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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJust drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, stayed in Kentucky, Arkansas ...
I saw much more support for Harris/Walz than I did for TFG, except for Tennessee.
The whole trip, I only saw four or five TFG bumper stickers.

(64,041 posts)On many fronts.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)SheltieLover
(64,041 posts)FFS, they let a guy accused of killing a cop out on a very low bond... Just one of many examples.
(357 posts)They have a real caste system, but some enlightened people like Al Gore.
(8,644 posts)
(5,609 posts)and unfortunately have to agree with you.
(64,041 posts)

(9,721 posts)I remember back in 2021 there were still a lot of disgruntled hold-outs with Trump flags and yard signs, and even boat paraders with Trump banners.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... and have not put up a Drumph/Vance sign.
A lot of TFGers have gotten really shy about being MAGAtites.
(5,452 posts)get the red out
(13,692 posts)We bleed blue in more ways than one! And Louisville is VERY Democratic.
I am so happy you saw Harris/Walz bumper stickers in my home state, along with the rest of your journey through the red zone. I have always found it ironic that TN is the one state that I have traveled in where I have encountered a solar-powered rest area.
(6,409 posts)2020, there were lots of trump signs around here, this year, I've seen a total of 2. And 4 Kamala signs. It looks to me, like they've turned on Trump. They may not vote for a Democrat in huge numbers, but they may just stay home.
get the red out
(13,692 posts)A nice couple around the corner from me (who I talk to when they are on their porch and I am walking my dogs) have a huge flag pole next to their house. In 2016 and 2020 they flew a big Trump flag under the American flag. Trump has now been replaced by a blue and white UK flag. Their neighbor across the street has a Harris/Walz sign in their front yard, LOL.
I am originally from back in the hills, Paintsville, KY, about 2 hours from here. When we easily re-elected Beshear, I started feeling a twinge of that pride I once felt in being a Kentuckian, which I had lost a long time ago.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)InstantGratification
(307 posts)I posted this in another thread last Wednesday, but it is probably better for the overall D ticket if they stay home. If they crossover and vote Harris, how many of them will split the ticket and still vote R on the down ballot? If they stay home, that is still a lost vote for TFG and it is a lost vote for every other R on the ballot as well.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... I was impressed at the quality of Kentucky water and how serious the state is too keep it that way. Kentucky just blew me away.
I did not get into western half of the state and I know what ecological horror the Peabody family and its allies have done with strip mining mountain tops off. But what I saw in the east was heartening.
Spent a couple of days in and near Lexington, I wish I'd a put up a flag and maybe we could have bumped into you.
I didn't prepare for this trip because I have deep family ties to Kentucky and the last time I went through - '77 on motorcycles it was not too impressive. Liked Louisville, though. Really impressed with its change. Lexington was an eye opener - all the young professionals with kids. A vibrant arts and entertainment scene.
(18,126 posts)rolling the bottle tops in wax. I was amazed at how small the distillery was. Downtown Louisville seemed to be up and coming then. The riverfront park was well underway. Overall, very impressed.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... the Ohio River might be. Probably in the Gulf by now!
(604 posts)What i can figure out is how Kentucky can elect a democratic governor like in Louisiana recently but is off the table for president. Blows my mind. Either cheating going on for president or people come out from under rocks to vote for president.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... we tend to be grass rootsy, and they tend to a machine. There state organization gives them a strong hand in national elections. We can elect a charismatic candidate, but they are almost unicorns these days.
We need to turn out our majority every election - dog catcher up.
(6,409 posts)3catwoman3
(26,319 posts)
Fla Dem
(26,340 posts)jojog
(421 posts)Harris supporters are afraid to put out signs.
(4,206 posts)There are no large Trump signs posted anywhere that I've seen. 4 years ago there were many, many billboards for trump.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)IrishAfricanAmerican
(4,206 posts)smh.
(4,386 posts)We have always out our Democratic political signs in election years. I feel that we provide a service to our fellow local Democrats by letting them know they are not alone.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)TNNurse
(7,261 posts)I don't want my house or car attacked.
