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Found out about this because of a MeidasTouch post that showed the top of the article but not which paper.
It's here
in a live update published a couple of hours ago:
This increases the workload for the air traffic controller and can complicate the job. One reason is that the controllers can use different radio frequencies to communicate with pilots flying planes and pilots flying helicopters. While the controller is communicating with pilots of the helicopter and the jet, the two sets of pilots may not be able to hear each other.
Like most of the countrys air traffic control facilities, the tower at Reagan airport has been understaffed for years. The tower there was nearly a third below targeted staff levels, with 19 fully certified controllers as of September 2023, according to the most recent Air Traffic Controller Workforce Plan, an annual report to Congress that contains target and actual staffing levels. The targets set by the F.A.A. and the controllers union call for 30.
The shortage caused by years of employee turnover and tight budgets, among other factors has forced many controllers to work up to six days a week and 10 hours a day.
Good chance it was Republicans limiting the budget.
I don't think Trump can blame understaffing on DEI.

(18,998 posts)In any case my heart goes out to the controller and their colleagues.
(54,606 posts)There are a lot more complexities involving ATC for Military and ATC for Civilian Airlines than people are commenting.....
Different controllers, different systems, different radio channels, different radar idents, etc etc etc.
Here is a You Tube with some of the problems there could have been with those "things" on this crash:
The person controlling our government currently, would have a lot of reasons to make it someone else's fault like the Controller...
like commercial aircraft have a warning system that alerts both pilots of an impending crash and also automatically and instantaneously tells them what to do to avoid it.......Military Aircraft do NOT have that Collision Avoidance System......
(110 posts)/s
Dave Bowman
(4,762 posts)AStern
(110 posts)Also, he's not autistic. He's simply a psycho. IMHO.
(19,699 posts)Musk shows zero signs of having a conscience, morals, ethics, empathy for others, or concern for anything other than his own welfare. Just like Trump.
No wonder they "get" each other. Like attracts like.
(110 posts)...
(65,715 posts)Trump caused this.
(54,606 posts)yardwork
(65,715 posts)Buttigieg Blasts Trumps Despicable Lies About Crash
January 30, 2025 Trump Corruption, Trump Lies
Despicable. As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying. We put safety first, drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights on our watch. President Trump now oversees the military and the FAA. One of his first acts was to fire and suspend some of the key personnel who helped keep our skies safe. Time for the President to show actual leadership and explain what he will do to prevent this from happening again. Pete Buttigieg.
Hat tip to
(96,591 posts)MichMan
(14,414 posts)According to Sec. Buttigieg, the ATC was fully staffed when Biden left office just a couple weeks ago and the reason it was understaffed that night was because Trump fired the other person who would have been on duty.
Does anyone know the name of the fired ATC controller who wasn't there?
(65,715 posts)slightlv
(5,073 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,762 posts)Anybody finds this ironic? The senile pos made flying more risky with deregulations and the way he treated air traffic controllers. Dump is far worse so I expect more catastrophes to happen.
(38,517 posts)Now, we're dealing with the massively more toxic Turnip maladministration. More lives sure to be lost.
(12,282 posts)After being pro-union as an actor, he switched over to the Republican view of "unions are evil" and he laid off all of the air traffic controllers.
(38,517 posts)So he was representing management and labor at the same time, and he knew too well which side his bread would be buttered on in the future. Older actors like Bob Hope and the Marx Brothers got the shaft, which is why Groucho ended up broke in old age. RR got SAG to sign an agreement giving actors very small residuals when movies made before a certain date were broadcast, which is why local stations aired so many old movies over and over; actors who started their careers later get bigger residuals because their movies were made after TV was already a going concern and movie contracts were likely to reflect that.
(Bob Hope was rich in his old age, but that was because he invested in CA real estate years before prices grew so high. His movies didn't provide him much money when they aired.)
Dave Bowman
(4,762 posts)"In October 1947 Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) as a friendly witness. HUAC members asked Reagan, then the sitting president of the Screen Actors Guild, if communists had ever interfered in the Guilds activities:"
And oh boy did he have a lot of names to give.
What a shitbag. 😡
(38,517 posts)Prairie_Seagull
(3,995 posts)I did.
Knew of, not about.
(29,030 posts)The harm be has caused just keeps happening.
(51,073 posts)Seems appropriate.
Dave Bowman
(4,762 posts)underpants
(189,204 posts)I thought the renaming was ironic and I was even political back then.
(19,322 posts)On this will tell us everything.
(8,175 posts)If there had been another controller *just* handling the helicopter, what might have been done differently?
When helo pilot confirms visual, should ATC ask "are you sure?" and say "y'know, there are 2 planes, right?" and maybe even "confirm altitude".
Is that what they're suggesting?
Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)I know it requires a lot of training, but there's no reason to cap the age at 31.
(54,606 posts)Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)And increase the application age. Maybe you get 10-15 good years out of some people instead of just eliminating them.
But this assumes that all the jobs are posted and not getting filled.
