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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat if a million people showed up outside the White House
And in unison read the Constitution to Trump?
(6,414 posts)orangecrush
(22,760 posts)He'd get some.
It was always that way.
But I guarantee you this, the media, Supremes and Congress would stop ignoring us.
(6,526 posts)Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws.
You can be certain that IS THE END.
(22,760 posts)Operated under martial law quite effectively.
(6,526 posts)tRump is crazy and has dictator syndrome as well as a bunch of Nazi loving friends.
Getting people in the streets isnt going to do one damn thing except fuel the despot.
The French Resistance took place during the war. There is no war here (yet) and we dont want martial law declared by tRump.
(22,760 posts)Along with all the other programs.
People will organize and engage in direct action.
With the blessing and support of all affected Americans, such as disenfranchised federal employees, seniors who can no longer afford care or no longer get food assistance, disaster victims, and all the rest.
These swine are going to get just what their hand calls for
Bet on it.
(6,526 posts)In your thread.
Bookmarking for future reference
(22,760 posts)While it lasts.
(965 posts)They dont care about the American people, you arent even an insect to them. Our only power is in the voting booth and the dollars we spend. You protest, feel good and then go back to work. They forget about you. You must affect commerce then they will listen or act.
(22,760 posts)When you take to the street in huge numbers.
They tried to ignore Occupy Wall Street.
Didn't work.
(6,526 posts)It didnt help one fucking bit.
Also, we didnt have a resident that would declare martial law. Think about what you are saying.
(22,760 posts)It changed the entire political narrative of the Obama administration.
Economic disparity became a theme.
And it made Porky Pig shit his britches.
Then the 1% became more powerful.
Just last year Musk bought the election and put the US where it is right now.
If anything Occupy hurt more than it helped.
It warned the uber rich fucks that we were onto them.
(22,760 posts)To a general strike.
It's a never ending battle.
Every once in a while, they need a reminder.
(8,643 posts)They may have come close to calling for a general strike, but in order to actually pull one off, you need an enormous level of support from the general public. They never had that.
(965 posts)Remember the Parkland kids, The Womens March the last time asshole was in office, the March against war in the Middle East, etc. things have gotten worse because people didnt vote and they are too comfortable to have a meaningful boycott. These people are so rich and insulated from reality we are animals to be farmed and discarded, we do not matter to them.
(148,350 posts)It also won't happen.
(22,760 posts)And when it does, I will be out there with my extended family IN THEIR FUCKING FACE, UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.
What's your price?
(148,350 posts)I'll be 80 in July. Not doing it again.
BTW, Hoffman was a dick. I knew him.
(22,760 posts)He was a very brave and idealistic dick.
The best kind.
If you have to be one, be a big red one.
(22,760 posts)Too old for this shit as well.
But on the bright side, if Trump wants to fuck with us at his age, we can fuck back at ours.
(91,211 posts)to what you propose but at local community levels where people can discuss things and provide free food to get certain types to show up.
(22,760 posts)Att least in my area would be great at this.
(53,689 posts)orangecrush
(22,760 posts)Once the pain sets in .
(15,578 posts)Wicked Blue
(7,026 posts)orangecrush
(22,760 posts)GaYellowDawg
(4,904 posts)And I doubt he'd wait very long to give them permission to open fire.
(22,760 posts)GaYellowDawg
(4,904 posts)But every congressman and Fox News personality would talk about how the victims deserved it or might even be brazen enough to say it was a deepfake. And he couldn't be indicted, he'd claim that it was part of his official duties, and the Supreme Cons would back him.
(22,760 posts)Likely the same way the South Korean asshole was.
(10,225 posts)That only mattered when the government had an actual fear of the people stopping the system which was only a realistic threat as long as the GDP was based mainly on PHYSICAL PRODUCTION OF GOODS ... i.e. - manufacturing stuff.
We live in an INFORMATION ECONOMY and a CONSUMER-DRIVEN ECONOMY...the ONLY way to get the attention of the ruling class, in a way that MIGHT (*might*) make a difference is through prolonged and extended boycott of their economy. A 100% total shut down of ALL discretionary spending.
No new clothes for "this season's must have look"...
No next generation video game system to play the absolute must-play social media recommended game...
Making due with a cell phone that makes calls and allows you to actually speak to people without dropping $1500 for a new outer case and a spiffy logo placement shift...
