General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsModerators Delete Reddit Thread as Doctors Torch Dead UnitedHealthcare CEO moderators of r/medicine closed the thread, posted Wednesday after news broke that Thompson was shot dead outside the New York Hilton hotel in Midtown Manhattan, after it racked up over 500 replies.
The commenters overwhelmingly criticizedand satirizedthe insurers alleged denial of coverage to sick and dying Americans in order to juice profits.
The top comment, which received hundreds of supporting upvotes from other users, mocked UHCs notorious track record for refusing to pay out insurance claims and is written as a lengthy, spoof rejection letter from the company.
This guy may have been one of the most hated people in the healthcare insurance industry. Not only did patients despise them, but the doctors as well.
My question is, where were the regulators? Who green lit their policies?
I was supposed to have a CT scan done on my back today, I used to be an avid hiker, now I can't even walk a quarter of a mile without it hurting and I can feel at times tenderness between two vertabrae. Company uses UHC, guess what they did yesterday? Last minute asked for more info from the doctor, so the usual "Delay" scam. Moved the appointment to next week, by then they should have the extra info. Company is dropping them like a bad habit this year and going to Blue Shield. Wonder, they had mentioned that they were having a "number of problems" with UHC. Wonder if I have to wait until January.

(87,121 posts)
1d ago
Thank you for choosing United Healthcare for your healthcare needs. After a careful review of the claim submitted for emergency services on December 4, 2024, we regret to inform you that your request for coverage has been denied.
Our denial is based on the following findings:
Lack of Prior Authorization:
Our records indicate that you failed to obtain prior authorization before seeking care for the gunshot wound to your chest. While we acknowledge the emergent nature of the situation, our policy requires that all non-preventative services, including unexpected chest injuries, be pre-approved through our 24/7 Prior Authorization Hotline. Unfortunately, our hotline received no such call during your ambulance transport or at any point before your admission to the emergency room.
2. Failure to Prove Medical Necessity:
The submitted documentation does not sufficiently demonstrate that treatment for a penetrating chest wound meets the definition of medically necessary. Our guidelines specify that life-threatening conditions must be substantiated with a second opinion from a network provider, preferably before care is rendered.
3. Alternative Options Not Explored:
Based on our retrospective analysis, alternative, more cost-effective treatment optionssuch as a virtual telehealth consult or at-home first aidwere not attempted prior to your emergency room visit. We understand that you were actively bleeding out, but this does not exempt you from exploring lower-cost care pathways.
4. Out-of-Network Care:
The emergency room where you received treatment is not within our network. While City General is geographically closer to the location of your shooting, our network partner, DiscountCare Clinic, is only 25 miles away and equipped with staplers and gauze for such injuries.
Next Steps: You may file an appeal within 30 days if you believe this decision is incorrect. Appeals must include:
A notarized letter from the attending physician, explaining why you thought you were entitled to not bleed to death while waiting for approval.
Evidence that your injuries were, in fact, serious enough to merit immediate attention, such as photos, videos, or live reenactments.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with your plan benefits and utilize in-network providers for future incidents. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team if you have questions about this
Sincerely and in good health, United Healthcare
P.S. Remember: Preventative care is the best care! If youd like, we can help you schedule your annual physical or connect you to a mindfulness seminar to prevent future traumatic injuries.
1d ago
Thank you for your recent appeal regarding the denial of coverage for your emergency room visit on December 5, 2024. We have carefully reviewed the additional information you provided, including the attending physicians notes, photographic evidence of your gunshot wound, and the security footage of the event.
After a thorough re-evaluation of your case, we regret to inform you that the original denial decision has been upheld. Our reasons for this decision are outlined below:
Insufficient Documentation Supporting Medical Necessity:
While we acknowledge the physicians statement that your life was in immediate danger, we remain unconvinced that the treatment you received in the emergency room was the only appropriate course of action. Specifically, we find the decision to intubate and transfuse blood unnecessarily aggressive when other cost-effective options, such as applying firm pressure to the wound with a clean cloth, could have been attempted first.
2. Failure to Contact Prior Authorization Hotline: Your appeal asserts that you were unable to call due to being unconscious after sustaining the gunshot wound. While we empathize with your condition, we remind you that our Prior Authorization Hotline is available 24/7 and can be contacted by a friend, family member, or even a concerned bystander. The failure to delegate this responsibility during your medical emergency further substantiates our denial.
