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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe Media Can't Figure Out Why Some Racist Israeli Soccer Hooligans Were Beaten Up of Maccabi fans reportedly went through the city, confronting the pro-Palestine protesters and generally causing trouble. Videos show Maccabi fans tearing down Palestine flags from the windows of private residences. In one such video, you can hear people serenading the flag-ripper with "Fuck you, Palestine." Per the NYT, Amsterdam police say some Israeli fans burned one Palestine flag and also vandalized a taxi. One Twitter account posted a video that purportedly shows a Maccabi fan smashing a taxi with a chain.
Tensions remained high going into Thursday, the day of the match. Maccabi fans again took to the streets, at times chanting racist phrases like "Death to the Arabs." One chant heard on video goes "Let the IDF win, we will fuck the Arabs." Lyrics of that same Maccabi song include "Why is school out in Gaza? There are no children left there." A photographer spotted one Maccabi fan unfurling a Make America Great Again flag. These scenes led to further clashes with pro-Palestine protesters. Several videos going around social media show violence between locals and Maccabi fans. The following, widely shared video can be found in many news articles, often positioned as evidence of Dutch violence on Israelisa CNN World video explicitly presents the video as "Israeli football fans [being] beaten and injured"even though the photographer who took the video has clarified that it depicts Maccabi fans attacking a Dutch man
In response to Wednesday's events, Amsterdam police were out in full force on Thursday, though their presence didn't prevent all of the violence. After the match itself, a 5-0 Ajax victory, during which Maccabi fans disrupted a moment of silence for victims of the recent floods in Valencia, Spainthe Spanish government has made efforts to distance itself from Israel in light of the attacks on GazaDutch authorities escorted Maccabi fans onto a fleet of buses that took them from the stadium to their hotels. However, some Maccabi fans who lingered around the city found themselves set upon by groups of Dutchmen, who, as Amsterdam city council member Jazie Veldhuyzen put it in an interview with Al Jazeera English, "mobilized themselves" and "countered the attacks that started on Wednesday." On social media, there are videos that purportedly show these "scooter youth" fighting Maccabi fans.

(18,198 posts)I get the sense that this website ( doesn't support democrats.
(24,399 posts)parts that delivered on the headline.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Those seem to be Maccabi fans. It's definitely not a slam dunk or anything as far as evidence for the rest but it seems like it may make you rethink what is going on here a bit and be a little open to what may have happened. At least that is what I think.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)use a Trump flag to harass about 60 peaceful pro-Palestine protesters without any Palestine flags on the streets of Amsterdam.
Because nothing says street fight like people standing around and looking bored as they descend down the half-empty escalator. Sure makes me rethink what is going on, not to mention what may or may not have happened here.
(8,943 posts)Just that hey, here is a pic of supporters of that soccer team holding dump signs so maybe we should be cautious of coming to conclusions at this point but somehow you just missed that point. Its almost like you are in a bubble of defending any Israeli no matter what they do. Talking about that, can you say that the Israeli citizens that attacked food trucks going into gaza were wrong? Obviously you can. Its not like the Israelis overwhelming support dump over Harris. Interesting stuff you know.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Ummm... I never said you said that.
I only said that the silly picture you posted did not make me rethink what is going on there a bit, or at all, or be a little open to what may have happened. Because the picture you posted does not reflect a single bit of what may or may not have happened, regardless of what you think.
You may think that maybe you should be cautious over a silly photo, but I think "we" should be far more cautious over a violent antisemitic attack depicted on many pictures taken at the scene of the crime.
It is just that I prefer to remain in the bubble of factual evidence rather than breaking free of this bubble on the basis of ridiculous innuendo.
Note that I am totally ignoring your transparent attempt to deflect from the subject at hand.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)beating the shit out of the racist Israeli soccer hooligans, and how only the aforementioned hooligans ended up in a hospital.
Makes me wonder who exactly the violent racist hooligans are in this story and who is trying to get away with shameless spin.
