black and Asian woman presidential candidate is going to be at a 60/40 polling place less than three months after her candidacy was declared? When we were all wondering who should run if Joe dropped out, I kept hearing how she would be a walking, talking target for multi-cultural bigotry and misogyny (translation: their fear would prevent her from winning.). Other than the hard core moronic fascists, I am seeing delight in her candidacy, despite the vitriol they spread. Many media outlets enjoy the frenzy and pushing everyone's buttons to stay afraid--they have made that their job. Her campaign is doing a good job of outsmarting them. We know about Fox news, which even Pete and Tim have taken on, but how many of the voters we need are actually making their decisions based on the NYT and WaPo? When I read comments there, we are at least the most vocal. Trumpers get squished like bugs, regardless of the dumb stories they're publishing.
She and Tim are vibrant. They're packing stadiums. People are standing for long times in climate change conditions to see them. In our city, there were lines out the door for early voting. When we went in yesterday, they had a bell they rang for first-time voters. It was ringing repeatedly while we were there! People were happy! I can only guess who they were voting for based on appearance, including fashion, and I really felt like, "Oh, no one who was voting for DT would wear that! That person has style and joie de vivre!" I could be wrong, of course, but IT IS LOOKING GOOD!
My theory, here and with my three-dimensional friends who are in lamentations, is that we got into a habit a while ago. 2016 election: We were excited, we were devastated, and then for four years it was even worse than we could have imagined. I wore my groaning muscles out then. I'm not over that and I'm not over Gore/Bush 2020. BUT we've had four years of very good president-ing and IT IS LOOKING GOOD right now.
Now is not the time to be a buzzkill. Imagine what Kamala or Tim would say to doom and gloom.
(281,618 posts)Collimator
(1,878 posts)I don't necessarily believe what I read about polls, but my election stress is intense at times. There is not a sliver of a doubt that I will do my civic duty and vote for Harris this November. It doesn't matter if I live in a blue state, I am a firm believer in the "If you don't vote, you don't get to complain" school of thought.
It's just so difficult to keep up the motions of everyday life when I think about what is at stake here.
(64,041 posts)I'm voting on election day! Can't wait!
(5,126 posts)it's honestly easier to vote the day of. I don't have any reasons to request what Indiana considers an "absentee ballot". Ugh
(281,618 posts)
(5,126 posts)my registration as well.
(17,497 posts)dobleremolque
(968 posts)but the metaphor is absolutely riveting! Extra points, malaise!
(281,618 posts)Quiet Em
(1,614 posts)I agree!!
(43,625 posts)Im cautiously hopeful but the stakes are so damned high I can hardly think about it. And yet its all I can think about. I watched that madman today spewing his poison about immigrants and it looked like a Nazi rally. The hate is palpable. And we just have to try to judge whats real and whats one big old mass hysteria that both isnt as big as they want us to think and isnt capable of real action.
It cant come soon enough.
(19,687 posts)These next few weeks are going to be tense ones. Thanks for providing some badly needed encouragement.
Well said!
(15,584 posts)Pellucidly, limpidly, transparently clear!
Also I got a poll of me own! I asked the magic 8 ball a control question yesterday:
Will they remake Nosferatu?
Dont count on it.
Then the real one!
Will Trump lose the election in 2024?
You may rely on it
There! As reliable as any Fox News or other bs poll! . Polls have been notoriously unreliable in recent elections everywhere..
(281,618 posts)😀
(18,009 posts)Once, I tried to break a computer politics game. I created a RW candidate that was full-on Nazi, inept, stupid, and just a terrible person. This was about 40 years ago, I had no idea DJT even existed. Anyway, that was the GOP candidate. Then I created a Democratic candidate who was about the second coming of JC. Funny, articulate, liberal. The GOP candidate made gaffe after gaffe, alienated everyone, and still won every state in the South and Midwest. I think JC jr got about 350 EVs, if that many. The red states just would not give up their prejudices.
Then I inverted the experiment. This time, the Dem was the monster and the GOP candidate the angel. He took every single state in the union and the District of Columbia, too. Because Blue states will vote for the better candidate, but Red states will stick to their party.
Okay, only a game, but I thought it was very accurate. And so I think DJT will win most of the South and Midwest even if they have to prop up his dead body as the candidate.
-- Mal
(12,675 posts)More like a lap than a wave.
(44 posts)losing the Senate.
Its not looking good for us at this point. Hopefully, Kamala has coattails.
(11,336 posts)We must continue to claw through this miasma of deception and mistrust with the power of truth and change for the better.
Get it done 😀
(138,388 posts)Brainfodder
(7,181 posts)But first expecting 20+ years sentencing Nov. 26?
(13,538 posts)But we could see his businesses fail; which to him is the biggest insult.
Other than that, he'll appeal any conviction till the day he's gone. And we simply wont put SS agents inside a jail either; he's entitled to them for life
(78 posts)I'm confident that democrats have the numbers, but need I remind us of all we've been dealing with thus far? We've been witnessing sadistic clown-world, mafioso tactics from this "Christofascistic" cult that has taken over levers of power within our system, and for us to rely on a "free and fair" election, is just pie in the sky at this point. The real goal of their financial backers isn't about religion, it's about power!
I certainly hope that the true liberty and justice of America is prepared to meet what they've undoubtedly been planning and organizing for years in the making, because they've already overtly threatened "bloodshed" if we do not concede to their demands.
(19,360 posts)Will you at least say "oops"?
(281,618 posts)😀
(2,104 posts)
(281,618 posts)😀😀😀
(756 posts)100%