General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsEnough fuckin' doom and gloom threads. Give me one reason to have hope.
At the current pace I'll be dead before the week is over if I keep hanging around here!

(10,147 posts)Clouds Passing
(3,988 posts)c-rational
(2,951 posts)bif
(24,787 posts)Response to bif (Reply #3)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1,012 posts)There is absolutely nothing to be hopeful for except the eradication of the Trump cult.
(13,568 posts)was intended to limit presidential terms to two consecutive terms but it does not limit the total number of terms that a president may serve as long as they are not consecutive. I think that is quite a stretch but who knows what the MAGA majority on the SCOTUS would say.
(1,911 posts)You cannot be elected twice.
Wingus Dingus
(8,823 posts)A Democratic President may never exist again.
marble falls
(63,630 posts)Prairie_Seagull
(3,994 posts)Wait...never mind.
It's a joke.
Ocelot II
(123,518 posts)I realize that we've been expecting him to croak any day now, but of course he will eventually. I'd be surprised if he makes it until 2028.
(24,787 posts)By then he'll either be dead or the dementia will be so apparent, he'll have to be removed from office. They hid St. Fucking Ronnie's dementia pretty well. But these days, I think it'll be impossible to hide.
Welcome AI Trump.
We WILL wake up to his obituary one of these days. AND, hes a lame duck president as of this time tomorrow.
Response to MontanaMama (Reply #30)
bhcodem This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Ocelot II (Reply #6)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,864 posts)and Penn State is going to kick ass again this year.
(64,041 posts)It helps to realize some things are simply beyond our control.
Yale is offering free Science of Well Being course:
There are 10 modules & electronic printed materials you can easily download immediately.
Find something to enjoy! Commune with nature.
(6,933 posts)William769
(57,225 posts)We survived the Spanish flu, we survived the crash of 1929 then survived the Great Depression. We survived the horrific WWII, we survived the Cold War, we survived the Vietnam war that tore this Country apart, We survived the Reagan years (and as a Gay man that was a miracle), we survived 911 & the Bush years, we survive the pandemic against all odds with trump as President.
My friend, we will survive the next four years. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.

(4,733 posts)Thru this!
(13,673 posts)Thank-you!
(13,422 posts)when I was a young girl
I had me a cowboy
weren't much to look at
just a free ramblin man
(41,375 posts)Beautiful Song.
Silent Type
(8,611 posts)gab13by13
(26,864 posts)I am going to hound the hell out of them. TSF isn't going to do anything to make their lives better and I will be relentless.
Good way for me to vent. I am extremely adept at sarcasm.
(1,012 posts)Yavin4
(37,091 posts)Yes, the next few years will be harsh, but if we hold together and keep our heads about us, we can build something entirely brand new from the epic failures to come. We can build something that will benefit us all, not just the few.
(16,341 posts)Enjoy.
I would have wagered $100 that stinky would pay (other peoples' money) to get the midesst ceasefire postponed one day.
And I just added more keywords to my trash list.
Listen, people DO park in Tesla charging spots here. I suggested it sarcastically and the Musk-ovite snowflakes here had a shit fit.
(148,650 posts)How's that?
(41,375 posts)Quiet Em
(1,614 posts)who will spend the next three months ripping each other to shreds over who that think is manly and who they think isn't.
(23,348 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)Response to Blue_Tires (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Enjoy your brief visit!
(14,718 posts)RandomNumbers
(18,436 posts)Not all of the people TSF has surrounded himself with are idiots.
Possibly not all of them are completely awful people.
Here's the hope: some of the things TSF's sick administration will do, will accidentally help some things in this country. Oh, I am struggling to think which ones, but for example, if he or someone else in that circle finds a few vertebrae and actually stands up to the tech bros on fixing the H-1B mess, it WILL help every American. (This was a huge missed opportunity for Dems, but of course TSF never would have admitted before the election that he would cave on this, and most people only respond to this as racist, which is not in Dems playbook for good reason. The reality is that fixing the policy to benefit everyone, isn't actually racist at all.)
That is ONE example. Another: While we are concerned about the economy for good reason, refer back to the first statement. Some of those non-idiots may prevent the worst, and actually make moves that temporarily improve the financial outlook for a lot of good people. Now, we know what trickle down really is, but it is a helluva lot better than a 1929-style complete collapse. Good people having their portfolios increased, will mean more from them to support social causes that benefit the less fortunate. It isn't how it should be, but it is a glimmer of hope.
Another reason I have, but YMMV: some right wing fundamentalist Xtians in my circle of relatives, have expressed their own consternation about TSF. The fact that even these folks recognize TSF as evil and bad for this country, gives me some hope that he WILL get blowback from at least SOME evangelicals who otherwise support Republican policies, when he gets too far afield from decency.
It ain't much, but it's what I've got and I think I might survive the next four years. And I do think - for now - the idea of anything happening to stop the next election from happening, is unsupported by facts or rational expectations. I could change my mind on that over the next couple years, I guess.
The bigger problem is what the hell the Democratic party is going to do, to pick up the pieces and get this ship righted four years from now.
Response to RandomNumbers (Reply #25)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(28,019 posts)And two years takes half as long
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)Alice B.
(439 posts)n/t
(15,532 posts)His and Republicans' will be so unpopular in the midterms they'll lose the house and senate.
