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It never goes well. It's the third rail of politics. If and when the Republicans congress tries their phones will burn up. When they try any of this extreme stuff, I'm sure the Democratic party will scream it from the rooftops. We just need to be prepared to jam their phone.

(18,395 posts)Its worse than that. The same folks who call for a one-third reduction in SS also want a one-third reduction in Medicare expenses, which recipients will need to shoulder.
(3,631 posts)I'm on SS and they better keep their paws of my check.
(939 posts)I don't know if that's completely across the board, or that there will be proportional reductions based on age.
(15,674 posts)Im being the devils advocate here. I retire in nine months and I certainly dont want cuts to MY SS.
But what can we do? Call and scream? Threaten not to vote for them in the next election? Theres not going to BE a next election. Thats what makes this time around a completely new ballgame unfortunately.
Aviation Pro
(14,060 posts)They will cut Social Security to satisfy their sponsors.
Check my sig line for what I feel about these Motherfucker voters especially the fucking old pricks, who decided to slit their own throats.
(15,109 posts)and they are going to get it this time.
And, their followers will be perfectly fine with it because we will fight it.
All they know is owning the libs.
Aviation Pro
(14,060 posts)Because fuck 'em when they have to start eating cheap dog food for sustenance.
Read my sig line.
(15,109 posts)but, that is my SS, and my wife's, and one day my children's SS, too.
(5,472 posts)lots of things happen that will hurt this country - but only if the can be undone. Getting rid of SS, getting rid of Medicare, and selling off federal land can't be undone.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)People used to say that about abortion rights as well. They just went ahead and did what they wanted to do.
Silent Type
(8,631 posts)to protect abortion rights.
Should have codified it, assuming we could find the votes.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)GoreWon2000
(1,240 posts)in Congress to codify Roe despite strong voter support. When we finally had the votes to codify Roe in 2023 we then had Manchin and Sinema refuse to end the filibuster so that Roe could be codified. Lets also not forget the 2 SCOTUS appointments that we lost with W's theft of the 2000 Presidential election.
(7,980 posts)Clarence Thomas is the only legit (Conservative) Supreme Court justice in my view. W stole the 2000 election and got 2 and then the 3 tools Trump put in all lied under oath, so 5 of the 6 are not legitimate in my view. That said, EVERYTHING they do legitimately will fuck this nation for decades to come.
(1,240 posts)although I will point out that Thomas was one of the Rehnquist 5 who helped W steal the 2000 election.
(3,631 posts)Alito are going to resign so Trump can put in two youngins
La Coliniere
(1,316 posts)to install 35 year old masters of the oligarchy or corrupt desperately unqualified team players like Judge Cannon. Well have to live with the consequences of that for god knows how long. FUBAR
(1,240 posts)GoreWon2000
(1,240 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)nini
(16,777 posts)They dont care and will do all they can while they have the power and hateful people running the show.
(2,568 posts)Congress did not directly vote for it.
(16,777 posts)Different arms of the same monster.
(1,826 posts)SoCalDavidS
(10,599 posts)But PIECES OF SHIT like Turtle, made sure that enough got on the SC to do what the goal was all along.
(1,240 posts)Voters voted for the state ballot measures and then turned around and voted for the anti-choice repugs.
(6,706 posts)in the past of ballot measures passing but state governments thwarting implementation of the ballot measure. It is not a given it will happen just because it passed. The administrative delays and legal wrangling can go on for a very long time.
(1,240 posts)moniss
(6,706 posts)actions that have been taken to thwart ballot measures because they do this on things that are strictly state specific matters as well such as school funding changes etc.
(1,240 posts)are gearing up to fight to protect important rights at the state level from the maga nazis.
(6,706 posts)on the subject of the "slow walking/hamstringing" of ballot measures that pass that can happen in a state that has a Democratic governor or attorney general but has a GQP legislature or one where one branch of the legislature or other is in control of these clowns. One of their strategies, in states with a closely divided/or GQP controlled state Supreme Court is to bring up endless whacked out claims about the ballot measure after it has passed such as claiming the measure had no mandate for implementation etc. or they try to enact the ballot measure by name but the underlying legislation negates the ballot measure. Then it's off to the courts for drawn out legal cases etc.
(1,240 posts)moniss
(6,706 posts)the implementation of approved ballot measures sometimes by years.
(1,240 posts)Yavin4
(37,115 posts)The SCOTUS. Check mate.
(1,240 posts)videohead5
(2,568 posts)Some won't care, but some will want to get re-elected. It won't take many along with the Democrats to stop it.