(34,511 posts)And it was pretty well planned. Can I use the P word or will it get twisted around back on the Jewish Crime victims? Because that looked like a Pogrom to me.
(130 posts)Link to tweet
Ofer Cassif עופר כסיף عوفر كسيف
רוח הפשיזם הישראלי הגיעה לאמסטרדם: אוהדים משתוללים באלימות, מכים, תולשים דגלים פלסטינים ברחובות משל היו כוח כובש וצורחים סיסמאות נאציות בעד השמדת עם, ומתבכיינים כשהמצב מדרדר לכאוס מוחלט ואלימות החוזרת אליהם כבומרנג.
כל אלימות הינה מגונה ובלתי מתקבלת על הדעת. שני הצדדים צריכים לתת את הדין על החוליגניזם שלהם.
והתקשורת הישראלית? כהרגלה: מתקרבנת, מסתירה, ומסלפת את המציאות בשירות השלטונות.
Translation - "The spirit of Israeli fascism has reached Amsterdam: fans go on a violent rampage, beating, tearing up Palestinian flags in the streets as if they were an occupying force and shouting Nazi slogans in favor of the extermination of a nation, and whining when the situation degenerates into complete chaos and violence returns to them like a boomerang.
Any violence is obscene and unacceptable. Both sides should be held accountable for their hooliganism.
And the Israeli media? As usual: approaches, hides, and distorts reality in the service of the authorities."
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)While I don't dismiss the fascist streak in the Trump-supporting Israeli right wingers, and with all due respect to Mr Cassif, there was no shortage of fascists in Amsterdam, as the events in question show, before a single Israeli soccer fan arrived there.
It just so turns out that some fascists are more violent, more bigoted, more numerous and more organized, and more of an imminent and permanent threat than others. And even Mr Cassif must realize, despite his awkward display of both-sideism on social media, that the law makes a distinction between speech and physical violence.
The content and the context of his tweet do not change the facts of the crimes one bit.
(4,347 posts)in the Knesset right now .....thats one less than Otzma Yehudit .
Who holds all the power and why ??
We that bravely call ourselves The Democrats (Israel) hold only 4.
and yours .
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)There used to be a time, if I recall correctly, when the Labor Party held the majority of Knesset seats and was the only party in history able to form a government without forming coalitions.
This changed when Israel's politics went global, and this might explain why the right wingers took over and how. The right wingers in Israel get enormous support, and not just financial, mostly from the right wing religious zealots, Jewish and Christian, in the US, Europe and elsewhere.
Conversely, Israel's left not only gets no support globally, but the traditional antisemitic elements in the West and the newly formed antisemitic elements in the Global South not only ignore Israel's left, but make no distinction between the left and the right, or the religious and the secular segments of Israeli society, and actively demonize both with equally extreme prejudice. Since these activities come largely from the supposedly enlightened Western progressives, the popular resentments within Israel increasingly, and naturally, trend against Israel's secular democrats who are seen as the allies of those who openly despise and undermine Israel as a whole.
The Israeli right wingers could not have taken over Israel without the active assistance, in equal measure, from both the global right wingers and the global left wingers outside Israel.
Edited to add: to me as a Jew, political and ideological affiliation is very important, and my presence on this site makes clear of what it is, but it is secondary to resisting antisemitism in all its forms. The history of my people taught me this lesson.
(4,347 posts)The U.K.'s Sky News and Israel's Channel 12 removed references to anti-Arab behavior after facing criticism over their coverage of soccer match violence
Meanwhile, Israeli news outlet Channel 12 deleted its post about Maccabi Tel Aviv fans tearing down a Palestinian flag after the network faced backlash, including from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair......

On Friday, the outlet posted a report on X by correspondent Keren Betzalel, who said on air, "There are claims that these street altercations between Maccabi Tel Aviv fans and Muslim groups began on Wednesday night, when, according to reports from Amsterdam, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans walking the streets saw Palestinian flags hanging on various buildings or residences, tore them down and got into loud altercations with Muslim taxi drivers."
