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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCheck out this IQ chart. We've got to dumb it down. high IQ is considered to be between 116 and 144. Roughly 16% of the population is capable of achieving this score.
Someone on this site said that they guessed most of us fell at 120 or higher.
Then there are a lot of people that are too lazy to strain their brain (my high IQ brother is one),
The highest number of people (68%) score somewhere in the blue region of the curve. An average IQ range is between 85 and 115somewhere between below average and above average intelligence.
50% have IQs of 100 and below. And look at how many people have an IQ of 85 and below.
Someone here was saying that they listened to Fox News and the language level was much lower than MSNBCs. David Axelrod said that the Dem Party was Democrats are becoming 'smarty-pants, suburban, college-educated party
If a lot of us here worked with or were around a bunch of Mensa-level people all of the time - a lot of us would feel pretty stupid and inferior. We might even become angry and spiteful. I admit that I took the test out of curiosity and did not pass within the time limit. I could pass it with an extra hour and a little bit of cheating!

(4,953 posts)
(9,640 posts)I cant understand why they cant catch on to things. I have a friend with a genius-level IQ and I often have a hard time communicating with him. Its no accident that they say geniuses go mad ..
Buzz cook
(2,686 posts)Many years ago a bunch of us at Bartcop took a test and all of us scored real high, a few of us over 200.
While one guy claimed to have a 200+ IQ, the rest of us had never been measure near that high o as high as the score we got.
I haven't looked at this test, but I'm willing to bet that it makes offers to people that score high.
(10,518 posts)wont accept applicants with IQs above 104.
(65,118 posts)People who were smart and well educated used to be admired and respected.
In a fascist country the educated are the first to go.
La Coliniere
(1,305 posts)for people who were highly intelligent even though a few of them have BA degrees themselves. They loved to call folks who were educated and knowledgeable in their fields eggheads. That was 40 years ago.
(65,118 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)When Trump insulted Rex Tillerson's intelligence, MENSA offered to monitor an IQ test for Trump.
Donald was smart enough to not accept their offer.
(710 posts)A person 45 points above the average is called "Very gifted or highly advanced".
A person 45 points below the average is called "Moderately impaired or delayed".
If you have ever spent much time around a person with IQ of 75, let alone 55, nobody would call that "moderately" impaired.
(3,080 posts)An 88 score on the Miller Analogies Test qualified me for membership in the club.
"Intelligence" is quite a subjective notion. I'm good with patterns and find relationships others don't seem to see.
I like their logo and wear a lapel pin on occasion.
(24,399 posts)yardwork
(65,637 posts)They are much smarter than me, and I never feel "pretty stupid or inferior." Never. I have my own skills and expertise, and I find that most highly intelligent people are very respectful of others. I find them to be thoughtful, curious, and pleasant to be around. They have broad interests and often recommend interesting books and podcasts to me. They love their families and enjoy traveling. I like working with them.
Some of them are quirky. They might be on the autism spectrum. So is one of my sons. I try to adapt my communication styles to their needs, and they do the same for me.
I can't imagine anything worse for a society than for smart, educated people to be looked down on and called names. It's another sign of fascism. Intellectuals are the first targets.
(1,040 posts) to talk to those special people who lined Dealey Plaza waiting for JFK, Jr. and his father to appear there? Or how they can talk to those folks who believe the government can control the weather? Or how to talk to folks ready to mob up in the pickup trucks with rifles and shotguns to keep the FEMA workers from trying to take them to camps?
It's astounding how so many folks are apparently of the mind that if you have to engage in smears like calling someone an "illegal alien" or you have to a be willing to demagogue nearly non-existent circumstances like transgender high school girls playing sports, or you sending a boy to a school in the morning only for him to return home as a fully transitioned transgender girl. I'm sick of smug, self-satisfied pricks like Bill Maher and James Carville trying to come up with a cure for a situation they continue to misdiagnose. They can kiss my ass.
(18 posts)hosts practice clear enunciation and speak very slowly using simple language.