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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHeartbreaking encounter with a student today.
She came up to me after class to ask me a question.
I thought it was going to be about the course, but it wasn't.
She showed me the email sent to all our students about how to handle an ICE raid, should it happen.
She is not of voting age, BTW.
I explained, the situation to her as clearly as I could, and she started crying.
She expressed disbelief that this was happening.
I tried to be as comforting as I could, but I agreed that these are very scary times.
This country has failed.

Response to Coventina (Original post)
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(28,220 posts)
(4,128 posts)That was to remove the Term Illegal Alien.
But yes kids are just kids, they didn't have a say in being here usually.
Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)Beyond that, many US citizens have been picked up in raids and held for days without access to resources to establish citizenship, then released. Have all US citizens been released? There is no way to tell, because ICE is not releasing the names of people detained - so they hold who they want to hold, in secret, and we'll never know whether they are citizens or not. Brown skin, or a Spanish accent is all that is required.
Response to Ms. Toad (Reply #3)
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Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)WheelWalker
(9,308 posts)AllyCat
(17,603 posts)I keep thinking will out themselves eventually
Response to Coventina (Original post)
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Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)Anyone with brown skin or an accent is being picked up and detained if they happen to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. ICE is detaining and then (maybe) releasing them after the dust settles. In the meantime, they are being held secretly and without access to resources to prove they are citizens, or in this country with the proper documentation.
****Calling MIRT****
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)

Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)I figure they've been tossed there twice already, since the second DU sign-up in this thread was seconds after the first set of "post removed" posts. Maybe they will call it a day and find some other sandbox to play in.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)She shows up every day.
Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)but it's been a while since I was on MIRT.
Too explicitly right wing, too early in her sequential tenure for LG (the only female I specifically remember).
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)but only grabbed one of the 4 posts, so I'm not sure who it was. Spammers are thick tonight.
Response to KS Toronado (Reply #24)
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Response to Ms. Toad (Reply #23)
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(57,281 posts)Troll busters!
(16,300 posts)Regardless of her status, she has a right to he feelings. And that's the way it will be.
Response to Iris (Reply #9)
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(16,300 posts)
(Not you Iris, just the only place I could reply in line with the other one.)
(16,300 posts)GoodRaisin
(9,993 posts)I dont even understand people wanting to do this.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)"Unfortunately Dear we have stupid idiot in the White House who's jealous of you and........."
(8,622 posts)fear.
(722 posts)
H2O Man
(76,274 posts)That is terrible. I am sorry you had to experience this. And I am furious that your student has to worry about this. (If possible, I hope you can tell her that a lot of us are fighting for her.)
(1,633 posts)without a warrant that is approved by a judge to apprehend a specific kid. And then, they should do it at their home, not at school.
The idea of fishing for children and detaining those who have accents, poor English, brown skin, etc. on the chance that they MAY be undocumented immigrants is outrageous and unconstitutional. They shouldn't detain anybody without demonstrating probable cause related to that individual first.
(9,612 posts)have to worry about a bunch of ICE thugs raiding their schools, kidnapping them after school or going home to find their parents have been "removed". Thoroughly disgusting.
(57,417 posts)I wonder if a raid would have picked her up? She is blond and has an American passport, but she didnt carry her passport around with her, and she didnt lose her accent completely until she was in college.
(4,388 posts)They will start turning down those assignments. Maybe instead, they'll go to the churches to make arrests. Oh, wait....
(1,904 posts)... but the Republicans sure as hell have.
When the dust settles, and Trump and his merry band of psychopaths are rotting in prison for the rest of their rotten lives, some very strong guardrails have to be put in place that no shitstain fascists can remove. Start with NO convicted felon can ever hold elective office in this country ever again. Not EVER. And the Republican Party must join the Nazis on the dungheap of history. Politicians must be qualified, and must run on their own proven merits, with no party affiliations whatsoever.
There's more, but I gotta cook dinner.