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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsA Democratic media strategy to save journalism and the nation -- Cory Doctorow right has an extremely well-funded media ecosystem of high-paid bullshitters backed by algorithm-gaming SEO dickheads. This system isn't necessarily supposed to turn a profit or even break even: the point of Prageru isn't to score ad revenue, it's to ensure that anyone who googles "what the fuck causes inflation" gets 25 minutes of relatable, upbeat, cheerfully sociopathic Austrian economics jammed into their eyeballs. Far right news isn't a for-profit concern, it's a loss-leader for oligarch-friendly policies. It's a steal: a million bucks' worth of news buys America's ultra-rich a billion dollars' worth of tax-cuts and the right to maim their workers and poison their customers for profit.
Meanwhile, the Democrats have historically relied on the "traditional media" to carry their messages, on the ground that reality has a well-known leftist bias, so any news outlet that hews to "journalistic ethics" will publish the truth, and the truth will weigh in favor of Democratic positions: trans people are humans, racism is real, abortion isn't murder, housing is a market failure, the planet is on fire, etc, etc, etc.
This is a stupid policy, and it has failed. The "respectable" news media hews to a self-imposed code of "balance" and "neutrality" that is easily gamed: "some people say that Hatians don't eat pet dogs, some people do, let's report both sides!" This is called "the view from nowhere" and it gets Democrats precisely nowhere:
Balance and neutrality are bullshit, an excuse that has been so thoroughly weaponized by billionaires and their lickspittles that anyone who takes it seriously demonstrates comprehensively that they, themselves, are deeply unserious:
Press neutrality the view from nowhere isn't some eternal verity. In terms of the history of the press, it's an idea that's about ten seconds old. The glory days of the news were dominated by papers with names like The Smallville Democrat and The Ruling Class Republican. Most of the world boggles at the idea that a news outlet wouldn't declare its political posture. Britons know that the Telegraph is the Torygraph; that the Guardian is in the tank for Labour (and specifically, committed to enabling Blairite/Starmerite purges of the left); the Mirror is a leftist tabloid; and the Mail is so far right that its editorial board considers Attila the Hun "woke."
Writing for The American Prospect an excellent leftist news outlet Ryan Cooper proposes a solution to the Democratic media gap that's way better than the hunt for the elusive "leftist Joe Rogan": sponsoring explicitly Democrat news outlets:

(11,031 posts)make sure they SEE it.
Also sent it on social, via email or otherwise to Dem congresscritters.
(44,088 posts)is pretty interesting and indicates that they do get it - Wikler the most.
Elon Musks Stunning $250 Million Favor to Trump Should Wake Up Dems
Musk and others helped the GOP run rings around Democrats in the info wars. I asked three leading contenders for party chair how theyd fix this.
We have now learned, belatedly, that billionaire Elon Musk spent at least $250 million to help billionaire Donald Trump win the White House. One key part of that spending came in the form of the $20 million Musk dumped into a brazen pro-Trump propaganda campaign. The move highlights with new urgency what you might call the information gapthe deficit Democrats face in the info wars, which the next Democratic National Committee chair must have a comprehensive plan to address....
For Wikler, the partys central problem became visible back in April, when a little-noticed NBC News poll showed Trump with the support of 53 percent of people who dont follow news at all and 55 percent of those who get news from YouTube and Google. By contrast, President Biden (who hadnt yet left the race) earned 55 percent from those who follow network news and 70 percent from those who read newspapers....
Wikler says Democrats must appear far more on right-leaning political showsnot just Fox News but also podcasts and YouTubes and streamed interviews and the likeespecially in nonpolitical spaces. Democrats must disrupt the right-wing narrative about Democrats, Wikler says, especially in mediums that are not particularly political.
Wikler says hed invest substantial resources in training armies of surrogates to carry out that mission in all these mediums. Wikler would launch research designed to build a deep, shared understanding of how these mediums function and who is getting information from them, and how, and then train, support, and deploy more communicators to appear in these places.
(52,235 posts)The first edition of The Washington Times was published on May 17, 1982. The newspaper was founded by Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon, and it was owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is a part of the Unification Church movement.[4]
The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance, often supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.
A Washington Times dispenser
In 1991, Moon said he had spent between $900 million and $1 billion on The Washington Times.[23] By 2002, Moon had spent between $1.7 billion and $2 billion, according to different estimates.
It never turned a profit financially.
(18,046 posts)And like many other outlets that are funded by mega$ owners, the purpose is propaganda.
Had a good friend who wrote for the Washington Times knowing that it was a RW rag. She understood what she was doing but justified it for the pennies she got per word.
(37,547 posts)Steve Bannon calls fllooding the zone with shit
Dems are always on the defensive
Many of these lies are farcical on its face but time has to be spent convincing people there are no litter boxes in schools because Joe Rogan says there are
Get our message out?
Too busy digging out of an avalanche of straight up lies