3. Out-of-Network Services: As stated previously, City General Emergency Department is not part of our network. While we understand that DiscountCare Clinic is 25 miles away and does not operate ambulances, the choice to seek care at a non-network facility remains inconsistent with your plans cost-saving guidelines. Our analysis indicates that driving oneself, despite injury, or calling a rideshare service might have provided a viable and more affordable alternative.
4. Policy Exclusions on Firearm-Related Injuries: Your plan explicitly excludes coverage for injuries resulting from unapproved use of firearms. As no evidence was provided to confirm the shooting was accidental or unavoidable, we are unable to overturn this aspect of the denial.
Next Steps: This decision is final. You may choose to escalate your appeal to the Independent Medical Review Board (IMRB) at your own expense. If the IMRB overturns our decision, you may be eligible for partial reimbursement minus a $5,000 Claim Reconsideration Fee.
We encourage you to consult our Member Handbook to better understand your plan benefits and avoid similar misunderstandings in the future. Should you find your current coverage unsatisfactory, we invite you to explore our new UNH UltraBasic plan, which offers even fewer benefits at an even lower premium.
Sincerely and in good health,
United Healthcare
P.S. Please note: Our appeals process is designed to promote proactive healthcare decision-making. While this unfortunate incident did not meet policy requirements, we commend your efforts to stay alive and wish you a speedy recovery.
(1,631 posts)lol
Dammit, that sounds like it was a good thread and I would like to have read it. I'm glad the docs are speaking loudly and hope they keep it up.
I wonder if this has some of these "health care" company people worried. I hope so. This cannot be the end of it because this shit has to stop. It's not just health care, either.
(65,715 posts)I'm sorry to hear it was deleted. I guess UHC went after Reddit and threatened to sue.
(65,470 posts)UHC refused to pay legitimate claims what were even state mandated services.
Many providers went out of business and today there is a shortage of those who provide psych services.
(96,579 posts)bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)Chef's kiss.
(69,304 posts)I spend more time on the phone with claim deniers than I spend on the phone with my wife. And we call each other three or four times a day.
Im not advocating for any specific ways of sending them all to Hell, but I hope they all end up rotting there.
(65,715 posts)She's the kindest, sweetest person. When I mentioned this shooting she paused and said that she had struggled with her immediate response to hearing about it. She said to me that UHC was an evil company. I've never heard her talk that way.
I know United went after a lot of MH providers and patients.
(65,470 posts)Words cannot describe how evil they are.
(65,715 posts)It makes me wonder how many desperate people voted for Trump or don't vote at all because the system is so broken.
Something's got to give.
(6,032 posts)in our areas.
(65,470 posts)I had to designate one and half days a week to fighting insurance companies who would
not pay for services they had authorized and agreed to pay for.
(16,873 posts)1) that they rob the time and quality of life away from loved ones in the final battle. and
2) that they steal so much time away from such valuable members of society, our doctors.
Its insane that they can tie up the time of doctors for even 5 minutes per week, let alone days per week. How dare they. Society needs these doctors for doing what they spend a decade of their lives to learn.
And Ive seen so many people with terminal illnesses keep working until the end, because youve got to keep insurance, even while their lives were slipping away and even then still fighting with insurance.
(65,470 posts)I watched UHC destroy the mental health field.
Refusing to pay psychologists and psychiatrists for work they had done.
With written authorization and agreement to pay before the services were rendered.
But then refusal to pay for no reason.
Put a lot of providers out of business which was the goal.
Now there is a shortage of mental health providers.
Right, years of training, highly educated, decades of experience and I was
spending a great deal of my time arguing with high school educated "case managers."
When I had written authorization and guarantee of payment from UHC before I rendered services
to UHC covered patients.
(62,584 posts)required large bore urinary catheters for the rest of their lives.
(9,434 posts)I read on one of the Reddit threads a letter that a Dr. had sent UHC expressing outrage because they had denied a child with Cancer their nausea medication
Prairie Gates
(4,370 posts)Some sites have them in abundance.
(15,532 posts)malaise
(281,617 posts)Pssssst!
Deregulation is one of the pillars of neo-liberalism. Markets rule. Eff society.
Do I need a sarcasm thingy?
(87,121 posts)malaise
(281,617 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 5, 2024, 08:08 PM - Edit history (1)
(2,760 posts)who present what regulated corporations wrote to Congress to be passed as self regulated law. Our entire regulatory system is insane and broken and has been for half a century. Its sickening.
(281,617 posts)That is all
(6,876 posts)...done just about all of it, Operations, Actuarial, Product-Pricing, Distribution, Product Development and now Analytics.
