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The current administration is calling into question the relevance of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government. Between the recent ruling on immunity by SCOTUS and this wholly inept Congress and Speaker, as well as the complete inability of the Judicial branch to bring a criminal like TSF to justice or likely to ever hold eLoon accountable, it's all but impossible to see their way forward.
Unless something drastic happens I see TSF becoming fully realized dictator before the end of the year.
The weakness and fear and ineptitude is hard to ignore.

(2,861 posts)Trump could have been stopped in his tracks many times along the way leading up to this point. It feels like the people we would normally depend upon and expect to intervene and protect the country have in fact given up and surrendered.
Wheres all the fight and fire?? AOC, Crockett, and Bernie Sanders seem like the only ones who truly give a damn. The country is under attack, and nearly everyone else just seems to shrug.
(592 posts)There were many spots along the way where he should have and could have been aborted. SMDH.
(11,236 posts)I feel our Federal Govt, and several Red State's Governments are in a state of complete ANARCHY..........
( a state of lawlessness or political disorder)
With the Republicans in the Senate, the Oligarchs, the USSC, and the Corporations completely ruling things.
They have been working on this since they screwed the Election of Carter in 1980.....
"People" have been walking down the jungle path, swatting at mosquitoes, and were oblivious to the herd of charging elephants...
Pun intended.......
(2,623 posts)and the Supreme Court. Lots of Dems are doing something. Maybe not all of them enough or in the way you would choose, but lets not blame them for why Trump is there. Thats on the Republicans.
But yes, thank you AOX, Crockett, and Bernie.
And lots of State AGs and other lawyers.
Crunchy Frog
(27,442 posts)and getting exactly the results that they wanted.
I'd like to see something similar coming from our side.
(2,623 posts)who would have nailed Trump. They stacked the Supreme Court after stealing a bunch of presidential elections.
And we still would have prevailed but for Merrick Garland. If you want to go after Democrats, go after him.
And, there are a lot of Republicans who would like to be beyond Trump. I suspect Mitch McConnel is one of them. But only a paltry handful had the courage when they had the chance.
Crunchy Frog
(27,442 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,623 posts)should have picked Doug Jones. That's as far as I can go and still stay on DU.
(67 posts)He's fighting with gusto
(23,100 posts)EndlessWire
(7,575 posts)I watched an interview with him. He seems to have all his marbles, had an intelligent discussion...
He says this is probably his last term in Congress. He is 85, and he would be 89 at the last there. If we can't have an intelligent, qualified woman, can we dust off Bernie and make a race of it? WHY is he too old?
Biden was fine until the last there. His party turned on him. I was just fine with Kamala/Walz, although I wanted Pete. Now, I have to listen to the Orange Turd mean mouth Biden every chance he gets, which is often. It breaks my heart that a fine man like Biden is getting trashed and ignored like this.
When you compare the management of war, Biden wins hands down against trump. He managed two wars for us, without us getting involved.
It's plain to me that people are not wanting Kamala to run again. They are going to support Newsom, who I have reservations about. They see a white male with a full head of hair. So, I pick Bernie. He's a little social, I know, but I never hear him say anything but for the good of the People. If he popped up as Pres, I wouldn't worry.
(9,289 posts)I thought she was masterful in the way she handled everything.
(7,591 posts)I like Tim Walz but clearly Americans are swayed by $$
(I love Bernie but the ageism thing seems to apply only to Dems and theyd trot that out again)
(2,623 posts)but the DNC wasn't going to let him be the nominee because they were afraid of running a socialist. Now nobody's going to risk an old guy. Yes, Bernie will outlast Biden and Trump for aging gracefully, but it end's for everybody someday and you just don't know when that will be.
I think Kamala was terrific. But I fear we are just going to run a middle aged CIS white guy to not take risks. Of course there is risk for a California guy. The no risk model has it's risks. But I bet that's what will happen.
Mostly hoping we have an election.
(64,850 posts)That would have been terrible.

Justice matters.
(8,079 posts)And he also annexed other countries against their will.
