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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIdaho Argues Pregnant Women Facing Amputations from Septic Shock Can't Get Emergency Abortions case, Moyle v. United States, began in 2022 when the Biden administration sued Idaho arguing that its abortion ban, which lacks a health exception, violated the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. EMTALA is a federal law that requires emergency rooms to provide stabilizing care to patients, including abortion. After the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration sent out guidance, reminding ERs that they have to offer abortion if a pregnant patients life or health is threatened. Idaho disagreed, saying it has a right to regulate the practice of medicine and would only offer abortions if necessary to prevent death.
The Supreme Court heard arguments in April, then said in June that Idaho doctors can provide emergency abortions without fear of prosecution while the case continued in lower courts. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in concurrence that the ruling was no cause for celebration. Todays decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho. It is delay, she said. But storm clouds loom ahead. Three Justices suggest, at least in this context, that States have free rein to nullify federal law.
The courts move ensured the case would be decided after the election, and that stories of pregnant women being airlifted to other states would stay out of the news. Donald Trumps administration is expected to rescind Bidens EMTALA guidance and drop the lawsuit against Idaho.

(65,310 posts)Legal First Degree Murder
Planning, intent, premeditation.
21st century version of the Salem Witch Trials.
(998 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,310 posts)About their place in life.
Who has the power and who doesn't.
(71,765 posts)Don't understand why Idaho voters need to vote for such cruelty & barbarism.
Solly Mack
(94,310 posts)in2herbs
(3,572 posts)LauraInLA
(1,748 posts)LauraInLA
(1,748 posts)applied to Native American healthcare on reservations. Be sure to read it all.
(3,572 posts)not an answer from the NA community, was no.
(95,834 posts)Owned and operated by the church.
Clouds Passing
(3,930 posts)ananda
(31,299 posts)This is the true collapse of the American psyche
as a whole and the society as a result.
Clouds Passing
(3,930 posts)To many, the collapse of society causing mass insanity steels our resolve to greater awareness, sanity and higher consciousness. Be the calm in the eye of the storm.
(31,299 posts)our collective unconscious is baked in the idea
of mechanism instead of holism, and it means
that we, and I mean all of us, are basically
living in a world of chaos and dissolution.
Quantum physics has predicted this, and I
think it's accurate.
Turning to fascism is the result of trying to
find a way to get it under control. It never
Einstein said that insanity is trying the same
thing over and over to get the result you do
not want.
That is where we are now.
It would take a total metaphysical change of
consciousness and our way of dealing with the
world to try to start to make things right.
But I have the feeling that it's too late now
because of climate change.
You can still try to talk me down, but this is
exactly what I would have expected based
on what I've learned over the years
Clouds Passing
(3,930 posts)I was trying to relate the point that many (or some) of us are in the processes of the metaphysical changes of consciousness. Bringing compassion and love for ourselves and all life as a way of being is occurring now. We are moving towards a realm of higher consciousness by becoming aware of and changing the old patterns which are no longer serving anyone or thing. Peace, compassion and love as a lifestyle is attainable.
May I become able to end all suffering. Dalai Lama. I second that.
(31,299 posts)My main question is: why is higher consciousness completely
ineffective at changing the world for the better.
It's all very nice, and I like the idea of it greatly... but I get
the feeling that it also means comiing to accept that the human
form of energy is coming to an end.
What it will transform to is another question, and I would love
to hear some ideas.
Clouds Passing
(3,930 posts)and complete lack of responsibility to the environment we live in out into space. They are beginning to alter our brains unnaturally to enhance intelligence through AI. I suspect it is to have total dominance over others, thats the way the rich roll.
Or we can wake up to the higher energies of love, compassion, empathy, sympathy, wisdom, insight, generosity which many of us already have some of all of these qualities. Then we will evolve to a peaceful people.
I suspect we are already splitting as the human race into one of these ways of being. Some will become more violent, some will become more peaceful. We already are somewhat split into these camps. Whether the violent will continue to control the peaceful will depend on how resistant the peaceful will become to oppression by the violent.
Higher consciousness has not changed this world because enough people have not attained it sufficiently to cause a shift. The rich know this, it is why they work so hard to dumb us down, to keep us financially enslaved so we dont have time and energy to ponder these things. They fear the shift into higher consciousness because they will lose everything they have built out of sand on the shoreline. False ego is a huge motivator.
There is a huge energetic shift happening in the universe and on earth right now. Energies of radical transformation are already here. Where we put our thoughts is where the transformation will be materialized. So if you want a world of higher consciousness, keep your thoughts there.
Peace, Clouds Passing 🌤️
(31,299 posts)IMO, we are a failed species failed for being too successful,
which iIs pretty ironic.
I appreciate the need for higher consciousness, but it's not
going to happen here on earth right now.
The scientists who wrote about the way over population
works on a group were correct, in my view. It causes
chaos and dysfunction and this cannot be corrected as
long as the population remains large enough.
Also, treating the world and all its beings as mechanistic
also causes chaos and dysfunction, since the entire
universe is actually holistic.
The Native Americans understood this, and even realized
the importance of population balances.
White people simply do not get this, and we are now going
to pay a very heavy price for it. All too sad, but there it is.
Clouds Passing
(3,930 posts)culling of the herd plan. At the same time, they are blaming us the 99% for the destruction of the Earth. The rich themselves have been mostly responsible for that by refusing to allow cleaner and healthier innovations in energy, transportation, food, production, housing, healthcare and reproduction. Focusing instead on mass consumption of product for profits, profits, profits and power over others.
We must stop buying into their game-plan if we want the earth and ourselves to survive.
(31,299 posts)making their own versions of plantations
with slaves and everything.
(18,925 posts)GiqueCee
(1,873 posts)... competing with Texas for the dubious distinction of being the Anus of the Universe. Do we really need any more proof of what thoroughly rotten people Republicans truly are?
(6,639 posts)I would ask my former Reich Wing coworkers "How has the Repuke Party benefitted YOU??"
Give me the exact policy that has made your life better........
(27,377 posts)perhaps they should be denied treatment?
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,481 posts)Hekate
(96,537 posts)paleotn
(20,024 posts)If you possibly can, get the fuck out of EyeDEho. Life is too short to spend it in shitholes.
(1,477 posts)This simply cannot be happening in the country where I said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday in the 70s. I have no allegiance to this monstrous display of depravity.
(63,422 posts)We are entering into a new dark age
(2,066 posts)noun
absence of culture and civilization.
"the collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism"
(22,006 posts)yaesu
(8,622 posts)IzzaNuDay
(894 posts)Yall are incapable of playing doctor.
I will willingly help one of your residents fund an abortion and help them cross the border. Come and arrest me, you sorry fuckers.
(34,652 posts)I can see why some people think the election was rigged. If the election was legitimate, what happened? Why would women give up rights like this?
(24,642 posts)That is all we are good for to him - producing slave babies that will have no education, no healthcare, will work for pennies and die young - the perfect worker for the oligarchs. Other than that, we are dirt to him and he loves hurting us for fun and because he can.