General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIt's highly unlikely there was any election shenanigans
My immediate family of 6 all voted straight blue - but I'm sure we all have in mind at least an equal number of acquintances who
were intending to vote for Trump. The values of the professional class that tend to be political junkies (like us - yay!) do not match those of most of the nation. Does that mean we have to beclown ourselves to appeal to them? Won't do a bit of good. Most of us are too old to play that game and will just wind up looking like posers. If you are a DUer of adequate or better means think about reaching out to other like minded Democrats that may not be so fortunate. Build local alliances. Join discussion clubs. If possible learn about the ethics of local business owners and do not fund assholes. Consult a financial advisor. Maybe take a page from the Republicans and help start an anti-Heritage Foundation. If not disabled, work harder, learn more, make more. Success is the sweetest revenge. Then when some degenerate wants to climb into your lifeboat, you can hit em with your oar. Hard.
(63,254 posts)We know the PutinGOP are ruthless psychopaths who will do anything to gain power and wealth.
I would find it very odd if there was no cheating in this election.
The past behavior and psych profiles of psychopaths points to cheating.
(2,506 posts)There was a great post in the last couple of days that laid out the argument that many Trumpers know their
position is immoral - truly indefensible - and are quiet about it. No doubt many just flat out lied to pollsters.
An undecideds? Give me a beak. Plus, I think even among some Democrats, there's some latent misogynistic
tendencies and that suppressed the vote. My wife is a medical professional and one of her patients, a young
black woman told her she couldn't vote for a woman "...because they're too emotional." How about that shit?
I have been living in a bubble.
(63,254 posts)Ruthless psychopaths with extensive criminal behavior.
Both Trump and Putin had to get Trump in the WH.
Trump faces prison.
Putin is losing the war and his economy is in shambles.
HE may lose power.
Russia has interfered in our elections before.
He owns Trump and receives intelligence from Trump.
Who has means, motive, opportunity?
If this were a police investigation and Trump and Putin were not at the top
of the suspect list, the cop in charge should be fired.
This is not rocket science. It is a straightforward crime scene.
(2,506 posts)Bomb threats aren't evidence that votes were changed. Russian influencers suck but here again, that's different than
disposing of ballots or changing tabulation results. UNTIL we have some evidence, it's just speculation. That said,
I'm outraged to the extent that we know Russia interfered, and share your anger.
(92,327 posts)stillcool
(33,140 posts)there were things taken, but I can't prove they were taken. They were there, now they're not. I can't say anything because if I do I'm a conspiracy theorist in a tinfoil hat. I'm a liar. I guess I'll just say I never had anything to begin with. That seems to be the right way to go.
Course if I could prove it, depending on who took it, I could pay more in court fees that the damn stuff is worth.
(3,827 posts)Beg to differ.
Silent Type
(8,140 posts)anyone in line still got to vote.
Couple that with 2.5 weeks of early voting, mailin/dropoff ballots, etc., and thats little excuse.