Yair Netanyahu posted Channel 12's report on his Telegram channel, commenting, "Whose side is Channel 12 on?"....

After activist Ariel Bernstein was heavily criticized for a post in which he said that Israeli fans were "walking around central Amsterdam, cursing, threatening, bullying, and adding a lot of unnecessary fuel to an already tense situation between communities," he issued a clarification.
"I would like to explain what I meant, for anyone who cares," Bernstein wrote on X. "There is absolutely no justification for organized violence against fans in any form. Violence against innocent people is wrong.
"At the same time," he added, "the bullying behavior of Maccabi fans beforehand is also part of the story. There's no denying it. My main criticism is directed at the Israeli media, which isn't telling the whole story."
Source : haaretz
Link :
(48,724 posts)AloeVera
(2,297 posts)Did any Western leader condemn that racist, hateful chant?
"Let IDF win, we will f*** the Arabs. Ole, ole, ole. In Gaza theres no schooling, theres no children left there.
In Israel, this is a popular football chant. Shouted with glee and joy.
All very normal and cool. Absolutely.
Bring that chant to Europe, however, and Israelis will see a different reaction.
But it's all just anti-Semitism, right?
(8,943 posts)Get with the program Alo.
Gotta support dump.

(2,297 posts)Vs 66% for Trump.
Among Likud supporters, it's 93-1 in favour of Trump. A cult.
Better call all Democrats, they will be very upset about this.
Or we could all just switch sides, to maintain our perfect score of always siding with Israel. Yeah, that's the ticket.
(8,943 posts)WAR OF TERROR
As Borat once said.
I mean fuck hamas, but really? Israelis support dump. Their govt supports dump. At this point cant we say that hey, you are really not our friends and are acting in a very uh, non-american way so we wont support you also? hamas very bad, you not good also?
(4,347 posts)You just overwhelmingly voted Donald Trump in as next President
(8,943 posts)And,,,,, I wont support dump, his administration and his actions unlike the majority of Israel.
(4,347 posts)
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)being upset with what voting Arab Americans think?
And why are you so upset over the former and not the latter?
(5,180 posts)I'm Jewish and lived on Long Island and still have ties there. Do you know how many Jewish people voted for trump because they think Biden and Harris are antisemites and anti-Israel? Lots. Fucking stupid asses.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)I am also Jewish and still live on Long Island. And, since we are counting fucking stupid asses, I know exactly how many Jewish people voted for Trump: 22%. 78% of Jewish American voters voted for Harris. I believe this is the highest ratio of Harris voters among America's ethnic minorities.
Compare this to fewer than 50% of Muslim Americans voting for Harris.
This is not news to me, but it may be to you.
(5,180 posts)Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)what non-voting Israelis 5000 miles away think of Trump and the American Muslims actually voting for Trump?
Especially when we seem to agree that 22% of American Jews and, by analogy, over 50% of America's Muslims are fucking stupid asses.
(18,198 posts)Bunch of fucking losers.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)And, unlike "Israel", they voted their preferences.
(8,943 posts)Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Surely you had thoughts on that when you posted that "Israel" likes Trump, no?
(8,943 posts)It was a direct question to you, are you incapable of answering it? Its a simple thing, there was even a ? involved. That should have let you know that you should answer but instead you deflected like Ted Cruz on an storm day.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Good night!
(8,943 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)The Jewish American vote is the same as always, but the Arab and Muslim vote changed because of foreign policy issues. That seems short sighted on the part of those communities.
(5,180 posts)Eko
(8,943 posts)And if it wasn't I would be upset if it were not so but the numbers coming out now are inconclusive. Of course the conversation is not about American jews or even about American Muslims but about the members of the Jewish nation and who they support. Dump is who they support by a wide margin and you want to keep defending them for whatever reason. Why you want to keep supporting a dump supporting nation is beyond me. They are a dump supporting nation, You cant argue against that. That should make you at least cautious about the whole situation but here you are pushing forward with your support. Wholeheartedly behind a nation that supports dump. 2 countries can be wrong you know.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Israeli soccer team in Amsterdam!
