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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSome may find this silly, but I'm on the verge of crying
I've been holding back all day and maybe I'll feel better if I just let it go.

(31,285 posts)Hug
2 Meow Momma
(6,795 posts)
(10,718 posts)MaryMagdaline
(7,934 posts)radical noodle
(9,501 posts)I am more than angry. Did they want to give the country to a tyrant and chaos agent to get mass deportation? Cheaper eggs or gas? Did they hate immigrants so much that they were willing to let women die when a pregnancy goes wrong? What exactly do they get for the selling of their votes?
I'm so done with the people I know who would prefer to have a convicted criminal as a president than someone who is good and decent. Maybe when I'm less angry, I'll cry... but today I rage against them.
(11,847 posts)No study of the policies required. Just pick your horse, put up his signs, and get the shirt snd the hat.
I know this is the case with some magats.
In It to Win It
(10,135 posts)Lonestarblue
(12,353 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,287 posts)I know it will be better when we get it out, but maybe this is too frightening right now.
(3,184 posts)Solly Mack
(94,258 posts)BidenRocks
(1,126 posts)Solly Mack
(94,258 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,381 posts)This is a sad day for our country, a day of infamy.
The thing is, you are a better human being than trump and MAGA ever will be, or can even imagine.
(3,505 posts)
and I will probably break down.
I had to put a strong face on and head into the office today; but Ive been eerily withdrawn and subsided today alone in my thoughts.
I can feel it
(79,904 posts)I just couldn't handle work today
(36,594 posts)displacedvermoter
(3,553 posts)feel terrible like when my Rocco died in the summer, but more in shock as he was old and his time had come. Last night came out of the blue
(36,594 posts)Knowing is half the battle. Already called out sick for tomorrow.
(79,904 posts)there's a lot of pain to come at their doing.
the idiotic mother fuckers
(20,013 posts)Not much sleep last night for either of us. We made up for it when I got home. I think we all need a hug.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,092 posts)
(924 posts)Crying, primal screaming, and punching walls can be cathartic.
Just one day for this -- then we must look clear-eyed at what's coming.
I have a MAGA neighbor. He was outside bragging earlier. There's no way I'll let this guy see me being down. I will give him no liberal tears to drink.
(114,012 posts)We earned our tears.
(13,063 posts)I wish I could.
(108,196 posts)Uncertainty and helplessness while under "voiced" threat is the worst. While most of us feel the threat to immigrants is foremost, the women of this country are already suffering from his past actions, and all but white male MAGA and evangelical RWers are facing risk.
As an avid reader of biographies--especially those who lived under times of great turmoil, I'd like to think I'd live up to their example. But, in reality, I fear that most Americans are ill-prepared for what is to come.
(5,949 posts)Been crying ever since, but that heavy, tight feeling in my chest is going away.
(1,077 posts)Now I have to go repair my make up because I have to look somewhat presentable tonight for choir rehearsal. My mascara doth runneth. 😁
Kamalas speech was excellent and heartfelt. We will all tend to our emotional wounds today and then gear up for the continued fight.
Stay strong everyone but first take care of yourself. Grief is real and demands attention.
Blue Owl
(55,473 posts)KatK
(231 posts)SomedayKindaLove
(1,108 posts)And cry all your tears.
(18,386 posts)BunkieBandit
(128 posts)And I'm a 67 year old man. Sad day.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,921 posts)The catharsis need is real.
(11,033 posts)Roc2020
(1,720 posts)reaching for my phone to see what deep down I already knew. sat up sweating even more...crushed that the country put this unbelievably evil and wicked man back in the WH. wow america.
(27,355 posts)in my life, and I want to smash something or someone.
(11,662 posts)but whoever wants to, let them cry. Then get up, wash your hands and face, and dig in for the long haul. It won't be pretty, but it needs doing.
(16,902 posts)And I haven't in years, probably.
Thinking of my 5 year old niece and what kind of world she will be living in. I grew up in the 80s and I (female) knew and was told I could be whatever I wanted to be. No constraints because of my gender. I also was not warned about shitty men, but that's another story. I did not have to deal with the pornification of everything and the fact that young men only think of girls/women as sex objects, making them do degrading acts they've seen in porn. And now her world might be constrained by no access to birth control (when the time comes).
I'm so glad that young women these days are ditching the loser/incel boys and men we seem to be creating (those losers voted for Trump in a big way). Still I fear we are on the verge of some sort of Handmaid's Tale situation, in which young women are not allowed to travel, because they might be traveling to have an abortion.
(6,972 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,415 posts)
(12,193 posts)It's healthier than my response of all day imaging the coming horrors.
Oh, your feelings arent silly at all! Crying is cathartic. I was holding it in until my kids all called to check in with me and then my tears came pouring out again when I watched her speech at Howard. The shots of the young people in the crowd wiping away tears was so poignant. Millions of us in collective sadness that we arent celebrating Madame President.
(67,596 posts)Very sad day for our country. We weren't like this for Joe, we will miss him when he leaves.
