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I have been thinking about this since TSF won the election but have hesitated to do a thread.
Just now on Thom Hartmann he was talking about how the last 3 Republican presidents before Trump, all started wars to bolster their presidency.
DonOld Trump is mentally ill, he made the statement, if we have nuclear weapons why don't we use them? Hartmann was wondering if TSF may unintentionally or maybe even intentionally start WW III and that will be very very ugly.
When talking about Trump we need to think outside the box of normalcy.

Ocelot II
(123,404 posts)that I can imagine them stepping on their dicks so hard diplomatically that they set things in motion that they don't know how to stop. Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense, Tulski Gabbard as DNI? What could possibly go wrong? Or one of his new loyal generals to set things off like in Dr. Strangelove.
(4,433 posts)He would not start WW III.
Hell, if Russia threatened him enough, he would give them Alaska.
(17,119 posts)Cause they all think like bullies.
(19,034 posts)I will say this, POOTY wants us destroyed. I'm thinking there is a plan to weaken us then try a take over. Hell they own half the house and half the senate.
(113,295 posts)He will divide everyone and everything that he comes into contact with. It's his natural inclination.
(33,412 posts)what to do with the military.
(15,088 posts)But not sure how it will start. China vs Phillipines/Vietnam Nam, or Taiwan? Russia and Poland? Lots of flash points.
(22,958 posts)Ask for. He was tougher on NATO than Putin. It feels unlikely he will start a war. Indeed, he is more likely to lose parts of Eastern Europe and Taiwan without a shot fired. He's a wimp.
(7,551 posts)with that "Melania's nude pictures" issue? Is it adversarial, or not? Because, if it's something tRump doesn't like, he might issue a threat. Of course, both these boys are looney tunes, neither will back down, and we could have a problem. It seems to me that the blush is off the rose.
And, what about that ludicrous Russian, "Now, you have to do what we say," bit, because "you owe us." ??? Why would the Russian press say that?
Two things we all know for sure: 1) Everything tRump touches dies, and 2) He throws everyone under the bus when he is done with them. So, where stands Russia? tRump likes China (business interests) and North Korea (in love with Lil Kim.)
Why, why, why did so many people vote against their self interests? And, he isn't hiring anyone at all that could deal on the fly with a threat of war.
Nigrum Cattus
(421 posts)If Ukraine falls Putin will push against NATO countries. They may be without
U.S. help if republicans remove us from NATO. Then Putin uses a nuc to demand
an unconditional surrender, NATO countries refuse, nuclear exchange, end of
civilization. The ionizing radiation will kill all living things within months worldwide.
(28,423 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,452 posts)Would only take minor escalations to get there.
(2,258 posts)then argue that it would be too risky for our country to change presidents at such a time. He'll invoke FDR, and ignore the 22nd amendment.