But for some reason you keep deflecting from what the conversation is about.
It's way past my bed time. I don't want to get in trouble, so I am giong to have to respond to your deflections with wishing you sweet dreams.
Good night.
(8,943 posts)You just going to let all that slide away like it didn't happen? Not even address that?
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)that there were as many Western leader condemning that racist, hateful chant as there were Western leaders condemning chants like "now you know how it feels like" shouted with glee and joy as the violent mobs were beating the shit out of people lying on the ground.
Now that's a different reaction, allright! And you seem to relish the thought of it.
(281,446 posts)Rec
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Its a mystery for the ages.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)Must have been self-inflicted in the course of tearing down Palestinian flags and racist chants.
Or else, that assailed cab driver has some mad knife handling skills and is wasting his talents on driving a cab.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)for their injuries at a hospital; theyve since been released. Forty people were fined for public disturbance, 10 were cited for vandalism, and the four people remaining in custody atm will be tried for public violence. The news articles I found didnt break those numbers down further in terms of country of residence.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)According to information provided to Dutch law enforcement and an investigation by a Dutch newspaper, the attack was coordinated via the Telegram social media platform as a "Jew Hunt". A video circulating on social media shows a man screaming "I am not Jewish" in response to being repeatedly kicked. The Mayor of Amsterdam stated in a press conference that the assailants actively sought out Israeli fans.
But what to they know?
(2,297 posts)The other 20 injured were locals.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)By "local" accounts, on the other hand,
As far as it was known on Friday, 8 November 2024.
No reports of other "locals" being injured, just as there are no reports of any Israelis being arrested. Unless you count one documented instance in which a guy was screaming "I am not Jewish" as the other "locals" were beating the shit out of him.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)The hooligans are on video picking up rocks, sticks, and pipes as they made their way into the city center following the match.
This Amsterdammer teen journalist actually does a really good job of covering things in real-time; you might have to turn on English subtitles, though:
(2,297 posts)I saw it yesterday, glad you posted it.
This kid is amazing. As he says, he was the only "media" there, where the Maccabi hooligans were stealing metal pipes, wood boards and throwing them at cop cars and people, donning masks (!) and rioting in the streets.
The cops didn't do much, not much presence, though a couple of cars followed them. Not sure if that was before or after the thugs threw the metal rods at them.
Eventually the police surrounded about 100 of the Maccabi fans but it's not clear if any arrests were made.
There is also the Dutch journalist whose video of Maccabi fans rioting was falsely used by Western media as an example of local pro-Palestinians rioting!
So reality gets turned on its head again by the Western MSM when it doesn't fit the Israeli narrative of "good vs evil" and victimhood.
But this kid puts CNN, BBC and all the other pro-Israeli international media to shame. He does real journalism while they are stenographers and propagandists for the narrative they prefer and work "hard" to maintain.
Prairie Gates
(4,296 posts)A few points:
1. Maccabi Tel Aviv has perhaps the most disgusting racist ultras in European competition - Anyone who disputes this doesn't really understand ultra culture and shouldn't be taken seriously. Having the most racist ultras in Euro competition is also a very high bar, because you're going up against Lazio, AZ Alkmaar, and pretty much any team's ultras based in the former Yugoslavia. Hell, Ajax gets honorable mention in that table. Maccabi Tel Aviv are up there with the absolute worst. They are notorious for it.
2. Ultras have to be distinguished from ordinary "fans" (we call them supporters). Ultras (or what some would call "hooligans" ) are very nearly organized paramilitaries at this point. Ordinary fans wear kits and scarves and are usually relatively clueless about the ultra conflicts in the offing.