(20,051 posts)Seriously, it's a job where if you're having just a normal bad day, didn't sleep well the night before and make a careless mistake, you could kill hundreds of people. Would you like that kind of responsibility? Not me. And THAT'S why it's so tough to staff.
Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)There are a lot of small airports. In theory you can move some of those people to the bigger ones. But I'm no expert in ATC staffing.
(721 posts)Who would want this job, especially the grief Trump is giving workers?
(14,414 posts)Arthur_Frain
(2,223 posts)The skills necessary to become a good air traffic controller begin to deteriorate naturally after 35. FAA determined hiring cutoff date of age 30 many years ago. If you havent got the knack for rapid mental calculations by that time, its tough to teach it to you.
Source: me. I did the job for 25 years.
(10,267 posts)What he hell does it mean by tight budgets?!? These people are essentially to the safety of thousands of flights a day. If there is ANY group that should be immune to budget cuts it's them.
Whatever those people get paid it should be double.
Plus I don't know who that poor Air Traffic Controller is but can we all please keep this poor person in our thoughts as I cannot imagine the fear, suffering and sadness they must be going through.
(14,414 posts)exceeding its goal by 11. This also marks the largest number hires in nearly a decade."
The FAA met its hiring goal by recruiting controllers with prior air traffic experience from the military and private industry.
With this years addition, the agency has more than 14,000 air traffic controllers. Approximately 3,400 controllers are in various stages of training.
Doesn't sound like the budget was an issue
(10,267 posts)Said the Reagan tower only had two thirds of the staff they needed and that a single ATC was working both helicopters and airplanes which is supposed to be the work of two different people.
(13,124 posts)a crisis that Trump clearly mismanaged during his first term.
(14,414 posts)AntiFascist
(13,124 posts)In the US, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hired 1,500 new controllers last year and plans to be hiring another 1,800 in 2024, as well as ensuring every seat in its Air Traffic Controller Academy is full. Its also working with Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) programmes to ensure that graduates have the necessary skills to quickly move to on-the-job-training at a facility.
(13,061 posts)and four years ago, and three, two, and one years ago, and six months ago, and last week. A good friend of mine just got over a severe case. (Although I know the poster was referring to the height of the pandemic )
(5,416 posts)we still don't know the cause of the collision - it may have been an ATC failure, it may have been instrument/mechanical failure, it could have been pilot error etc.
(11,750 posts)And he was supposed to avoid the landing plane
(5,416 posts)Anyhow, as much as a lot of folks would like to (including myself BTW), looks like it will be hard to pin this on Trump.
(11,750 posts)So it's altitude was known and the flight corridor for helicopters is available online and that section is a 200 Max altitude, and the accident happened between 300 and 400 ft.
Sadly both the Pilots looking out the windshield trying to find the nearby traffic might have kept them from monitoring their flight altitude as close as they should have.
(5,416 posts)Sounds like a plausible explanation alright.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)I feel awful for the air traffic controller too! Haven't heard anyone on CNN or MSNBC mention that person's psychological welfare.
Response to highplainsdem (Original post)
Abolishinist This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,270 posts)Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate.
In preparation for landing, be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened.
Also, please be aware that due to budget cuts by the current administration, all airports are severely understaffed, and of the few remaining in [city], many have already worked over 60 hours in the last five days, so they're a bit on the tired side.
On second thought, forget what I said about electronic devices, your seat back position, and fastening your seat belt".
(3,962 posts)The air traffic control room scenes are terrifying.
(138,390 posts)It's his specialty.
(2,493 posts)Trump's executive order that instructed the federal government to make no more disbursements until he approves them included stopping salaries for air traffic controllers.
(14,414 posts)I don't believe any salaries of Federal employees were stopped
Seinan Sensei
(885 posts)-Roy Cohn, attorney
(20,185 posts)Godot51
(392 posts)Much of what is wrong with the government today can be traced back to 1981 and ronald raygun.
For example, in 1981, when air traffic controllers went on strike, he fired 11,000 of them, out of maybe 13,000 in an anti-labor union move that has continued until these days in the republican party: corporations and bosses good, unions and workers bad.
(39,933 posts)Rhiagel
(1,774 posts)He leaves them speechless with the facts every time..
(1,539 posts)I dont think the tower did anything wrong. Confirmed helicopter had visual and would and would deconflict with plane.
Probably standard there.
(17,238 posts)EX500rider
(11,750 posts)More then likely they saw they plane behind the PSA Airlines jet in the pattern.
Sadly I suspect if they had spend more time monitoring alt and less looking for traffic they would have passed under the plane, the max alt for helos in the section is 200ft and the plane was at 300ft+ I believe at the time of crash.
(3,131 posts)Helicopter training joy rides into the mix. Nighttime no less.
(4,887 posts)This mishap will hopefully force a new look at the way military aircraft use civilian airspace.
And when this happens in Japan, people resign
(3,131 posts)IbogaProject
(4,128 posts)And GOP budgets have chronically underfunded this.
(14,414 posts)How did the NY Times get one in 24 hrs?
(20,782 posts)according to reporting today.
I hope that doesn't apply equally to every control tower. Might be okay in rural Montana but not at DCA, etc.