Thank you! I have been reading and depending on DU for years and finally decided I should officially join and support. When Joe was elected, I thought how fortunate this country was to have a true public servant as President. And how tragic that this country will miss having another in Kamala. Thanks again for the welcome post!
(464 posts)The collective tears
Silent Type
(8,546 posts)Island Blue
(6,287 posts)I took the day off in hopes of celebrating, but it turned into a day of mourning. Last night I took several pills (all legal) that probably shouldnt have been taken together. It was just a trail run Anyway, take as much time as you need to cry. I have a feeling well all be doing lots of it in the coming years. 🤗
(67,596 posts)it's grief like something or someone died. I start thinking about certain things and I cry.
(5,758 posts)people and the world we are leaving to them.
(34,495 posts)more than a few times. There is no shame or no reason to hold back. It will be good for you and you will feel better.
(47,738 posts)Let it rip.
(85,282 posts)Shit - sometimes thats about all you can realistically do. Just cry. Cry it out, if youre lucky. I remember some wise older person once told me everybody needs time to grieve.
Sometimes you just do.
Heres a hug.
(1,288 posts)There should be a casket ... a wake .... people dressed in black.... a day of mourning
Once we get past the grief and get in to anger shit will start to happen.
But for now, here we are.
Tears are cathartic.
Democracy... a very dear friend to us all.
(67,596 posts)was real she would be crying.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,693 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,206 posts)barbtries
(30,224 posts)i haven't gotten to mine yet because I've been on pills today. But it's coming. Probably tomorrow when I have counseling. Good counselors, like mine, got very high marks in Generating Tears 101.
A good cry is cleansing. A good dry takes the pain inside, pours some of it out, and leaves it there.
"To weep is to make less the depth of grief."
- William Shakespeare
(138,541 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 6, 2024, 07:37 PM - Edit history (1)
Thank goodness for DU.
(7,248 posts)Or really most days.
(10,606 posts)First I was numb. Then I was really angry. And then the tears started to flow. You have to let it out. We are all grieving, for what we were hoping for, and for what we are fearing. The tears are normal. It's the country that is wrong.
(13,665 posts)sure I will have a few more. Don't hold back. We're here for you.
(8,982 posts)
(41,714 posts)You'll feel better.
(295 posts)Me and 2 of my employees crying today -all of us Democrats. Our 3rd Democrat didn't even show up or call in. We are all destroyed by this.
Deep State Witch
(11,629 posts)It's healthy for you.
(2,506 posts)By the Blue Wall states.
They used to be solidly reliable. Just so disappointing.
I think it would not have been so bad had it been a relatively decent opposite, but this one is a monster.
(36,105 posts)Theres something wrong with a country that adores such a horrible, horrible, person. Its so depressing to think of how many bigots and misogynists live among us. If I didnt have adult kids here Id look for another country to move to. But were old so no one else would probably want us anyway.
(24,414 posts)But held it in. I just need to take a break from politics and social media. Ill be lurking here sporadically!
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)Today I feel like someone beat the hell out of me...
COL Mustard
(7,237 posts)I've never been so shaken after a Presidential election in. my life. There've been presidents that I liked and some I didn't care for, but this...this is awful.
(2,938 posts)On and off, of course. Its painful.
(26,751 posts)
aurora the great
(118 posts)My job puts my on the internet most of the day. Today , I listened to melancholy music all day. The tears came in waves and I know I am just at the beginning of the journey. But I am with you and we will get through this. Oh and listen to some Bob Marley ( just my personal opinion), United we stand.
(2,080 posts)I cried some but it didn't really help I keep getting waves of grief as more and more sets in and I know how bad it might get sometimes crying helps but this time I think I haven't been able to cry enough yet...
(4,319 posts)Weve been traumatized, had our hearts broken.
(17,210 posts)...tears do serve a purpose, and they're nothing to be ashamed of.
And the grief is real.
(61,918 posts)I'd cry if I weren't as pissed off as I've ever been in my life.
(3,940 posts)magicarpet
(17,731 posts)Have yourself a good cry.
(97,831 posts)country to choose light over darkness, and darkness was chosen.
We do not live in a good country.
That is very sad. Enough to make one cry.
I for one will never look upon our country in a positive light again.
(29,331 posts)

Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,241 posts)about this loss. And I'm a crier.
I've only allowed myself to feel disgust and dusbelief. I think I'm afraid if I let myself cry, I will have to feel fully just how wrong, how sad, how infuriating, how frightening, and how etc. this fascist victory really is. I don't think I'm strong enough for that.
(51,969 posts)Im still in shock. The grief is hitting me in waves. I cried for a couple minutes, and then went into a state of disassociation. I think this weekend Ill have a good cry. When Im not thinking about work.
We do need to allow ourselves to grieve for our country and the world. Then we can get back to doing whatever we can to resist fascism.
(6,262 posts)Its like a big rock in my gut. I think Im still in too much shock that this is our reality now.
a kennedy
(32,930 posts)Never gonna get over it either. So you just go right ahead.
Faux pas
(15,559 posts)I've been trying to hold my tears back, my eyes are leaking anyway. So start to heal and let 'er Rip my dear