All he had to do was to roll the tanks in Vienna's streets.
Poland was resisting but it didn't take long...
TSFCF will order the drunk to send the tanks in Ottawa's streets sooner than later.
Millions of retired seniors will lose their Canadian Pension they paid their taxes for and they will starve to death.
both Muskrat and the convicted felon are making many enemies.
We will be the only ones to save ourselves, do we really want to live this way????
(25,061 posts)all fought hard.
(59,150 posts)was to investigate, prosecute and the president who tried to overthrow the government.
We all saw it on TV and trump's guilt was there for us to see. And we did see failure to abide by the Constitution and to serve and protect the nation.
Had Garland done his duty first thing, trump would've been tried and convicted long before the corrupt SCOTUS 6 had a chance to get arround to their bullshit immunity ruling on presidential 'official acts'.
And since trump was no longer president, it would've pertained to him after Jan. 20, 2021.
Garland as AG was Joe Biden's very worst decision. Sally Yates, Preet Bharara, Jack Smith...all would've been far better.
(2,623 posts)Plus all the people you mentioned. That has made all the difference.
(59,150 posts)GPV
(73,245 posts)keepthemhonestO
(592 posts)This is all happening. Americans will be stopping this, we will have to restart America from scratch. What rules do we want in place with the new America.
I want hand counted ballots and consistency in voting. I want what I think Australia has, where you are penalized for not voting ( whatever that is.)
Term limits for senators, representatives and supreme Court. I want all of them ousted of course.
No lobbyists
No money in politics
One bill signed at a time not 1000 page bills.
Anyone else like to add to our demands list?
No one is above the law and those that look the other way are just as liable as the original perpetrator.
(2,623 posts)not requiring voting. We already have enough voters who don't do their research. Somebody who doesn't want to vote might just flip a coin.
Term limits for SCOTUS--so they don't pick them young and inexperienced and you don't have someone like Sandra Day OConnor turning over an election because she wants to retire. And the Senate can't deny a president his appointments because every president appoints 2 justices per term, and you don't get one president who appoints 3 in one term and another none. Size of court changes, and thats ok.
No money in politics seems unrealistic but lets start by repealing Citizens United.
No term limits for Senators. We need the Patrick Moynihans and the Bernie Sanders.
But the Senate should be proportional, like Congress. Then we can stop arguing about whether DC or PR should be states.
And if we end the electoral college it won't matter how the states are divided up so much.
I like one bill at a time so you have to vote on the merits of each one. But if we research it closely we might find some important bills needed attached bills to get through. For example, were SS or Voting Rights Act stand alone? (I don't know, just asking).
When this nightmare is over, yeah, let's also prosecute the enablers. Including Justices who voted for presidential immunity.
(592 posts)On the forced voting, I'm not sure how they get around that there. You're spot on about that.
I was going to say get rid of citizens united but I'm thinking we most have to get rid of all the things the supreme court has done for what the last 40 or so years.
Nope no money in politics, nada.
You are correct, some of those bills maybe go hand in hand, so do max 3 to 5 in a bill.
Not so sure about those senators getting a pass, some of them stay way passed their expedition date and not just Republicans. They get too set in their ways and game the system for themselves.
Oh yeah and senators and representative have the same insurance as us, no golden parachute.
Yes , right get rid of that electoral college. All of our votes should count equally, why do people in Wyoming have more of a say than someone in NY?
(2,623 posts)A golden parachute for everybody.
(592 posts)Better, I like the way you think.
(2,623 posts)I'm out of hearts, so
(592 posts)Right?! They should.
Seriously though, put America back together should be collaborative effort.
(5,639 posts)'I like one bill at a time so you have to vote on the merits of each one. But if we research it closely we might find some important bills needed attached bills to get through. For example, were SS or Voting Rights Act stand alone? (I don't know, just asking).'
So if the GOP put nationwide abortion ban (deeply unpopular) but tied it to a bill authorizing continued SS payments that would be fine as the SS payments is a must have?
