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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJeff Timmer: A "Red Mirage" creates a perfect storm for their chaos and violence they're ready to unleash
There's a red mirage akin to 2022 happening. It's good for democracy that Trump and most Rs will lose. But it's actually the perfect storm for the chaos and violence they're ready to unleash. They think the race(s) are close and it will send them over the edge when it isn't. They'll see the results as proof of election fuckery and not the fact they are a sniveling, whining, insane, and stupid minority.
8:53 AM · Oct 12, 2024
My biggest anxiety of the election is the day after...
Link to tweet

Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)....and we've seen it coming, too.
(6,692 posts)of disruption and a friendly Supreme Court when they did the Brooks Brother's Riot in Florida.
Quiet Em
(1,614 posts)I hope the margins are high enough that it will end that bs immediately.
Response to Quiet Em (Reply #2)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,060 posts)But it didn't work for Bush v Gore.
Response to slightlv (Reply #13)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,060 posts)"Red Mirage"... A Blue Tsunami against a red mirage! (go Blue!)
I'm a cynic, I'll admit. Some days (like today) I'm cautiously optimistic. Other days, my anxiety level hits fever pitches. Bush v Gore is always in the back of my mind, tho. It just floored me that SCOTUS stopped the counting, called for the case, and then seated a President all by themselves, extra-constitutionally. I never in a million years thought my country would do something so third-world!
Frankly, I think all the polling is skewed and sucks. They want to keep T's spirits up and try to keep his energy level high enough to get through the election. After that, they'll replace him post-haste with Vance. But I don't see that happening. Listening to some podcasts tonight, and doing some research, I downloaded by sample ballot, researched all the judgeships we have to vote on, filled out the sample ballot, and am in the process of making copies for hubby and grandson. Thankfully, we all vote the same, or they'd have to do their own research! We also decided to go ahead and vote early when it opens on the 16th or 17th, and be part of that huge early voting bloc that's getting counted now. At least I can go to the courthouse to vote and not the church if I do that!
Response to slightlv (Reply #46)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,670 posts)Remember 2020? He went on and on about how he got more votes than anyone in history, and yet Biden, who never left his basement somehow got a lot more. Its that stupid MAGA logic that works on the brain dead. It doesnt occur to them that tRump is one of the most hated figures in America, of course record numbers came out to vote against him. Or how some close races turned on the mail in voting, which of course everyone knew it could; mail in voting predominantly skews Democratic Party. But in Trumpland that just proves mail-in voting must be rigged.
No use arguing with idiots
Quiet Em
(1,614 posts)All of us wearing our masks, determined to vote and get rid of the con man.
(13,801 posts)It remains surreal to me that such long voting lines are allowed, that there isnt some law to ensure equal access to the polls
or that existing laws arent properly interpreted to enforce such laws.
24 years post-Bush v. Gore, the unequal access is clearly intentional, just one mechanism of voter suppression.
(8,286 posts)"There were no signs for her! My beautiful signs were EVERYWHERE!! Who voted for her? Nobody! Clearly they CHEATED!!!!!"
(16,455 posts)the election was rigged. They have already been conditioned to respond in this way. Whatever the margin is, if they lose it was rigged. Hell, they still feel that way about 2020.
(85,353 posts)The donald actually makes Richard Nixon look like a saint.
(25,939 posts)much before Election Day
at the polls
(2,818 posts)Early voting starts here on the 17th. We will be there on the 18th. I think the closer it gets to the election, the more armed MAGAts there will be at the voting place. I have noticed every time we have voted since 2016, there is a woman, same woman, stands at the machine where you insert your paper ballot, print side up. She is at the window facing the parking lot. She blatantly looks at everyone's ballot when they insert it, it's very simple to see which circle is filled at the top of the ballot. Sounding ridiculously paranoid, I can easily see her making a gesture every time ( that would be maybe fifteen times in total) a Harris vote hits the machine, and her MAGAt cohorts then know the next person coming out the door voted blue. Not comfortable with her knowing who I voted for.