(49,153 posts)valleyrogue
(1,826 posts)Earthrise
(15,725 posts)Once AARP jumps in to inform their members that SS is in danger - people move hard and fast.
I've been thinking about the cuts to Social Security since the election. Will we return to the days of yesteryear when the two most common reasons elders died were starvation and freezing to death?
(7,334 posts)In their run up to the election magazine article, the AARP just printed all his lies and left them unchallenged. Treated him just like he was a regular politician. Said he wasn't going to 'end' SS, but didn't give any qualifying information about cuts, etc.
Fuck the AARP as a political action body. It is just another corporate echo chamber.
I'm a member, but it only costs about $10 year. I use it to get motel and restaurant discounts that more then make up for that part. But I am extremely disappointed in their lack of depth re Trump - enough so I am probably going to cancel my membership.
(8,555 posts)Of course with climate devastation, the freezing to death might change to heat-related deaths.
(17,258 posts)with shithole's near future economy, many families will need to make decisions. Hopefully there will be funds to help them, which I doubt.
Last edited Tue Nov 12, 2024, 07:12 AM - Edit history (1)
(465 posts)My son (46) who is disabled has been living with us for about five years. His health has declined and could no longer afford to live independently. My grandson (25) and his son moved in when he lost his job last year. He has gone back to college. We also help my middle son (48) who is fighting ACC cancer.
I'm 72 and still working full time. I had hoped to retire. It now seems out of reach.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Unfortunately I can't cite you a source because it's been many years when I ran across authoritative information (possibly from the government) that said military pensions are set up in a way that politicians can't meddle with them the way they can Social Security.
It's possible, though, that if we're talking about a fascist takeover of our government, and a heartless prick like Elon Musk overseeing these cuts, then even military pensions might be fair game. Only time will tell. But if they do go after Social Security there's at least a chance they won't go after military pensions. Again, only time will tell.
(7,629 posts)But if you are a retired veteran like me with more than 50 percent disability, you get disability pay.
Project 2025 says we shouldn't.
My case that means a net income loss of 25k.
For a 100 percent disabled vet it could mean up to 40k in net income loss.
The only hope is they don't get to it on the pecking order before the midterms when I think Dems take the House or a handful of Republicans balks.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)There's a special place in hell for people like Trump.
(19,798 posts)Fuck em, they can find the cheapest, shittiest retirement homes and rot. They're not welcome in my home.
(16,874 posts)They will do it anyway.
Massive confusion and change to shock the public. Then they can get away with it under the guise of it being a necessity.
People will suffer for a couple of years
(1,826 posts)k55f5r
(466 posts)Trump already told us we won't need to vote anymore. What makes you think we'll have free and fair elections in 4 years or two for that matter?
(16,579 posts)Skittles
(162,408 posts)it results in cuts for ALL
(15,408 posts)And that illustrates why they'll only cut the future benefits of young people. So many people who already got theirs don't care.
(162,408 posts)Mariana
(15,408 posts)Skittles
(162,408 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 8, 2024, 02:17 AM - Edit history (1)
(16,579 posts)I admit it's not my specialty... but wouldn't raising the age create more liquidity in the SS budget making SS more solvent?
(162,408 posts)Mariana
(15,408 posts)at the prospect of their children and grandchildren being fucked over. Most of them hate young people anyway.
(2,520 posts)That those assholes hate young people.
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)nt
(15,408 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)unless people absolutely cannot collect SS until the older age. The vast majority of people start collecting as soon as they can, all too often at age 62, completely not understanding they will be getting a permanently reduced payment.
(6,012 posts)waiting vs. all the payments you will MISS by waiting. You had better hope to live a long time to make waiting worthwhile.
(27,430 posts)Scroll down this:
So yeah, waiting is worthwhile.
Jimbo S
(3,032 posts)If you're in your 60's and are in good health, it's better to wait.
(6,012 posts)Also, family average lifespan.
(1,657 posts)I am 63 and he is 68. We are both healthy and fit. He was contemplating taking SS soon thinking being grandfathered into the system might be good, but otherwise he was going to hold out to 70. I would like to hold out at least to 67.
(37,115 posts)Happy Hoosier
(8,803 posts)It means a year and half less benefits . Or lower benefits if one stull wants to retire at 67
Jmb 4 Harris-Walz
(1,078 posts)all over if they try it. If they follow thru with cuts 2026 will be a fun election for the dems.
(7,334 posts)We will become a Fascist State on Jan 6th. The Fascist Party will control at least 2.5 out of 3 branches of the Government. Perfect strongman scenario.
Just like Italy under Mussolini in 1924.
Just like Germany under Hitler in 1934.
Just like Russia under Putin in 2000.