You seem to be saying that unpopular (but in your opinion 'good') bills should be combined with much more popular bills to ensure passage. Is that your position because if so that could lead to all kinds of GOP shenanigans?
(2,623 posts)For example the 1994 Crime Bill
The 1994 Crime Bill included the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, which banned certain semiautomatic firearms and large capacity magazines. This law is also known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
Other provisions of the 1994 Crime Bill
Authorizing the death penalty for many federal crimes
Mandating life imprisonment for a third violent felony, also known as the three strikes and you're out rule
Creating the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
3 strikes and you're out proved devastating--lots of people of esp. of color incarcerated for marijuana. But saved lives until the assault weapons ban expired in 2004. Saved women's lives. Gave RW more access to death penalty. Something in it for everybody. Biden co-authored it, Bernie signed it.
If the poison pill is too bad you don't have to vote for it. Stand alone bills don't save us from the end of SS or a national abortion ban if GOP can unite or just follows Trump's orders. If we have the chance to stop one but not both, would we do it?
(1,113 posts)When the single spending bill is dropped right before holidays and no one has time to read it.
(1,888 posts)For starters
- Repeal Citizens United
- Eliminate the electoral college
- Reform gerrymandering
- Implement enforcement mechanisms for rogue politicians who dont support the Constitution (e.g., the President)
- Remove Presidential pardons
- Implement mechanisms to minimize lying and propaganda in the press and social media
- Get politics out of the justice system and speed up the process
Thats what I came up with in a couple of minutes. Once we get our country back, better minds than mine will spend many hours designing reforms.
And yes, this could have and should have been prevented. I deeply resent that it wasnt.
Definitely the gerrymandering!!
Media needs an complete overhaul too.
Yes penalties for politicians that don't follow the law.
Right it's not like we are Thomas Jefferson or William Penn but we are coming up with a solid base of our demands.
What type of people could we trust to write these new articles up? Who do you picture doing this? I'm guessing we would need people from both sides but I would almost want people not in government to do it so as to not taint it. However someone smart enough to write these things, someone NOT like me. 🤪
(423 posts)And I don't care how long it takes or how much it costs because, HOW MUCH IS THIS SHIT COSTING US? I agree with the rest of your post too.
(592 posts)Exactly! How much has it cost us or will cost? I wonder how many lives will be lost?
Just on USAID freeze alone, one person is confirmed dead. This is just the beginning.
(21,419 posts)Signed, CountAllVotes !!!
(15,891 posts)Hand counting ballots doesn't make sense.
Humans are pretty fallible.
We open and verify that the ballots are clearly marked and accurate.
Lots of checking and cross checking. Security cameras watching it all.
Then the actual ballots go through a counting machine that is much more accurate than people are.
(592 posts)Put ballots into a box then you suddenly don't know how they are counted. They are being counted in secret, unless everyone knows the source of how it is counted. Most other Democracies hand count ballots, I'll take an error or two over what we have now. We lost our Democracy because we did not hand count.
Thank you for volunteering , btw. We will need a ton more volunteers to hand count, like real Democracies do.
We would have had Kamala and we would have had Gore and so on.
(10,581 posts)Since there can be so many questions on the ballot, I could compromise and hand count the top 2 federal races and scan the rest of the questions as long as hand counts were available if someone questioned a result
As it is now its illegal to hand count paper ballots in many states, thats a bullshit trust me system
(15,891 posts)If any race is within a certain margin, or the result is challenged.
(10,581 posts)leftieNanner
(15,891 posts)And our country is a model of transparency. Assuming that humans are more accurate than a counting machine (like fill in the bubble SAT tests) is a fallacy.
(25,061 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,494 posts) No cross-ownership of media (TV, radio, newspapers or their web equivalent) by the same corporation in the same town or city.
An addition to the new constitution that it is the responsibility of the media to ensure their audience receives (sees, hears, reads) a variety of perspectives to develop their ability to understand and address complex problems with multiple causes.
The ability for anyone criticized to have the right to defend themselves and respond in the same time slot.