That industry is regulated by every state you do business in and they all have different laws. But the work is the same, you can't so much as fart without a regulator asking why it happened.
And then there are of course the Market Conduct Exams, someone complains to the DOI and they think its legit, they send it over to us with a very short deadline to explain ourselves. Everyone drops everything they are doing to answer it, deadlines on projects get pushed back, etc.
Should the DOI decide we are in the wrong, pay the claim and get fined. Of course our profit margins are nowhere near that of health insurance companies, and there are years when we do lose money, we can weather it because the years we do have a profit, we shove a nice chunk into our reserves for later. It doesn't go to shareholders or exec's bonuses.
Amazes me what health insurers can get away with, try that in this industry, you could go to jail and be permanently banned from ever entering it again.
Mike 03
(18,209 posts)It seems like a significant development that physicians are speaking out as well.
My mother has Medicare but she has some sort of gap health insurance provider which turns out to be UnitedHealth. She told me she had not had any issues, but I think that is because she is on Medicare. I would be scared to death to have UnitedHealth. I do need health insurance and I need to do some research because I definitely don't want one of the companies that has a high rejection rate and/or uses AI.
This story, and the reaction across the boards, really has me captivated.
(20,050 posts)The amount of time and money wasted on that industry of parasites is mind boggling. And we do this shit to ourselves! As I said in a post some days ago, my European colleges think we're out of our fucking minds. They've told me, if anyone on earth can afford a civilized healthcare system, it's us. I do not disagree.
(10,068 posts)she cant be turned down. Its the Medicare advantage people who get hosed. Those low premiums and free gym memberships come at a high price.
(8,251 posts)"Sorry, but my thoughts and prayers are out of network"?
Wonkette has a list af maybe 7 or 8 quotes from it but says there are many more.
(16,329 posts)Speaking of high, just not Junior's daily cocaine dose.
(11,114 posts)Xolodno
(6,876 posts)If they keep playing these games, it will go into 2025 and that's not too far away. I know there is something wrong, could be the tissue between the vertebrae or badly pinched nerve(s). There are ways to fix it now, taking pain pills should not be the only option. Particulary they don't stop all of the pain on me anymore. And serious flare ups are starting to get a bit more frequent, used to be one every few years, now its least once a year.
Chiropractor helps somewhat for about a week, combined with a serious deep tissue massage (which isn't covered), could strech it out almost for a month.
Thanks dad. Draging me out of bed to help out with hard labor in your construction company didn't do me any favors. Didn't even get paid.
(34,660 posts)My employer is a provider in their network and we have never had any issues with payment (knock on wood). Earlier this year our organization received a nice offer and lower rates to switch to UHC from Anthem BCBS, but around that time, one of their products, Change Healthcare, was still down after being hacked. I was disgusted with the way that incident was handled and didn't necessarily want to deepen our ties to them in that way. Anthem is expensive but I've never felt played or swindled by them.
Adding context: It could be that we've never had an issue because the service we provide under them is backed by the VA/Federal Government. I don't know.
(10,068 posts)Humana, the response would be the same.
Prairie Gates
(4,370 posts)You're probably right, but they are objectively the worst of the worst.
(793 posts)b/c Anthem/Elevance are all aboard the AI Train. It is only a matter of time until AI is used for patient auths. I work for them and they are just as bad to be frank.
(7,645 posts)Did not like uhc and him etc. I hope you get your mri.
Reddit is awful every time I go there to post something practically, which is almost never, it gets deleted for no reason by some crazy moderators. often AI moderators too. I think my father had that for his supplementary. I dont really remember now, but I remember them denying a drug that he needed which was not approved and the doctor told me that he had been on the phone with them for hours and hours and they still denied it. So what I did was, I bought it out of pocket using a coupon from GoodRx. In the end, it didnt work for him so I did not buy it again. There were a lot of drugs that were denied during that period I think when he was very ill. Actually, it mightve been Medicare that denied it. They deny a lot of things too.
(644 posts)who is the most hated person in that industry? Whoever they are maybe they are thinking of ways to get less hated?
(10,068 posts)Nothing will change except that security costs will go up.
(4,112 posts)And dump my UHC Medicare Advantage plan. I don't yet have any serious existing condition, and wanted to switch before I do.
(33,001 posts)New people getting on Medicare are not allowed to get the better F plan.
(4,112 posts)Still, I am happy
(1,077 posts)This kind of killing is okay as long as it is someone I disagree with is wrong. PERIOD!