The USA is no longer free.
Of coarse we will still have elections ... just not fair and free ones.
(162,408 posts)
(8,555 posts)Putin incarcerates or kills those who threaten him. It has a quieting effect on political opponents and the elections.
I expect the new POTUS will use the IRS and DOJ to persecute and prosecute his perceived "enemies within." If he lives long enough, he might go so far as to quietly start an offshoot of the Secret Service answerable only to him, and they will be utilized to take care of more physical threats or even outright assassinations.
(13,898 posts)Farmgirl1961
(1,657 posts)but my gut tells me this election wasnt free and fair just the guise of it
(791 posts)Last edited Tue Nov 12, 2024, 07:13 AM - Edit history (1)
(12,599 posts)What do you imagine will happen in the reddest states, like Idaho, West Virginia, Louisiana, when they start meddling with Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security? Do you think their voters, whose primary issue this election was their perception of the economy, will continue to support them when they're homeless, unmedicated, living in the direst poverty? Medicaid will be a good test case, because the plans to drastically cut that are already on the table - and you show me what happens when you take the only health coverage they've got away from people who are already unemployed, pissed off, and living on the edge.
They'll be building guillotines in the red states. Thoughts and prayers...
(1,826 posts)Skittles
(12,599 posts)If they think their current power makes them invulnerable and in power forever, they may find out what the aristocrats found out in France.
(13,898 posts)and those in power have different toys now. I seriously doubt that an "Arab spring" could happen here either. The US is too big and people too divided by land, culture and ideology.
(8,555 posts)How do they assign your precinct? Are people catching rides from the Salvation Army to go to the polls? Once those supporters drop that level, they are of no use to MAGA anymore because they have no voice or power.
"What happens when you take the only health coverage they've got away from people who are already unemployed, pissed off, and living on the edge"? If this election is any indication, then they turn out in record numbers and vote MAGA.
(34,544 posts)I don't know why they would be upset?
(25,963 posts)

(1,826 posts)hatrack
(61,962 posts)Cases in point: Gosar, Boebert, Greene, Comer, Mullin, Blackburn - I honestly wonder how they manage to tie their own shoes in the morning.
Fulminating, frothing, hateful morons.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)Skittles
(162,408 posts)right now they are living their WET DREAM - *ANYTHING* that helps WE THE PEOPLE will be up for grabs
(54,515 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,544 posts)Vote them out if they touch it?
The Leader isn't going to allow that.
I'm gobsmacked that people think there are going to be midterms.
(17,258 posts)so be it. No replacements, see how long their voters believe in them.
(162,408 posts)any more than they care about those programs
what part of THEY HAVE EVERYTHING are you not getting?
(28,447 posts)That's how they operate in Red supermajority states.
Social Security and Medicare will be hard. The only saving grace is if the shite hits, Trump will throw Musk and Thiel under the bus.
(2,393 posts)Instead, we'll have some new "Public-Private" scheme where all of the SS taxes will go directly to investment firms to do with what they will. If the stock market continues to climb, it's great publicity, when the stock market crashes - oops, your retirement is gone and you're looking for work at McDonalds at 76.
Also, let's be honest ... the tech sector has been quietly collapsing for a while now, with the only thing keeping it propped up is the big companies decimating their workforces in order to goose dividend checks. When that no longer becomes feasible, the market is going to crash hard, because it's really only supported by about a dozen big AI-heavy stocks that are all teetering now because GenAI in particular has turned into a bust, financially. That won't have much impact on the billionaires, but it should pretty much crater anyone with 401K or similar investment vehicle.
The only saving grace in this (and I'm not sure how much this will matter) is that the Democrats are out of it when the fecal matter hits the rotating blades.
(700 posts)as a great idea to Trump supporters and they will eat it up.
they'll come up with something and put the word ADVANTAGE into it and people will FLOCK to it
(6,448 posts)moonscape
(5,456 posts)Metaphorical
(2,393 posts)While it could come before the end of the year, I'd put it some time in late 2025Q1 or early Q2. Expect a Trump bounce in the market, which will add some momentum and keep people distracted, but already reported adoption and earnings are pretty dismal, and downmarket right now is VERY soft anecdotally. A fair number of Federal tech projects were slated to start in Q1 that are probably going to be frozen at this point, especially if the GOP decides not to fund appropropriations. This is going to have a major ripple effect.
(17,565 posts)And cutting poor Elons tax rate and eliminating his and the other high rollers social sercurity and medicare deductions. Because why should they pay into it when they do not need any of the benefits.
(12,587 posts)Then theyll cut or eliminate the programs.
