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1. Donald Trump promised that, as president, he would drastically lower Americans' energy bills.
But hundreds of Alabama residents are receiving a $100 surcharge on their energy bills as a direct result of Trump's actions in the White House.

In an email, an Alabama official confirmed that the letter from Huntsville Utilities was genuine and the $100 increase was the direct result of Trump's EO.
Ironically, the purpose of that EO was to address "high energy prices."
Link to tweet

(1,733 posts)the utility inc received the money and it was credited to the consumers, then the money was somehow clawed back to the agency.
can they do that to medicare payments to doctors? might result in a surprise hospital bill if they do.
more insanity from the goof of america tomorrow, i'm sure.
(7,482 posts)rampartd
(1,733 posts)no one has confirmed that the money is not in some wiz kids swiss account
(7,482 posts)rampartd
(1,733 posts)anybody that could fix it already works for musk.
(7,482 posts)
(9,484 posts)Last edited Fri Feb 14, 2025, 08:15 PM - Edit history (1)
Yes! Elon has a group of young auditors checking the account(s) of an African apartheid champion to make sure it doesn't overflow too quickly. Are auditors the same as coders? Virgin coders with cool macho names? Role models for all the little maga booger eaters.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)aren't really regulatory, at least what I've seen. More like rate hike enablers.
(7,482 posts)Where are all the PATRIOTS?
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,417 posts)are already a thing. It depends on the state, and it usually happens after death. Seeing how the current administration operates, who can predict anything?
(1,733 posts)got him 1% of the new hampshire repub primary.
jon bel edwards got medicaid expansion, but this new guy is so maga he will give it up even if musk doesn't take it first.
i'm on medicare (without which i am bankrupt or more likely dead.) but a lot of the ladies at the nursing home had to spend down their savings before medicaid would pick up their bills.
(2,417 posts)savings to qualify for benefits. Working class people work our entire lives, and if we are able to scrimp and save and accumulate a nest egg it can be obliterated so easily by medical expenses/supportive care.
When I first became a registered nurse in the early 80's I saw a patient from a wealthy family who was in the hospital for a relatively minor condition that actually she had caused herself. When she was ready to be discharged her family had the doctor keep her in the hospital for an additional two weeks so that they could have her home redecorated (it ended up being a few extra days because the curtains weren't ready). Her hospital stay was paid for by Medicare. Her assets had already been transferred to her family.
The wealthy have attorneys to take advantage of every loophole while working class people stumble over every pebble in the road.
(1,733 posts)wealthy people do not have wages, salaries, or even assets. their corporations and foundations own everything, which they get to use without ever showing income; these people pass a means test, which will disqualify a poor widow with 2k in a savings account or a 20 year old car.
inheritance tax is a joke. anybody with that much to leave can make sure they pay no taxes on it.
if anyone is looking for fraud in medical programs, they would not be looking at granny, but at the nursing homes.
Ms. Toad
(36,160 posts)Do you mean Medicaid?
(2,417 posts)It was even before drg's started. Also I think that I may have conflated the two. It maybe even that the family members who were bragging to me didn't understand the situation since their attorney had taken care of it. They told me that her estate had been given to her children a few years before in anticipation of medical bills.
Ms. Toad
(36,160 posts)Medicaid has a lookback period, so you have to plan a few years in advance or they claw back the assets from the kids to p pay the bills.
(4,126 posts)So not exactly the easiest to swing, as it costs a chunk of cash and ongoing expenses to keep the charade of broke while having assets in the right kind of trust.
(7,772 posts)Commander in Thief loves his name on things. This is what will start waking up the non-political people.
(15,532 posts)Jit423
(1,012 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,111 posts)The benefits just keep on coming
(11,335 posts)Because everyone needs to see this. Thanks for posting it. This is a dirty rotten shame. It was a grant to people who are needy, and now they have to somehow figure out where this money is going to come from in their almost non-existent budget.
Another thing. Where in the hell is all this money going that Musk is taking back? Is it going directly into their tax break fund?
Who in the WH uttered the term "willy-nilly" recently? I think it was Musk. I think willy-nilly best describes what he is doing by
annulling and taking back all kinds of transactions. Do you think someone from the Treasury has gone over there and taken a gander at what he's doing? JHC!
(3,766 posts)Sitting in some account.
Fed Employee here. For my group, the last couple of shut downs we've managed to cobble together a couple of days post budget impasse of operations from money that is literally banked and I assume waiting to be distributed for programs. I'd assume the claw back is sitting in the account it was originally sent from but who really knows.
You've brought up an interesting question, where does the "claw back" money actually go to? If it's not going back to the original program it was distributed from is it going into some other holding pen? If this is the case, is that even legal? I'm sure the M$M is right on it.