(5,060 posts)Big difference. I'm assuming you're not voting on electronic machine? I like filling in my circles. But the lady where I feed my ballot into the machine always tells everyone it can go print side up or down, and she stands a comfortable distance away... social distancing+
(2,818 posts)I assumed the scanner was at the top and somehow had to see it. This time will be different. First, I will ask if I can put it print-side down. I'd bet money she'll say no. I had been thinking that I would say that my vote was private, would she mind looking out the window? I also considered grabbing one of the many brochures I am sure they have in the building (community center), taking it in with me, and holding it over the top of my ballot when I line it up to get sucked up. I don't care if she knows my down-ballot votes.
She was kind of old in 2016 and has gotten older. Maybe I will get there and it will be a guy who stares out the window when people put their ballots in. Hope springs eternal.
(5,060 posts)I'd forgotten til just now, but all our ballots (electronic and not) are handed to us in a folder, and the ballot is kept in the folder, even as we get to the reader. In fact, I was told to just keep the top inch sticking out and the machine would feed the rest of it automatically. I'm in a really small town, in a fairly small county... and I've got RED all around me. That may make the difference for my polling place. I just hate that no matter how many times I get gerrymandered, they still put all the democrats polling places in church basements! I still think they think they're going to convert us or something! (LOL)
(2,818 posts)So far we just get a piece of paper. We are extremely red here in this small WNC town, only a handful of Democrats--the assumption is no doubt that you are voting for trump so who cares who sees?
(5,060 posts)Did you come thru Helene okay? Had no idea you were over there! Good energies coming your direction!
(2,818 posts)We are a little over an hour from Asheville, and yet all we had was a night of constant light rain, and power outage for two days. It is so horrible what happened over there, I know all the places hit. I go there for mini-getaways now and then, just a chance to read and shop. Thanks for asking.
It sounds like we have the same voting problem...
(5,060 posts)it's been horrible watching the damage of Helene and then Milton... and then having to dig out from the dirt and crap T is shoveling to get help to people who need it so bad. I've been in a couple of tornados... right up the old "tornado alley"... and while I love wind, I have a very healthy respect for it! Keep on Truckin', bird... we'll ride that blue tsunami right over their red mirage!
Jmb 4 Harris-Walz
(1,078 posts)birdographer
(2,818 posts)You go in one door, get the ballot, cross to one of many booths, then at the opposite side is the machine and the exit door. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing.
Jmb 4 Harris-Walz
(1,078 posts)I wouldnt let someone look at my ballot! If it came down to it, Id step into her space and put my body between the machine and her and put my ballot in quick. Theres no reason for ANYONE to be so close to the machine that he/she can spy your elections.
(644 posts)Can you complain to someone who can move her back or something? Just very concerning and we have the right to not be intimidated when we vote a secret ballot. Very disturbing so happy I live in a state with mail in ballots.
(2,818 posts)But I trust our PO far, FAR less than I trust the woman at the machine! For example, I have received many pro-trump mailings over the past month or so. I have not received a single Harris mailing at all. I know, that's the carrier tossing them out and not the PO, however we also have a major jerk managing our PO. Mail is stolen, mail never arrives, he lied to my face about not being able to drive 1/10 of a mile up our road to deliver oversized packages...I'll take the woman over mail!
(644 posts)I have some reading to do because there are a few initiatives I know little about so I want to dig deeper and then vote. Other than that blue all the way. I am happy to live in a blue state but we do have a few crazies here trying to cause trouble, but they are usually stopped quickly. I am concerned for people living in other areas of the country though.
(823 posts)How does she see every ballot, videographer?
(823 posts)Screw spellcheck.
Response to Dennis Donovan (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Blue Owl
(55,533 posts)turning away from tRump and shifting to Harris. Yet the race keeps tightening. Both things cant be happening at the same time ..
