General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forumsthey won because they lied. over, and over, and over. they built a whole ecosystem of lies.
i have often traced our problems back to the day we stopped calling lies lies, and started calling them spin. back in the days of st ronnie.
these lies played on our fears and our prejudices. because if ppl had known the truth- ie, undocumented ppl add trillions to our economy and see few of the benefits, commit very little crime compared to murikans, how cd they see them as such a threat? so they had to lie, and keep telling bigger and bigger lies. AND GETTING AWAY W IT.
no 1 is aborting babies after birth. no 1 is doing sex changes on kids. mexicans commit fewer rapes and murders than good ole boys.
and the whole pedo thing. THEYRE the pedos. conservatives, clergy and cops. they have pedos who have been caught in their upper ranks. not to mention tsf, whose pedophilia is widely know, yet rarely discussed.
thats the truth, and back in that day such an obvious lie wd get u laughed off the stage. but these days it gets u the spotlight. many who proport to speak the truth shade and shave it now. cuz if u speak the whole truth about some of these things, ppl dont want to look at it. they turn away.
we shd have seen the danger of their separate reality a long time ago.
the only way forward is to make america honest again. and that starts w grappling w some of the ugly truths about this country and its history.
we arent special. we have been horrible as often as we have been great.
maybe the upside is, after this is all over, well have shown ourselves to b ordinary, stupid, violent, greedy bastards in ways that we wont b able to spin.
as gloria steinem once said- the truth will set u free, but 1st it will rly piss u off.
we have to tell the truth until even the powerful ppl get pissed off. til even the ppl who benefit from the lies get pissed off.
we have a long way to go.

(26,891 posts)They won the election by pumping billions of dollars backing lies. Over and over and over they pushed lies.
(67,671 posts)works. and people believe it. Say it enough times to the "poorly educated" this happens. From a effing felon.
Taken in by a "snake" and "bit" those who took the snake in.
(20,203 posts)The Left really dropped the ball in that area by not keeping up with a viable counter method for getting our message and the truth out there. They just flooded the market.
(72,174 posts)ive often said- truth tellers do it for little or nothing. liars demand big checks.
i never believed limpballs pulled in enough revenue to justify his huuuuuge paychecks. bad ppl were funneling money to him. ie- the koch bros and other american oligarchs.
these days the big liars r paid in rubles.
imma die mad that we had air america, and not a single dem candidate took out an ad.
(4,393 posts)
(50,578 posts)Republican have this:
(2,924 posts)We could not counter their projection of bothsiderism. It takes curiosity and time and before you know it the staccato of the next beat takes over. They didn't listen to the words, just the beat.
(72,174 posts)i am 1 who thinks ppl r good til they prove otherwise. but we r an ugly species.
thats the truth. your fellow man will stab u in the back.
(2,924 posts)behind the ego. We still strive to develop the super ego, our opponents merely brandish their ego on stage or in a crowd.
We need a rule book, and it has been thrown out the window and we are working from memory now. Our memories are short, because we don't incorporate the learning about an event into our memory because we jump to the next song.
Do you remember that period when we went from buying singles to buying albums and listened to the whole side grooving to the tunes.
As technology advanced, people could mix their favorites from each album and continuity was lost.
Cable TV offered a panoply of choices as well.
The pace of excitement consumes.
(33,052 posts)getting bad.
(72,174 posts)i mean, if u can swallow what they threw down in this campaign, what wont u believe?
(22,762 posts)The other problem is that its not just about truth vs. lies the average American voter actively wants to be lied to.
They want to live in a world where we can build a wall all the way across the Southern border and Mexico will pay for it, where tariffs can be placed on all imports and the price of everything will go down, where you can end all crime by deporting millions of immigrants, and that deporting millions of immigrants will be easy and totally wont have any negative effect on the economy.
None of these can be done, but Americans will gladly vote for someone who tells them it can over someone who tells them it cant.