(558 posts)to remind everyone Nikki Haley wants to get everyone off Medicare and onto Mediocre Advantage.
Medicare and Social Security go hand in hand.
(25,963 posts)Says Medicare advantage will be the default choice
(18,458 posts)And yet here we are.
Do better. Fight harder. Educate people more.
(51,079 posts)They'll do a death by a thousand cuts.
A change here
A cut there.
That way they keep their base believing they are being "fiscally responsible" even while fucking them in the process.
(33,054 posts)they have a mandate. I look for them to move swiftly and boldly. Fascists have no shame and never take personal responsibility for their actions.
(122,596 posts)We EARNED every freaking cent of it. HOW FUCKING DARE THEY???
(7,515 posts)It's irrelevant from their point of view what people think. As Trump said, you won't need to vote anymore. This is not about what we think;. It's about power; bare vicious power, and it's in the hands of those who know how to wield it.
His first presidency was a training session. We are about to see what the hate that resides in so many Americans has unleashed on all of us.
Don't expect any quarter to be given.
Project 2025 told us what to expect, but people put him, and his enablers in power anyway.
There is no way back from the evil that is about to be inflicted on all Americans.
We are going to experience what the people of Russia have endured for so many decades.
Sorry about the negativity, but that's what we're looking forward to.
Please, show me where I'm wrong.
(6,429 posts)Time will tell how this plays out
(7,629 posts)But project 2025 wants to slash them by eliminating concurrent reciept which basically means almost no retired veteran will get any disability pay because for most retirement pay will be more than disability pay.
To be honest the only real hope is that they are so incompetent that they only accomplish a fraction of what they want to do because of it.
They are going to immediately focus on the round up and that's going to take a lot of energy and focus. That's either going to make it harder to do anything else or make it easier because attention is distracted.
But they were pretty incompetent last time and that was with career people. I guess we will see soon enough. Remaining hope is probably the handful of Senate Republicans who aren't quite ultra conservative enough to want everything in 2025.
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)They know it's fair game now.
(1,295 posts)Then they'll do it without fear of consequences.
(5,798 posts)Biden bragging nonstop about the economy nonstop bothered me, and I'm a lifelong Dem.. Four of my family members, all working in tech, have been unemployed for months, and only recently have two of them found jobs. Inflation is scary to folks younger than me. Biden was bragging about inflation being lower than in other countries, but Trump voters don't care about other countries.
(2,520 posts)Because baby, if this were France!
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)travelingthrulife
(1,755 posts)It is easy to sell tax cuts to the rubes and they will not connect the dots until the fund is empty. Even then, they will blame it on Democrats.
(37,115 posts)How can you expect anyone to survive on $285 billion? Have you seen the price of eggs recently???
(33,054 posts)will blame the democratic party.
They have all three branches of government and they will privatize SS. Medicare will probably be replaced with private Advantage plans, the price will sky rocket every year and will get less coverage. Medicaid will probably be eliminated entirely.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,836 posts)They don't care. We just saw the real last election this nation will ever have.
(31,678 posts)lostnfound
(16,874 posts)Emile
(33,054 posts)enacted tariffs, deported Mexicans and brought us the Great Depression.
When it all goes to hell, their right wing propaganda machine kicks in and convince their stupid voters that this was all because of the.democrats.
Happy Hoosier
(8,803 posts)So this will be interesting. I would still be able to reture, but it would definitely hurt.
(1,077 posts)They are just going to wait a few years to let the estimated automatic ~25% cut to take place. They will do the same with Medicare.
(11,082 posts)Medicare sooner than SS. SS benefits will be cut by about 33% around 2030 or 2031. Medicare before thatand I don't know how muchwon't be able to cover everything.
Remember that Medicare was created because private insurance didn't want to insure old, sick people. It was too expensive. They didn't have the funding base to cover the expense, but the federal government could via dedicated taxes.
Once again, I think private insurance is not going to want to cover sick and old people 100%. It is too expensive. But gov't may cover SOME of the cost with private insurance covering the rest.
I'd expect coverage to be reduced and insurance costs to be MUCH higher.
(19,003 posts)Until this happens they will accept anything else the convicted felon does. May bitch and whine some but not much.
But when they touch their SS, then crap hits the fan.
(37,115 posts)Do you think they give a shit about what the people want?
(15,804 posts)Josh Hawleys political ads addressed social security. He said he wont let Congress touch our social security because we earned it and we depend on it. Every time I saw the ad I screamed, you LIER. He along with other evil republicans will try to get rid of it.
(1,272 posts)I don't know what the hell is going to happen. We have people proudly admitting that they are Nazis. Taking anything for granted could well be dangerous, even fatal.