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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat does a new washer have to do with Trump?
Plenty. Read on.
15-yr old washer crapped out last Friday. Ordered new one from Lowe's -- very easy -- checked Consumer Reports for ratings; went to Lowe's website, found my local store (45 miles away, I'm in a rural VA county), found the washer, ordered and paid for it in a few clicks.; set up delivery for today.
At 9:00 AM today, got cell phone call from XXXX , told me they would be here in 30 minutes. Sure enough, 28 minutes later they rolled up.
Showed XXXX the old washer while YYYY prepped the new one to unload. XXXX disconnected the old one, YYYY came in and the two of them picked up the old washer and went out with it. Came back in with the new one, set it in place, connected it, turned it on to run a test wash.
I had to move a roll-around cart that holds our food processor, electric skillet, etc. They rolled it back in place for me. Some snow on the ground, so, they mopped up their tracks off the floor, closed all the double doors that we had to open.
Whole operation took 13 minutes and was absolutely perfect. I just received an email from Lowe's asking to rate them, gave them both highest ratings.
I gave each of them a $50 tip and two bottles of water.
I then asked them, point blank, are you in the country legally and are you afraid of being deported. One guy said he was legal as was his wife but he worried about some relatives and wife was very upset, can't stop crying. The other guy is single, not legal, said he stays low, cannot sleep, and all he wants is a job and a roof over his head.
I'm a nice person and rarely speak ill of people but in Trump's case I hate him with a white-hot hate and that includes everyone associated with him. Too bad the guy in Butler PA was not a better marksman. I HATE TRUMP AND EVERYONE AROUND HIM.
Now I wonder : By giving a guy not in the country legally a $50 tip and two bottles of water, am I liable to be arrested? Arrest me if you dare, you POS MFers -- GFY while you are at it!!

(6,552 posts)There's no law against handing someone money, regardless of whether the person is here legally or not.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,957 posts)I read a report that the christmas bump in 2024 was bigger than usual and bigger than expected. The article speculated that some savvy consumers were buying things like washers before the tRump tariff fuckup bites.
(32,340 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 13, 2025, 05:54 PM - Edit history (1)
Are made in the USA. Probably Ohio.
Where Are Whirlpool Appliances Made? -
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,957 posts)Maytag and Whirlpool are the same companies. Washing machines and other appliances made with foreign parts are still subject to tariffs and thus higher prices.
From your own link:
(32,340 posts)which makes washing machines. Opened in 2019.
Miele is opening a plant in Alabama to make ovens, ranges, and eventually hoods. They want to be closer to the markets in the US, Canada, and Mexico
Bosch makes dishwashers here in NC and also Tennessee.
Foreign companies make everything from cars to washing machines in the US now.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,957 posts)Squaredeal
(598 posts)Thats how business works. Just more profit for the domestic producers.
(20,224 posts)one was to replace a machine going bad that might not have lasted, the other was to avoid higher prices in case felon traitor rapist really does add tariffs.
(13,964 posts)Lowes probably does not own the delivery service so they are probably not liable either,
The delivery service is.
However --- there is a gub'mint website that employers can use to verify that their candidate for employment is eligible to work in the U.S. If the delivery company used this service and it candidate was approved, they are not liable.
(11,236 posts)they use someone's SSI, who doesn't even know they are using it, and the employee gets approved immediately..........
And that is, if they even check.
Just look at Trump's Golf Course the FBI raided.......That business is the only one of all his businesses they checked, and they confiscated boxes of BLANK SSI cards, and a small printing press for the person's name......
The corporations couldn't exist without these illegals who are willing to work for much less. Especially in major industries like Construction, Meat Processing, Agricultural, Manufacturing, etc.
Also, those corporations don't pay SSI, Workers Comp, etc etc etc so they really make out like bandits. Some even deduct those from the immigrants wages to make even more money, but never send it to the government and just pocket that too.
Rarely, if ever, do you see a "Green Card Raid" anymore. The Corporations/Business Owners depend on cheap labor to provide them with even greater profits.
Also, the appliances being built/sold today are really, really, really, cheaply made, with an expected lifespan of maybe 5-10 years, and the prices are ludicrous. Just ask any appliance repair person.............
(13,964 posts)You and I are not supposed to be expert enough to check the validity of documents.
--no argument about the rest of your post.
(12,929 posts)Thanks for your kindness. Fuck the details. That's where the devil is.
(1,040 posts)I just put a new set of tires on my car. I could have waited another 10,000 miles but since most of the tires are made in Mexico or China I didn't want to take the chance on the price of tires going up because of the tariffs.
Bo Zarts
(25,924 posts)Delivery of the new unit is set for tomorrow morning.