(11,335 posts)Investigative journalist pops up. M$M though is definitely not doing us any favors. But. Did hear about Elon taking $80 Mil from NYC's coffers? W.T.F.? Was on Chris Hayes last night..
About where the money goes, they could be taking it for themselves, Trump & Musk.!
(12,311 posts)Their hero, no matter what.
Xavier Breath
(5,388 posts)He could literately burn their house to the ground and they'd stand in the yard cheering.
(4,360 posts)"Thank you very much, you stupid suckers." - G.O.P.
(64,849 posts)newdeal2
(1,916 posts)If the reader wants to believe otherwise, they are probably ultra MAGA and view this as the cost of being a patriot.
(8,782 posts)

Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)The NIH funding shutdown is really killing them and now this. I wonder what else he has in store for them. The state voted for TSF by a 30% margin. Guess they're getting what they deserve, but it's unfortunate for them as well as the rest of us.
(7,482 posts)MayReasonRule
(2,459 posts)
(60,150 posts)In all cases, it feels very wrong that money appropriated by Congress and sent out should be taken back because UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS led by Musk don't think they fit Trump's goals. Trump said he would be a dictator for a day ... Though legally he should not have been able to, but this is far past a day.
It also suggested that things that help people most in need will be cut from future budgets. As to research grants for both health and science, cutting them will make the US less competitive. It will also likely cost money as, in any year, there will be results from the successful projects that essentially "pay" for all the research.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Those funds were appropriated by Congress. The Constitution gives Congress that authority, not the executive branch. I do not see why it's happening, except that TSF doesn't give a shit about the constitution he swore to uphold and defend. I suppose the cases have to work their way up through the courts, but this cannot stand.
(60,150 posts)was proposed and found to be unconstitutional. This really could be seen as worse than a line item veto as they could actually go into a "line" and chose what to cancel. Not to mention, this is after some money is spent in good faith and some people made employment decisions that are no longer viable.
(1,733 posts)but their diseases are much more interesting.
(15,539 posts)
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...but just like in Texas, you can bet there are a lot of folks (like me) who tried to tell them and they still voted for the prick.
(7,482 posts)GiqueCee
(1,896 posts)... the room-temperature IQs that support Trump, thinking, "He's one of us," will realize that nothing could be further from the truth. Christ on a crutch, he told them to their idiot faces, "I don't care about you, I just want your votes!" And the witless morons cheered. Jesus wept.
With such mental defectives pissing in the gene pool, humanity will never survive as a species.
I need more coffee.
(6,894 posts)purr-rat beauty
(676 posts)According to Goofgle - In 2023, the federal government provided over $64 billion in aid to Alabama.
You think trump and his NAZI entourage are going to tolerate this welfare?
Sadly, most of us aren't terribly bothered because no matter what, it's out fellow citizens.
But to the maga locusts, it's money to gobble up!
You're on your own like the rest of us, my hope is that you'll be the ones wielding the pitchforks.
(2,459 posts)
(19,481 posts)Sweet Home Alabama my ass!
Katie Britt and Tommy Tubbyvile are two rubes who care little for the people of their state, or its economy.
No wonder Alabama ranks at the bottom of the 50 states in Infrastructure, Education, Economic growth, Wages, overall health, etc.
(12,929 posts)Bengus81
(8,274 posts) damn Skippy asshats,and you deserved the put down.
(12,929 posts)progree
(11,660 posts)The righties have been claiming that the stock market increases since Nov 5 are the "Trump Trade", -- and crediting tRump for it -- even though he didn't take office until January 20. So for consistency, they should also credit him with the November, December, and January CPI (Consumer Price Index) increases.
As for the all-items headline CPI report that came out Wednesday 2/12:
What grabs me is that CPI rise averaged 4.5% over the past 3 months on an annualized basis (core CPI: 3.8%)
The January one month increase annualized is: CPI: 5.8%, (CORE CPI: 5.5%)
(Compare the above to the Fed's 2% target)
CORE CPI = CPI less food and energy
LBN thread on the CPI:
Links to the CPI report and data series are in
I annualize everything to be comparable to each other and to compare to the Fed's 2% target
They are calculated using the actual index values, not from the rounded off monthly change numbers.
(8,274 posts)After yet another rate hike that always gets approved by the KCC, my latest bill in 19.84% higher for the same gas usage from Jan 2024.
(11,660 posts)Back to the CPI (Consumer Price Index). Here's the last 7 monthly changes for "Utility (piped) gas service"
-0.5% -1.6% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 2.8% 1.8%
These are the changes from the previous month, not year-over-year figures.