This is why Americans flip back and forth at the ballot box. They vote for Republicans, who promise them impossible things, then they vote for Democrats when they realize that Republicans have just made things worse. But as soon as Democrats get things back on track, voters are ready for fantasy land again. How do you combat that?
(72,174 posts)i used to say in st ronnies time- for every complex problem in america there is a solution that is obvious, simple and WRONG.
and yet we try them anyway.
i dont know how we fix that, i just hope that in the next couple yrs the truth becomes so obvious that the light can find a crack to shine through.
(72,174 posts)oldmanlynn
(607 posts)Yep agreed and it wont make a difference how well we do, the propaganda machine will be against us and people wont know. We have to counter with a much louder propaganda machine. We have to drown out the lies.
(72,174 posts)cuz thats who too many of us r- we dont care about an issue til it hurts us.
esp them. when it hits their family, they start to see the light.
well, theyre about to get hit. ppl tend to chose a different path when theyre at rock bottom.
"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once the hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with real pain." Baldwin
many people are lazy and not inclined to do the hard work of thinking critically... much easier to believe the lies and tell yourself it's ok
(11,692 posts)We allow them to extracted through our capitalist system? How they use it to take away our democracy. How they use it to destroy our government. It's never enough. They want more and more. They want to be Putin.
They gather some wealth through luck, inheritance, malignant personality, criminal activity and cons, then build it up like a snowball rolling down hill. You get a little and it's much easier to get a little more.... especially if you have no conscious or morals.
Then they use it to destroy the place where they live. They buy up everything. They control what most people learn and hear. They destroy the people around them. Capitalism is a very destructive tool. And it works well for dictators but not for democracies.
I wonder how bad it will get?
Oh the wonders end stage capitalism has brought us.
So, we have direct proof right in front of our face that capitalism and democracy can NOT coexist.
(35,363 posts)Also owned by conservatives
(67,671 posts)those right wing outlets, doesn't seem to working for us cause Fox viewership has gone up. Those corporate entities are paying big money to tell people lies.
(7,337 posts)Clouds Passing
(4,000 posts)BS from the RW media, which has completely saturated all of America. Dont think for a second theyre not doing it in other countries, because it works.
this is one of the best OPs I have seen in a long time, mopinko. Thank you for your enlightenment.
(72,174 posts)vlad, murdoch, theyve spread this crap in many, many places.
i keep thinking about the fact that manafort got the last authoritarian in ukraine elected.
Clouds Passing
(4,000 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 15, 2024, 10:48 AM - Edit history (1)
(65,742 posts)I remember the MSM stopped calling out Republican lies during the W era.
(13,803 posts)Good clip getting NBC News' lead "journalist" on the record...
(72,174 posts)and that, ladies and gents, is how we got here. thats the root of our polarization.
no referees. just a cage match. what a way to run a country.
(25,124 posts)johnnyfins
(1,819 posts)Government. Especially on the economy over the next four years. It will either stop being reported or it will be tailored to make TSF look good. It's over, folks.
(558 posts)I wonder if they will keep track this time.
That is, if he doesn't declare Martial Law and suspend the Constitution on day one.
Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)JCMach1
(28,445 posts)Forget the disappearing votes. That's a false narrative. Trump will likely get a majority, but under 50%.
The actual vote difference between Harris and Biden will be about 1.2-2M when everything is counted. That is an election on the margins.
(17,921 posts)We taught our kids to be truthful.
When they stepped out of line, if they told the truth, they got a few questions "Do you know why what you did was wrong?" and they usually had a pretty good idea, so they got a "don't let it happen again" and we all went on along our way.
It almost never happened again.
If they lied, they got an actual punishment (not physical). So, they learned quickly to be truthful. "I'm disappointed in your choices" was enough to make them cry.
Now, I fear I've done them a disservice. My truthful, kind, gentle boys are now men (one is still 16), and they may not do well in the world that is being created now.
(6,291 posts)Every day, several times a day, most news outlets, ever since he left the White House.