No more travel to vacation in "hot spots" with Vrbo and Travelocity getting a cut for replacing the jobs that were once a living for travel agencies (or people at the bank we did such things)...
No more buying planned obsolescence durable goods like a refrigerator that dies after 5 years and has parts that cost more than a new unit BY DESIGN and INTENT...taking further jobs away from the public in favor of profits to the owners and boards of directors and CEOs...
Face it.
This country is LOST. We can't unfuck this mess with a march and a few speeches and hope that the bad guys will quake in their boots at the site of people milling about playing ultimate frisbee and sharing recipes for cheese dips while social media influencers are recording their 'lifestyle blog' from the middle of the event and others are just happy that TikTok famous is still a career goal for millions of young girls who shake their ass and bare their bellies and legs to be oogled by disgusting old men who now stay home with their expensive phones instead of heading to live action strip clubs, where at least the performers were (largely) of legal age of consent.
I stopped believing in the power of protests before the Iraq war. MILLIONS of us, across the nation and the world took to the streets and said "NO...Not in MY Name!"....and millions still died, billions in funds were still stolen and the war machine ground on without even so much as a meaningful pause in attacks.
This is a USA problem because of the imbecile in charge, but its a distraction from the global bosses of Blackrock and their ilk. Its nor ideological - left versus right or capitalist versus communist any longer. Its oligarchs versus everyone else and they do not care at all how many billions of "everyone else" has to die, they are NOT giving up their power or their fortunes willingly.
So...that leaves two effective means of inducing change.
1) Mass murders of the elite rulers. Not a insurance CEO, but ALL CEOs from enterprises that extract wealth without providing any real world value (sorry, share price and earnings targets don't count). It doesn't stop there would have to be on the scale and scope of the French Revolutions to have meaningful impact. It would also have to include those who defend these leeches in the press and the public in exchange for $$$ and a seat at the feet of the masters...the crumbs from THAT table being far better than the fare on the tables of BILLIONS of humans across the planet anyway.
or - since I hope many still find the prospects of wholesale murder and executions to be an odious and morally abhorrent thing...
2) Complete divestment and exiting the current 'economy' of the USA - at least the portions of it that rely on spending and specifically discretionary spending to inflate the profits of the owners at the continued expense of everyone else.
We can still see things go either direction, but the longer NOTHING happens, the far more likely outcome is bloodshed and chaos before a new order is cleaved out. This was what happened to remove the LAST Gilded Age from humanity's throat...but that took two World Wars and the deaths of MILLIONS to bring it about. That post-war world lasted for almost 2 generations before it was lost, but do not be deceived into believing that it is not actually lost.
Wealth is an arbitrary concept. But the power that wealth purchases is very real. We can argue about policies and taxation levels and programs and social status and other concepts like inclusion, but the reality is, was and ever shall be thus - HE WHO HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES. We have allowed the wealth of the world to be accumulated into the hands of a tiny fraction of the population. That distribution - which sees some men building dick-shaped rockets to shoot themself into low Earth orbit while their paid for lunatic government cuts funding to the public for education, programs to protect the air, water and future and even threatens to literally take food away from children (to avoid distributing the resources to the needy from the greedy) - is unsustainable in its current inverted pyramid shape.
It can either be given or it will be taken. There is no human cost to the giving option, but there is horrific cost to the taking option. History does not give one hope for the former in this duology. Its going to get very ugly, very fast...and in the end, those trying to lift themselves above the rest of the species in importance because of their control over the concept of 'wealth' will find that it really is illusory and cannot be held forever while billions suffer or die.
When people are starving for larger portions of the pie, you either cut some of your surplus into small aliquots to feed them, or you can wait until they rise up, kill you and eat YOU instead. "Eat the rich" is not a pithy retort or slogan. It is a prediction aligned with Eastern sunrise and Western sunsets, and its nearly here.
(22,760 posts)Bye.
(17,951 posts)What a crazy post.
Won't be seeing those anymore.
(17,951 posts)🙏
(55,352 posts)demmiblue
(37,970 posts)orangecrush
(22,760 posts)It coming.
(20,660 posts)WarGamer
(16,110 posts)And order air strikes on the crowd...
Sounds like a crappy B movie.
(28,251 posts)For the next two years at a Minimum.
Institutional resistance is extremely limited at this point. There is no white knight that is coming to save us....we our our only recourse at this moment in history.