For the year (January 2024 to January 2025), 4.9%
From Table A
I don't know what mine was in January 2024, I'd have to dig. Actually my bill has been super-duper low since my furnace stopped working properly around December 3. My January usage was just 22 therms. The temperature indoors reached a low of 50.3 degrees. Right now: 57.0 degrees. I'm dressed up indoors like I would if I was to spend a long time outside. I have a heating pad on my lap, and am wearing mittens (with the finger tips cut off) as I type this. Today outside is warm and pleasant, highs in mid 20's, compared to what we've just endured, and will endure again soon (highs well below zero, some days the highs are double-digits below zero) for the next 8 days or so.
(Minneapolis. Centerpoint Energy, Ruud furnace)
I'm so pissed off that the furnace has had 5 breakdowns in the past 10 years -- 2 igniters and 2 flame sensors having to be replaced, and the problem now I think is the flame sensor again. So I say f'it, I'll wait until my usual spring tune-up time to fix it. I will just have to endure the next 10 days or so, and I think that will be it as far as being uncomfortable at times inside, like when it's 54 or below inside.
(8,274 posts)off then it's most certainly a flame sensor--at least it was on mine when I had one replaced about six years ago. The replacement wasn't real high on mine for the part and labor. Thinking in the $120-$130 range but that was before Covid and a lot of jacked up labor prices and parts prices.
Hell...I had a slow draining sink in the hall bath a week ago,I knew it was the usual--hair. But..after taking the ptrap pipes apart the plug wasn't there it was on down the line. I contacted a couple of drain cleaners on the web and got quotes of $175-$200 for starters--could be more! One guy wanted $85 just to come out then we'd "go from there".
Yeah well,went over to HD and bought a Husky 25ft drain auger for $27 with tax (lifetime warranty) and had it cleared out (two chunks of hair about four feet past the wall) and the plumbing back together and draining perfectly in oh...15-20 minutes.
Hope you can get it fixed,that's way to cold in your home.......
(11,857 posts)Unplug the wire connector to it of course.
(8,274 posts)trust what they said. But...thanks for the tip,I'll remember that. you do that as regular maintenance each year or what?
(11,857 posts)to it myself. Probably cleaned it a dozen times while I lived there.
(581 posts)The MAGATS are gonna continue to scream as they realize "they done fucked up."*
*I know some of them will still say Trump's a genius and can do no wrong.
(36,503 posts)NotHardly
(1,826 posts)sakabatou
(44,185 posts)Justice matters.
(8,079 posts)They are so much the swamp for him that they're not even smart enough to realize he's only in there for himself, Putin, Xi, Kim, and his billionaire class.
The rest of the world be drained in his golden toilet.
(37,488 posts)
(36,005 posts)Who are more likely black, and therefore not Republics.
(25,124 posts)I want every Trump voter to suffer because of their moronic vote.
(13,776 posts)maxsolomon
(36,005 posts)So Trump-voting Alabamans are cheering because they don't believe in Welfare. Even if they receive it.
As long as someone who doesn't deserve help is being impacted, they're happy.
(3,392 posts)By law, it has to be spent on what they say it has to be spent on. It's not legal for DOGE to pull funds back at the disbursement stage.
I want to hear more noise form Democrats about this. I want daily press briefings by Dems stating these facts, and I want Dems to agitate publicly and loudly for a complete audit of every transaction occurring in the federal payment system.
I know they are powerless to actually stop this from happening due to an asshole executive and a nullified legislative. But, the American people aren't getting the message in context. Loud and frequent press releases to as may media outlets as possible should be exercised. That, and getting on every social media platform as possible, including appearances on podcasts, should be part of the operational concept.
(4,723 posts)I wonder if the idiots will figure out it was because of a trump EO
(9,988 posts)and they voted for it, I am not sorry for the stupid people. I am sorry for the Harris voters that are impacted by the stupidity of their neighbors.
(8,926 posts)TSF promised "AMERICANS" that he would lower their energy bills.
So, LOGICALLY, this must mean that these folks in Alabama are, therefore, illegal aliens!
(24,004 posts)Thankfully, Senators Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville are not impacted, whew!
(96,580 posts)The morning after the wedding, shriek after shriek came from her bedroom: You lied! YOU LIED!!!
Thats all Ive got.
(1,151 posts)I truly feel sorry for the Dems that live there. I'm all for the maximum amount of suffering in these next 4 years though. Repuke voters will finally get what that party is all about, maybe, or are they just to fucking stupid.
(12,929 posts)Rhiagel
(1,774 posts)
(4,803 posts)allegorical oracle
(4,268 posts)everybody will be better than ever. (Pain does end if you've frozen to death for lack of heat.)
(7,462 posts)Remember older folks packing local offices of the GOP & their representatives & refusing to leave because they had no heat in their homes?
Remember older folks saying they were OK with getting arrested because at least the jail would have heat?
Remember how some elderly people were found frozen to death in their homes?
I do, I don't forget.
Blue Owl
(55,546 posts)The Third Doctor
(423 posts)Way to blame the Democrats.