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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSo how about those groceries, Motherfucker?
Bet you have some egg on your leopard eaten face over that one, you fucking shit bag.

(41,545 posts)
(211 posts)dchill
(41,545 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,604 posts)That is the driving force no matter what they say.
(211 posts)GreenWave
(10,540 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,739 posts)SheltieLover
(64,041 posts)
(47,980 posts)And let's face the fact that we eat chickens that have had flu. It's safe to eat them if cooked correctly.
The reason chicken and egg prices have not moved in tandem has to do with the very different toll that avian flu has taken on birds that produce eggs and those raised for their meat.
Nationwide, egg farmers lost more than 38 million birds to the flu last year nearly 14 million in December alone. That's put a crack in the nation's egg supply, which shows no sign of easing. When a flock of egg-laying hens is wiped out, it takes six months to a year to recover.
"Egg farmers are in the fight of their lives to keep this disease at bay, to keep our hens safe and to keep eggs coming," says Sam Krouse, a farmer who oversees a flock of 14 million laying hens in Indiana, Illinois, Texas and Georgia. "We know it's frustrating for consumers who want to go and buy eggs at the prices they've been used to."
But chicken wings are a different matter
Chickens raised for meat known as "broilers" live on different farms than those that produce eggs. And while broilers are not immune from avian flu, they haven't been hit nearly as hard as their egg-laying cousins.
"They're younger typically, and older birds are more susceptible to the virus," says Tom Super of the National Chicken Council. "And broiler chickens are also not on the farm as long only about seven weeks."
(189,191 posts)Now thats a name!
(47,980 posts)
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Never quite understood the squeamishness. If you've eaten fish, you've eaten parasites, dead or alive. Eat pork? Parasites. Beef? Twelve sorts of flu! Carrots? Hope you like fungus. Potato? Enjoy every pathogen under the sun! Rice? Enjoy the molds.
But now that chickens get sick, people lose their goddam minds.
(47,980 posts)I prefer to cook it myself to make sure everything is dead. Not steak of course, but I will cook ground beef until there's no pink. I use a meat thermometer for pork and chicken. I eyeball it for fish and vegetables.
(6,742 posts)We are what we eat.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)displaced in ID
(44 posts)You can still eat a dead chicken, but they don't lay eggs. Now, with the rollbacks in silly the one stating that food has to be safe to consume......we can expect more of this. Viruses won't survive cooking, but you still have to be careful handling the raw bird.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)I'm not giving Trump credit by any stretch, but more people are getting into the industry and they're trying to stay competitive, so prices have been lowering. We just bought two dozen last week, should keep us set for a month or two.
Say what you will about the free market, but sometimes, it does work. And prices have been lowering across the board; Ham, chicken, and turkey specifically. Beef is still pretty high, but it's dropped $1.50 a pound in the past few months.
I honestly don't entirely know what's going on to affect the prices these ways, but my monthly grocery bill went from about $400 to $300. So SOMETHING noticeable is happening.
(7,653 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Meowmee
(7,653 posts)is not happening on LI. I am not sure about NYC.. LI is not part of NYC/Manhattan, but that is a huge part of NY as well. 😁
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)I'm kidding of course, and I'm sorry your prices have been going up. Seems prices are shifting to a competitive rural economy and a predatory Urban economy. We get the benefits, you eat the costs.
(7,653 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. /thanos
(7,653 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)LoveMyCali
(2,040 posts)I haven't noticed prices dropping and I think eggs are about $5.99 for a dozen large eggs. I'm not sure about the price of eggs because I have a friend with chickens and ducks and I get my eggs from her.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Buy in bulk get HEAVY discounts. Like 15 bucks for ... eight dozen I think? Gods knows I'd never use that many eggs though so I haven't really eyeballed those prices.
(10,104 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,498 posts)My wife and I go to the grocery store, Meijer her in West Michigan. When we get to the eggs, I make a big show of talking loudly, "My word! Eggs are going up in price! This is insane, it's $5.50 for a dozen eggs! That's double what it was a couple years ago! What is going on? Everything is so much more expensive now than just a couple months ago!"
I get a couple looks. And I might even throw in, "What ever happened to Day 1 the prices will be lowered?"
(15,532 posts)$100. Did buy 4 shrimp but wasnt much money. Instant coffee jar
(12,777 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)rubbersole
(9,484 posts)People that drive cars that cost over $100K don't worry about prices of everyday items. Just sayin'.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)If you gave me the money to buy one out of your own pocket I wouldn't on principle alone. XD
(47,980 posts)they kept claiming that inflation was their biggest election issue. Yet one candidate consistently promised to increase prices and they voted for him.
Sure, DOGE will fix everything.
(138,388 posts)Native
(6,983 posts)GoYouPackersGo
(211 posts)rubbersole
(9,484 posts)GoYouPackersGo
(211 posts)Want the rest? Sue me!
(9,484 posts)..sue this 🖕.
(189,191 posts)
Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)Sneederbunk
(15,870 posts)