(3,015 posts)He is a convicted Felon and the MSM should have done us the favor of telling the public 500 times a day for the last 5 months, but did they, NO, they rarely if ever mentioned it
They treated him like a normal candidate and the voters responded to him like that...even though he is way off the charts for any candidate, let alone president ever...what a joke
(10,364 posts)These people are not ALL bad...only about 45% are truly sick and evil, but there is a mushy middle of 8-12% of the population that votes but does not understand policy, politics, consequences or anything else. They vote like its a high school student government election, a popularity contest or a chance to 'be on the winning team'.
The GOP has perfected the art of voter self-suppression by using their lies and media monster to brow beat this mushy middle group into submission and convince them to either vote against their own interests (many times by simply promising to hurt 'other people' worse than the harm coming to them) or depressing them into believing the elections don't matter and their vote is not their voice and its easier to sit it out...
We - THE PEOPLE - suck.
Sorry, but its true.
WE elected (or allowed to be elected by non-participation) a criminal scumbag to 'lead' this nation. A contemptuous man-baby of no intellect, no honesty, no compassion, no empathy and no actual value to humanity at all. A thug, a bully and possibly the most pathetic figure in human history (to have so much at his disposal and to find so little true friendship or enjoyment or fulfillment beyond petty desires for revenge on those who dare to tell it the truth he is NOTHING special at all, unless you wish to celebrate the worst elements of humanity in an effort to avoid real self-reflection and introspection.
The reality is Trump is a damaged, pathetic figure, wholly owned by billionaires and special interest and hate groups; and they allow him to be a pretend billionaire, live a life of undue deference and ceremony (which feeds the cretin's ego and controls him for their purposes) in exchange for the total destruction of the post-WWII economy, alliances and reality. We're going back alright...but its NOT to 1933 or 1914 its back to the 1870s and the advent of the industrial age in time to distort and warp the rapidly changing electronic age in much the same ways.
Child Labor?
Environmental anarchy?
Displacing indigenous peoples (or getting rid of worrisome unions and organizers)?
Strip mining national resources through government agencies?
Elderly being forced to die in poverty or inhumane conditions?
No equal rights for anyone not white, male and monied?
Welcome to Project 2025 America, which is really nothing more than the destruction of the New Deal and a reversion to the Robber-baron days of America past.
It will fail. Its tenets are stupidity writ large and doomed from an optimistic over-evaluation of the importance of the 'uber-man' of Ayn Rand's dystopian fever dreams. Its being championed and implemented by people that it is charitable to call sociopaths.
But make no mistake...this IS WHO "WE" IS America in 2024. Lies may have gotten the ball over the goal line, but ignorance, celebrating money and profits over ALL else, and pride in being uneducated or unwilling to bother is the hallmark of the population. WE SUCK. Individually, there are many good people. Collectively? The world will deal with America at a terrible cost to all, but in the end, "WE" will lose and there is a coming reckoning that will toss the American Empire and its virulent proponents into the same historical dustbin alongside the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, the Empire of Japan, the Kymer Rouge, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the Confederate States of America, the European monoarchies pre-WWI, on through the ages...the Greek city-states, the Roman empire, the Persian Empire, the dynasties of China and Ghengis Khan's marauding murderers....back to the Pharaohs of Egypt.
People suck, Americans are just the latest group of them to suck large scale and sign up for the inevitable 'find out' period of retribution and consequences. I truly believe that BILLIONS will die in the coming decade. That Trump will surrender the west to the powers of dictators and totalitarians than will manipulate him, laugh about their good luck and ultimately discard him like a used rubber when they are done fucking him. There are real human costs to what is coming. And Americans are to blame - specifically any of them that voted for Trump or simply chose to sit it out and not be bothered enough to make a vote at all.
Lies did not cause this catastrophe. They simply greased the skids and allowed evil men to push it into motion on those same skids.
(21,004 posts)Let the propaganda pour into the heads, and poison our country.
(72,174 posts)and all hell broke lose.