When I first heard this story, I thought it was about fights between Ajax ultras and Maccabi Tel Avi ultras, primarily because both groups are up for it and both are extremely violent. It was notable that several Israeli officials insisted that this wasn't a story about what they called "supporter culture," a euphemism for ultra crime and fighting. I wasn't so sure.
It seems like what happened here is hard to explain unless groups 1 and 2 are distinguished and given their own stories. I have no doubt that the Maccabi Tel Aviv ultras were acting like racist asshats in Amsterdam. I also think that both Tel Aviv ultras AND ordinary fans were drawn into the fight. The attacks of group 1 do not, of course, justify the attacks on group 2. It's kind of a metaphor in that way, no? Anyway, this is where a correct and reasonable discussion of what happened can start.
(281,446 posts)The club must be banned along with its violent fans
(281,446 posts)Dont blame them for thinking they are above the law.
War crimes and genocide continue with Western complicity.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)
then completely turned the story around to imply that the hooligans who started everything were actually the victims.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)when they found out that the hooligans were actually the victims.
Shame on them. What kind of journalists are they when they can't go on with false reporting after it is proven to be false?
No integrity, dammit.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)The media is making the Maccabi hooligans out to be the victims when they are anything but.
Beastly Boy
(11,756 posts)They too are making the Maccabi hooligans out to be the victims.
And so do the Amsterdam law enforcement authorities.
But what do they know?
Mr. Sparkle
(3,302 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)misanthrope
(8,529 posts)Tribalism holds sway in face of thousands of years of evidence.
(281,446 posts)Amsterdams police chief, Peter Holla, said there had been incidents on both sides, starting on Wednesday night when Maccabi fans tore down a Palestinian flag from the facade of a building in the city centre, shouted fuck you Palestine and destroyed a taxi.
The Dutch public prosecution has confirmed that 62 people were arrested on Thursday. These arrests were made before and during the Ajax game, which began at 8pm local time. Geert Wilders, the head of the far-right Party for Freedom, whose party is part of the Dutch government coalition, said he was speechless that no arrests appeared to have been made after the match.
(18,198 posts)Rob H.
(5,620 posts)known to have collaborated with the Nazis in WWII, so take from that what you will.
People post here from all sorts of publications, including communist and marxist outlets.
If the discussion board wants to better define sourcing I will be all in on that.
Can't wait.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Generally Marxists and Communists are on the left in the US.
ETA: The Communist Party USA is to the left of the Democratic Party.
(18,198 posts)Any source is allowed if the content is consistent with the "values of DU".
The X post in question is exposing bigotry and racism, I think that's consistent with Democratic values. YMMV.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Trying to memory hole events where people are on video chanting racist slogans, singing racist songs, and committing acts of vandalism about and against Arabs, no.
(18,198 posts)peregrinus
(409 posts)and yes im calling it a steal. But the racists on both sides have their free reign to be out in the open. Free pass stamped by Trump
(18,198 posts)It never stays that way.
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)Rob H.
(5,620 posts)What else do you think he was going to say?
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)New testimony from the horrifying pogrom in Amsterdam the other night.
Yaheli, a 14-year-old Jewish boy, along with his grandfather, ran in fear for their lives as they were chased down in Amsterdam after the soccer game.
While fleeing, they picked up a couple of sticks from the ground for self-defense.
Suddenly, two Dutch police cars arrived and stopped nearby. The officers immediately became aggressive without allowing them to explain that they were holding the sticks for self-defense.
The Dutch police ordered them to lie on the ground, then started kicking them, including the 14-year-old boy.
Afterwards, they were put into a police car to be driven to their hotel, where they noticed "Free Palestine" stickers inside the vehicle.
The Dutch police knew they were Jewish, which is why they were aggressive, attacked them, and kicked them on the ground.
They were aware of what had been going on all along.
Link to tweet
Response to WhiskeyGrinder (Original post)
Mosby This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,198 posts)Mosby
(18,198 posts)Link to tweet