(6,289 posts)The number of former Trump administration officials who are supporting Harris is high enough to indicate bad things ahead November 5th for the orange headed buffoon.
(5,060 posts)Beartracks
(13,773 posts)AZ8theist
(6,645 posts)PERFECTLY describes the MAGAts.
(22,850 posts)We won't know who our next president will be until December 17th - if then!
Because their strategy is to throw the election to the House - where, thanks to our medieval laws in that regard (one vote per state - no matter the population) - Repugs would be sure to win.
The only real question is, will they pull that off?
(1,811 posts)This country will explode. People WILL NOT stand for that type of fuckery.
(18,092 posts)I've posted before and will do so again:
United States of Pacifica: Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii.
United States of Atlantica: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia
United States of Southern Canada: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan
Republic of Texas
The New Confederacy: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas. Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia
Deseret: Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico
The Prairie Union: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma
Alaska will be annexed as a Canadian Territory.
Unaffiliated Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania will be the scenes of bitter fighting as urban centers attempt to control larger rural territories.
Existing "state" boundaries will change, urban corridors will break off, new states will form. The old USA will be no more. We could see it in our lifetime. . . . and I'm in my 70s.
(1,513 posts)I just hope Democratic Party leaders will have the guts to do it. It's either that or prison / torture / exile for them if Trump gets the presidency.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,954 posts)It's already bubbling in toxic cauldrons like the FReak site.
If tRump wins, they'll say "It really was a landslide but that there was almost enough cheating for the commies to steal it".
If Harris wins by a small EC amount, they'll say "The commies totally stole it by cheating".
If Harris wins big in the EC, they'll say "There was massive cheating; the commies had to make it so large to hide the steal".
(1,914 posts)I think we are teetering on the brink of catastrophe. The opposition has signaled very clearly that they are not going to accept the results of the election, and that they are going to do everything they can to interfere with and disrupt the process. It is all being couched in apocalyptic terms.
(308,342 posts)calimary
(85,353 posts)Well, I guess they grew up...
(819 posts)the magat followers are worse that TFG
(11,098 posts)Justice fall down on them like a hundred bricks -if they are stupid enough to try to violently and illegally contest the election again. If we lose though? Well: That's all she wrote for a while
(4,790 posts)at least as far as any of the current generators are concerned.
(11,098 posts)Winning is whats important. Cant worry about what comes after until it comes.
(4,790 posts)BEST done from the winner's circle.
(1,896 posts)... with Trump's psychotic behavior if it was illegal for a convicted felon to run for office. The fact that it isn't strains credulity. I mean, what the actual fuck?
I suggest that Democrats make that law, and then watch Republicans twist themselves into pretzels as they try to justify opposing the bill.
Then it's buh-bye to the Electoral College, which was a racist pile of shit the day it was written. It should have been burned at the stake the day the Emancipation Proclamation dropped. No more slavery? Good. Then there's no reason for the EC's existence. Apart from the fact that manipulating it is the only way that Republicans can win the presidency, with a few exceptions.
And as long as we're on a roll, let's exterminate Civil Asset Forfeiture, which is a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment. Totally innocent people are subjected to highway robbery by crooked cops, of which there are FAR too many. No charges are brought, no court appearances, and it's all but impossible for victims to recover what was stolen from them... by cops. I repeat: What the actual fuck?
(3,019 posts)Respond and treat it as such. Bullshit claims of a spontaneous "riot" or "tourists" should get no merit or considerations. Every single court in the country threw these insane claims out and they will again. Enough is enough of entertaining this complete ludicrous nonsense.
Put these violent fascists down and then get a fucking AG that will put and end to this nightmare.
(104,038 posts)And they've become self-aware chaos agents under the control of Trump and his fucking stupid news network megaphone. I swear we need to have a serious conversation about the damage that Fox News is doing to this country. It's frightening.
(64,849 posts)I mean seriously. WTF are they waiting for? There is no down side.