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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWow, AG Blondi needs to be removed from office rumor with credible sourcing: DOJ has put all of public integrity line attorneys in a room and told them they have an hour for someone to choose who will sign motion to dismiss and if nobody does, they will all be fired. The nastiest strong-arming in DOJ history by a long shot.
End snip.
Edited to add:
BREAKING: Ranking Member Raskin demands Attorney General Bondi halt illegal intimidation campaign targeting the DOJs Public Integrity Office.
End snip.

(60,977 posts)She's been on a $25,000 retainer for years, ever since she dropped the Trump University case, while she was Florida's attorney general!
Of course she's corrupt and cheap...
(7,003 posts)Press conference with a fired DOJ LAWYERS AND DEM SENATORS.
(9,988 posts)Bondi is ultra corrupt which is why Trump installed her.
(65,486 posts)GoodRaisin
(9,988 posts)because that is what Dick Tater has turned it into. Meanwhile the Republicans continue to say nothing and are selling out our country.
(65,486 posts)Harker
(15,712 posts)The similarities are innumerable and horrifying.
This is happening just as the last of the men and women who defeated the Axis powers are dying out.
They're being betrayed, as are we all.
(49,927 posts)the same types of people come crawling out from under their rocks to do it all over again. "Never again" only lasts as long as the memories do.
I'll never understand the motivations of these people. It always ends badly, but unfortunately innocent people get hurt the most.
(15,712 posts)I'll never fully understand them, either, and I consider that to be a good thing.
(49,927 posts)I can put myself in many people's shoes, often shoes I would never consider wearing, but this I cannot wrap my head around. The best I can come up with right now is "evil", something I refused to believe in until recent years.
(65,486 posts)Yes I know, just as all the WWII vets are dying out, this is no coincidence.
They knew a fascist regime could not be installed while those vets were still alive and cognizant.
They knew they had to let them die out and have decades of Fox News propaganda
brainwash the next generations.
(1,898 posts)... has been metastasizing at a steady rate for decades, only now we call it by the name Mussolini always preferred "CORPORATISM".
As I am fond of saying, today's fascists are no different than those my father fought against 85 years ago; today's fascists just have better tailors.
(65,486 posts)GiqueCee
(1,898 posts)... but they still hide behind the blood-soaked cloaks of psychotic bullies like Trump, and their insufferable arrogance always makes them overplay their hand, to use Musk's recent analogy against him. That evil fuck can't die soon enough.
(65,486 posts)GiqueCee
(1,898 posts)... DO die, and maybe make their spawn think twice before following in their footsteps. But you're right; there will always be more of them, so keep your powder dry, and your sights zeroed in.
(65,486 posts)lame54
(37,587 posts)joshdawg
(2,759 posts)has installed are corrupt to the core.
(9,988 posts)dchill
(41,545 posts)What are those jobs going to be like anyway? Or how long will they even last?
(3,574 posts)I was fired from a government job because I refused to do something that was unethical. I know that I can look at myself in the mirror and not be ashamed.
Definitely worth it. My family was on board with my decision.
(1,697 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,486 posts)DaBronx
(632 posts)aocommunalpunch
(4,425 posts)He can explain how this makes sense.
(9,484 posts)Wingus Dingus
(8,823 posts)LOL.
(632 posts)Easy for me to say as my job is not
In jeopardy but they cannot give in!
Let her fire all of them
She will soon be running from prison after she loses her license.
(97,947 posts)trump?
We don't have the votes in Congress, and the only alternative we have is the legal system, which is no guarantee and a very slow process.
If people could get organized to demonstrate their displeasure through mass protests it would send a very loud message, but it can't be just a one-time thing. The Civil RIghts movement should be taken a the example of how it is down, and to some degree the Viet Nam war protests. But it will still take time, and if it could allow us to retake Congress back in midterms, it might reverse what is happening.
(49,117 posts)but you know it won't happen.
(121,814 posts)dchill
(41,545 posts)Historic NY
(38,596 posts)[link:.]
and then they all get killed anyway
(5,382 posts)Following a $25,000 campaign contribution from Donald Trump.
History will put her right up there with John Mitchell.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)tavernier
(13,511 posts)She fought gay marriage tooth and nail, yet she could marry as often as she pleased.
(41,545 posts)...and every other Republican in Congress. The ugly truth is that NONE OF THEM care enough about the Constitution to actually do anything about it.
(357 posts)There is a photo of her with Lev Parnas, convinced criminal. Look him up on Wikipedia.
(24,949 posts)put another similar AG in place, incompetent as hell.
(4,723 posts)She's left with nothing g to direct.
I guess she's finding out that she has no authority over state courts.
(7,512 posts)That's never going to happen, no matter what she does.
Give the deep, and nearly equal divide in the electorate, the impeachment process is an exercise in futility.
No party is going to get that kind of majority, and you'll never get near enough Senators to cross over and vote to convict.
The impeachment process is broken, and will probably never be a viable option again.
It's all for show now.
(87 posts)Let's get to work.
(23,539 posts)kacekwl
(8,006 posts)and all respectable court judges scream loudly for her immediate registration.
(159,576 posts)spanone
(138,388 posts)It's hard to believe.
(159,576 posts)The DOJ could not find an idiot or coward to sign this motion and so Bove had to sign it. This is sad
Link to tweet

(54,497 posts)stollen
(721 posts)The Nazis could have used her in Dachau.
(7,655 posts)
(38,823 posts)Response to deminks (Original post)
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