(11,236 posts)you should spend the money to have the old one repaired........The new ones, I guarantee you, won't last anywhere near as long as 19 years, crapping out in 5-10 years......
(71,831 posts)Which year range are you suggesting started a quality dip.
Since quality principles are adopted in almost all durable good industries, I'm not seeing how things would retreat to lifetime reduction.
But, you may have info I haven't seen.
Our Whirlpool washer & dryer are now 16 years old. So, we haven't shopped for one in a while.
Bo Zarts
(25,924 posts)The minimum cost to get a service technician to come out is $250. Due to nature of the failure, I suspect electronic controls. So let's just say another $250 in parts and additional labor when the technician comes back in two weeks after receiving the back-ordered parts. We're up to $500.
My local mom & pop appliance store, with whom our family has done business for 75 years (and from whom we bought the Fisher-Paykel in January 2006), has a sale on a perfectly adequate GE washer .. $549.99. To me it is a no brainer.
But let me say this about the Fisher-Paykel: it was a bodacious washing machine! The 1000 rpm spin cycle sounded like a Boeing 737-300 starting up. And the 1000 rpm spinning got the clothes so free of water that the drying time was minimal. It was a mean machine, or as we say in the aviation industry, "Works fine; lasts a long time."
(39,189 posts)And never in regards to a washing machine.
(17,597 posts)No, you didnt.
(18,368 posts)The heart, the work ethic, the family values, and the all-around general humanity of these people would eclipse *rumps entire life contribution in one day.
And Im still willing to consider wiggle room in the story about that guy in Butler PA.
(51,715 posts)of young Hispanic men delivered it, set everything up and the whole experience was perfect. We tipped them and they left. I wondered to myself at the time if they were here legally or not, but I didn't ask them. I was worried they might think I was a Trumper looking for "illegals."
(16 posts)Driver found small dent on side of new washer. Customer service called and offered $50 off. They removed old washer and dryer and installed new ones in about 20 minutes, down the stairs into the basement. Lowes is a little more expensive than that shithole Menards, but well worth it.
(1,012 posts)Same great outcome. I also had a plumber fix my sink and toilet in May. Black elderly man. Perfect job and clean up plus nice conversation.
One other thing that has to do with Trump and washing machines. Remember he complained about the little bit of water the new machines use because of lib regulations. Said clothes had to be washed twice to get cleaned because so little water was being used. Lying POS. i bet he never washed a thing in his life. I guess if the machines had to use the same amount of water they used to use, he would add that to the reasons that there was not enough water in CA to put out the fires...swimming pools filled to brim aside.
I wondered why the water in the swimming pools couldn't have been pumped on some of those homes?
(11,236 posts)In urban areas, in most cases, the Engines no longer even carry the hose required to SUCK the water out. (Hard Suction) The Engine and Hoses have to be within 10-15' of the Pool. It takes awhile to set up the hoses, and prime the pump. Etc Etc Etc.
Helicopters with buckets can some times use backyard pools, large ponds, but if there are trees, power lines, or other obstructions forget that.....
(24,441 posts)William769
(57,214 posts)Hassler
(4,113 posts)gab13by13
(26,860 posts)Made sure it was made in the US. I bought it local in my small town.
I knew the people.
Turned the washer on and the LED panel letters were mis-matched. The delivery kid was young and new. He took out the mother board and I knew he was lost. He got on the phone to call the company. While he was on the phone I looked at the board and saw a dip switch set at 50 hertz instead of 60. The board was made in Mexico and set for Mexico. The young kid thought I was full of it when I said the dip switch was set wrong. It was the 1st he heard the words dip switch.
When he got off the phone he said, you are right.
I worked with his brother when I was working.
Not all the parts are made in America.
(598 posts)I wouldnt have looked for one until later, except for the possible pending tariffs. I was worried that soon I couldnt justify the significant increase. Happily, the manufacturer was offering a $5,000+ bucket loader attachment at no charge, plus 0% financing when I purchased it.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)so you wouldn't have been liable for that, if there were any such laws. I don't think there are any such laws now---
but they are very likely to be proposed by some Republicans since they now control everything numerically.
My initial gut reaction to the news of the failed assassination attempt in Butler PA was,
"dammit! missed"
(And he was not a "bad" marksman, it would seem, having clipped Trump's ear when he turned his head at the last second---
but Mr. Crooks had bad luck of timing, and Trump has the luck of the devil--- if not the protection of the same).
Now I say, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country."
(1,394 posts)Some work for me. I will use them as long as they are able. They are honest. Sue me. Im a widow and no one lifts a finger for widows, especially churches!
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