(45,728 posts)More of them are realizing hes still incompetent, doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself and other rich people.
Response to XanaDUer2 (Reply #27)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(57,596 posts)I'm worried that too many Dems are utterly worn out by TFG fatigue and have resigned themselves into "laying back and trying to enjoy it" for the next four years like the proverbial rape victim 😔
(8,868 posts)Response to Shermann (Reply #28)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
Think. Again.
(21,570 posts)We know the worst possible things will happen and there's nothing we can do to stop them!
(6,910 posts)cheap eggs and rent is still high, they can't buy a home, etc etc. So you still have your egg problem in addition to all the chaos trump brings- Dems can use this to their advantage.
(16,926 posts)You can always hope it's sooner rather than later. And then the GOP loses all the MAGA idiots because no one else has whatever peculiar charisma Trump does (which is not to say they aren't dangerous, especially if they are beholden to Thiel and Musk).
But that's my copium right now.
Aviation Pro
(14,058 posts)No more, We go high, nonsense.
(87,121 posts)JanMichael
(25,493 posts)Maybe in the 70's, and 90's, for brief moments it was a good idea.
(12,643 posts)Moving to other platforms.
(8,622 posts)Karma13612
(4,733 posts)Visitors, for sure.
But qualifying to emigrate is a huge hurtle and many of us dont qualify.
(5,470 posts)distributed system of government makes it much harder to turn us into Nazi Germany. There are things that the Constitution cedes to the states that not even the current Volksgerichtshof of a SCOTUS can change/take away. The governors of blue states, as well as countless organizations, have spent the past 2 months preparing for the worst that they can imagine (my guess is a LOT of stuff has gone on behind the scenes because why reveal your hand until you have to). While it is disturbing how many people in this country ideologically support fascism, I think there is already a LOT of BREXIT-like "I didn't think he'd actually win" regret and there are LOTS and LOTS of people who oppose and always have opposed him. There are a lot of us who remember history and are committed to preventing it from being repeated.
(69,304 posts)late 19th and early 20th Centuries, grew up in an atmosphere of strict discipline and unquestioning obedience to civic authority.
The American people, OTOH, don't like being told what to do, and never have. Sure, there are going to be pathetic parades of waddling, 300lbs, gun-toting right-wing fuckweasels; but those odious losers do not a national movement make. And yes, they made a shambles of our capital city and Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021, but the arrests and the manhunts didn't wait until Joe Biden was sworn in two weeks later; they started while Trump was still President. Yes, it takes a lot to rouse the racist law enforcement establishment to do their sworn duty, but they did bring in thousands of the traitors, and got most of them sentenced to at least a little prison time.
I have some confidence that people who are repelled by Trump, but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Kamala Harris, might just hoist themselves off their couches and help us out this time.
(94 posts)I totally agree with you. You have to stay hopeful people. Use a bad situation and turn it into a positive one.
I was heart broken on November 5th. The next day I had a different attitude. First of all, there is no way the felon won 2016 and 2024 fairly. I'm not getting into conspiracies accusations from anyone here because I have my beliefs. I strongly feel the truth will eventually come out.
Republicans are notorious for cheating, leave it at that.
On November 6th I said...ok magats, corporations, holy rollers, idiots, etc etc...have it your way. You deserve what the felon is going to put your ass through.
We tried warning you but you didn't listen. Find out the hard way when the orange liar does nothing for you other than take your rights away, kill democracy, isolate the USA from the allies, etc. BTW he will not lower the price of those damn eggs!
So, chill democrats...sit back and watch and enjoy the clown show.
Buy essentials only, don't help trumputin's economy.
(16,341 posts)
(16,952 posts)Why do you think anyone else can?
(57,596 posts)Because I need help to focus my mind on literally anything else besides doing something really awful to others and then myself? This isn't complicated...
(73,490 posts)Groundhawg
(1,105 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)malaise
(281,622 posts)That is all
(2,517 posts)Grossly fat, unhealthy, hopefully his fast food diet kicks in.
Boring mascara boy VP doesn't have his appeal with maganuts.
Out of darkness...comes light.
(45,728 posts)Things dont bode well for Trump. In a few months all these voters are going to remember what a mentally declining fuck-up he is.
(366 posts)He might manage to destroy his own presidency.
(32,702 posts)Asking for a friend.....
Comrade Citizen
(204 posts)Showing us an optimistic future: A female majority in the legislature, more women of color elected to office than any other state, a wise Latina governor. Women's health is being protected, and important issues such as childcare are being addressed.
(55,644 posts)A lot more.
Response to iemanja (Reply #66)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(281,622 posts)😀
(9,721 posts)get a lot of painful reminders as to why they shouldnt have sat on their backsides.
(7,974 posts)He won't be able to bring down the cost of gas, groceries, or housing, plus he'll deport (or at least try to deport) the people who build houses & pick produce. Forget health care if you're not wealthy already. There will still be homeless people in the streets & not enough jobs, & this will cause unrest amongst the bumpkins & morons who voted for him thinking that he'd magically transport them to a world where they'd automatically get more than people they consider inferior, i.e. women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, etc.
This presents a great opportunity for the Dems to take back both houses of Congress in the midterms. Dems need to emphasize what they can do to help everyone & give people a reason to vote for them, not just stopping TSF's agenda. I for one will be ready to work towards that.