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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsFetterman continues his fast transition: "Always was a hard YES for Elise Stefanik"
..from a tweet this afternoon.
I'm not sharing it. POS.

(15,315 posts)We never learn.
(8,273 posts)So he alienates the left and the right STILL won't vote for him
(4,183 posts)He just witnessed, as did we all, what happened to his fellow Dem Senator. This is a job protection act. Pure Joe Manchin. Our country is in deep doo doo.
(57,596 posts)We've seen this game play out how many times over the fucking years? First he's just Trumper-curious, then he can't comment on anything without playing the "both sides" card, and then it's the age-old trope about how "the Democratic Party left me behind because they no longer represent "**REAL 'MURIKINS**!" And next he'll be a hot ticket invitee on all the cable news shows and Rogan, and then he'll start actively working against Dems, accusing us of being "too partisan and elitist" while doing guest speaker spots at conservative conferences... Sometime after that, he'll officially declare himself an "Independent"
And right when he thinks he's deftly straddled the line of being JUST Trumper enough while not pissing off too many Dems, right when he thinks he's got all the moderate Trumper votes he needs for re-election, that he'll finally reap all the rewards from selling out, the GOP replaces his ass with a REAL Trumper candidate and he loses reelection 65/35....
(36,594 posts)Fuck the posers.
(50,480 posts)W_HAMILTON
(8,777 posts)...without realizing that Casey barely lost, in a year that ended up being difficult for Democrats because voters treated the election as a referendum on how things were going and they were viewed as the party in power that was responsible for all that ails them.
Unless Trump starts sending out COVID bucks again, voters are going to quickly tire of his shit just like they quickly tired of his shit before. Hell, Fetterman and a lot of the other Democratic wins in PA in recent years were due to the backlash against MAGA, but it appears he -- and a lot of other Democrats, sadly -- think that this is some groundswell event that portends us becoming a MAGA nation when in reality it was just an extremely close election decided by a few thousand votes that just happened to swing the fascist's way because of the inflation issue.
Prices won't be going down -- unless the dipshit drives us into another recession, which is quite possible -- and the MAGA antics that had voters showing him and his Republicans out the door in 2018 and 2020 are only going to be worse this time around.
Fetterman is hitching his horse to the wrong wagon. Granted, it might be a good thing, because it's better he show his true colors now and get primaried and replaced next cycle rather than have him become entrenched in his seat and stabbing us in the back the rest of his career. Manchin was able to do it because he was one of the few Democrats beloved in WV, but Fetterman hasn't built that history yet. I could easily see him getting successfully primaried out of his seat, especially if the backlash to MAGA is what I anticipate it to be over these next few years.
(2,677 posts)and the reactions of some of these weak-kneed politicians.
Mike 03
(18,208 posts)It's so unsettling to see these transformations. I still have trouble accepting Kyrsten Sinema's total reinvention of herself and complete repudiation of the things she ran on. So far I haven't seen a change in core values in Fetterman, but his incessant trolling is irritating.
I wonder what the people who worked so hard to get him into office are feeling.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Plenty of time for him to show his true colors, and for a Primary opponent to raise money.
Shapiro could probably beat him easily.
(18,882 posts)japple
(10,447 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,038 posts)Cha
(308,083 posts)wnylib
(25,190 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,038 posts)The bizarre Butler PA incident was some kind of message?
Dennis Donovan
(29,501 posts)

(3,553 posts)Mike 03
(18,208 posts)as a cranky, unpredictable Edgelord who isn't the slightest bit amusing and can't read the room. We'll see how far he gets trolling his own supporters while making overtures to the autocrats.
When Joe Scarborough boasts that the most important people think what he and Mika did was brilliant, it was probably Fetterman he was thinking of. I bet Fetterman called him immediately to congratulate him.
(308,083 posts)and didn't know.
Does he approve of the J6 invasion? As If Democracy Doesn't have Enough GD PROBLEMS NOW!!
(57,596 posts)"United Nations is completely taken over by Hamas" talking point that Trumpers have been spreading nonstop on Twitter...
Silent Type
(8,546 posts)magicarpet
(17,731 posts)Well aren't we on board with joy & glee ?
(308,083 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,110 posts)How lovely.
And fitting.
(37,547 posts)And now Trump owns 'em both
Jersey Devil
(10,394 posts)or was it there the whole time, just not visible? A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Li da li.
(4,084 posts)Another walks in. Wonder who'll be the new Sinema?
(65,110 posts)We shall see how it all unfolds over time.
(3,553 posts)Cha
(308,083 posts)the poeple".. What!?
(25,475 posts)Ocelot II
(123,394 posts)Wingus Dingus
(8,818 posts)Mister Ed
(6,486 posts)I shouldn't be shocked or surprised anymore, but I continue to be.
(65,110 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,110 posts)Looking at all their options and making decisions?
(57,596 posts)

DUers need to understand that nobody is coming to help, aside from a few dedicated and isolated stalwarts. There's no cavalry coming...
Every Dem in the House and Senate who isn't in a dark blue electorate is going to be surprisingly tolerant of the Trumper junta this time around, if not join them outright... Expect a lot of "see no evil/hear no evil" attitudes from a bunch of allies who were part of the Resistance a few short weeks ago...
(7,639 posts)Nor anyone, like she did, that was part of the coup attempt. I don't agree with Fetterman at all on this one.
Response to themaguffin (Original post)
Post removed
(12,510 posts)And it's not like Trump was going to pick anyone for UN ambassador that we'd like.
If nothing else, the Republican's slim House majority will be one vote smaller with Stefanik out, until her replacement is voted in, even though it is a near certainty that her replacement will be Republican.
I don't really have a problem with this pick. What are people afraid she's going to do as UN ambassador, that wouldn't be done by any other Trump appointee?
(226 posts)she needs to be gone and i think some democrats will help her along.
(8,271 posts)bluesbassman
(20,186 posts)
(2,535 posts)definitely something wrong with this guy. He seemed pretty solid in the beginning, now not so much.