I live in rural East TN and there are fewer TFG signs than there were.
(26,780 posts)But so am I, scared to put out signs. I'm surrounded by Mark Robinson signs. It's disgusting.
I've seen a couple of H/W signs in town but most of them are Robinson and less than usual DT signs, flags etc.
For GOTV I put signs on the highway in the median mostly. You should see me in my reflective safety vest.
It's like maybe some of them are afraid to put out signs, too. And I see fewer DT signs a good thing here in rural NC.
(7,393 posts)If that guy gets elected, the state will literally implode. And, I am still sure the Democrats outnumber the idiots, it is just that the N.C. left is trying to live, not spending all their time trying to tell everyone else how to.
I don't see him getting in. But, I did not see him getting the LT. Governor position either.
Turn North Carolina Blue Again!
I also hope that when the election is over that Governor Stein gets before a microphone and tells everyone that we as a state have failed whatever the percentage that votes for that idiotic pervert ends up being. No one should be condemned to being that stupid in life, and we need to help them whenever we can... as long as they behave.
(3,182 posts)Was visiting Ohio NOrthern University to see son#2. Saw Harris signs in Ada. Went to Bluffton to eat -- lots of TFG and Gym JOrdan signs, Pretty racist area. Restaurant had both the black with blue stripe and black with red stripe hanging vertically on the wall along with a sign on the door that "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. The management" So -- pretty blatant in teh authoritarian sympathetic to white supremacists there. If we had not previously aranged to meet the son there because it was convenient to him and our hotel, I would likely have not eaten there.
In Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana with a lot of driving and saw surprising few signs for TFG and almost as many "not going back" type of signs.
In 2016, all over the nortwest Ohio area when we visited ONU with son #1 was plastered with TFG signs.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... and there is an unashamed racist component to it.
lonely bird
(2,138 posts)There are more Trump signs this time than 2020. There are, however, more Harris signs than there were Biden signs in 2020.
Btw, does anyone notice the political crap on LinkedIn?
KS Toronado
(20,957 posts)tells me there's a blowout of an election coming. A big blowout and TSF will have trouble sending
his MAGAts out to "stop the steal" again.
(4,386 posts)Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville. Even some smaller cities are leaning Democratic -- Clarksville comes to mind, as I drive through it all the time.
This Tennessean has a Harris/Walz sign in his front yard. But you wouldn't have seen it on your trip -- nobody goes through MY town on their way to ANTWHERE!
(By the way, a fellow Navy vet here )
marble falls
(63,630 posts)Prairie_Seagull
(3,994 posts)Pulled over with a blunt, lose your car. What on earth made a good navy man go that way. Kidding of course.
White people are immune ish.
Best wishes on your journey
That is good news although I think you were driving at night. haha
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... what those troopers do to a car. I use cruise control and wear my white hair prominently, my VA card right next to my license.
(34,527 posts)They are popping up all along the Route 202 in PA from the NJ Border to Warminster in Buck's County.
But the good news is - There are sign wars going on. I love, love, love it!
(25,061 posts)Last edited Tue Oct 15, 2024, 03:23 PM - Edit history (1)
More trump signs than Harris 3 or 4 to 1 Id say. But I dont know what it was like here 4 or 8 years ago.
On editing because we went on the other side of the peninsula of Door county and there are four times as many Harris signs as trump signs 😊
marble falls
(63,630 posts)... that there is so much MAGAculture.
(25,061 posts)Has for many decades.
(6,742 posts)marble falls
(63,630 posts)Martin Eden
(13,949 posts)I've only seen one Harris/Walz sign but about a half dozen Trump/Vance signs.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)IrishAfricanAmerican
(4,206 posts)Still nothing like what it was in the past. I've seen many Harris signs and even some bumper stickers, (brave souls.) I'm still of the opinion that many Trumpers won't be voting this time around. And I'm still calling for a modern landslide. 375-400 EC votes.