Social media must have transparent algorithms that are designed to ensure their audience is exposed to many perspectives and that shock value and attention are not the main drivers of how people interact with the app.
Hounding, piling on, threatening, and bullying would be crimes, with penalties differing depending on the severity of the crime.
News media could be held liable for knowingly broadcasting material contrary to the facts, and analysis or opinion could not be more than 10 percent of a news broadcast.
Public media would have a dedicated fund, untouchable by the legislative or executive branch and controlled by an independent board whose members could not be substantially appointed by any given party or president, with some members being nominated based on merit by professional organizations of their peers.
(592 posts)Almost all of what your saying, Perfect.
I'm not sure about needing a government run media because to me that sound like state run media but I am open minded enough to keep listening to why we might need it.
I think billionaires should have to pay much higher taxes, retroactively to perhaps 2000 or so. Also, since Elon will be in jail we get all of his assets.
Any companies like star link or future companies cannot be run by an individual, they must be run by NASA. That's too much power for one person. Elon was interfering with Ukraine's ability to fight their war, at times.
(3,494 posts)permanent. Probably a small tax on all media devices that by law must be distributed by a nonprofit such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
The CPB has had political interference before, including with appointments by Pres. George W. Bush. I'm trying to figure out how to insulate them from that. Maybe have Schools of Journalism and nonprofit media watchdogs nominate and confirm and keep it completely away from the hands of politicians.
(592 posts)Reinstate the law they had back in the early 80s it was rescinded. At any rate, media has to report unbiased on news. The law went away, then Fox was able to start doing whatever they wanted.
(67,658 posts)and his chums must be sent back to South Africa or even better be put in prison, with Peter Thiel too. There's a list of them, all orchestrators of Project 2025 must be rounded up.
(67,658 posts)and psychological and psychiatric evaluation too. Someone who is qualified and not a criminal thug.
(1,309 posts)You pretty much said it all.
(138,388 posts)Response to angrychair (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(4,751 posts)That from here on out, they won.
We cant stop what is about to happen- the entire collapse of the United States.
Its past the point of no return. Were screwed.
(21,419 posts)Walked into the bank and removed the papers.
The keys to the kitty are no longer accessible to said persons.
Gotcha greedy pigs.
I suggest others follow suit if the need is there.
(23,525 posts)It's going to be ugly and costly.
(21,419 posts)It will be a cold day in hell before I allow these pigs to take over and run my life.
They are dead in the water as it now stands. Yippee!
(1,825 posts)but this P25, "Christian reconstructionist," and "libertarian" brigade are going to fail--epically.
It might not seem that way now, but the handwriting is on the wall.
These crackpots don't want to fight the Civil War again--they are wanting to fight the American revolution.
They are not pro-American. They want a monarchy not accountable to anybody.
(64,850 posts)C Moon
(12,736 posts)Miami Blue
(248 posts)So that's the main reason why FelonTraitorTrump
has agreed to give total authorization to his
owner Elon Musk a man from South Africa.
Nonetheless, we should not ignore the fact that Elon is also a very sick man who is sadly suffering from an autism spectrum called Asperger's syndrome. Nevertheless, Elon Musk has more power than his puppet/slave known as FelonTraitorTrump the so-called POTUS.
Furthermore, Elon Musks mental disorder makes him extremely dangerous to be in charge of our
federal government.
Oh Well, oh well, perhaps Elon in his sick and perverse mentality thinks that he is the President
of the entire universe as well. 🌎🌕🪐☄️🌟
We are all f0ck£D but big time
(34,530 posts)In a year - it will be Musk.
And the MagaPublican Party is promoting it.
What you permit, you promote, and you own.
Dave says
(5,053 posts)AntiFascist
(13,124 posts)If this continues, I can see a time when States begin to form, or bolster, their own well-regulated militias in order to counter those who are loyal only to a tyrant. The Supreme Court has already given the president the power to commit illegal acts as long as they are committed on behalf of his office. This is clearly unconstitutional and those who signed onto this should be arrested.
(67,658 posts)that 2nd amendment could come into play. I keep on thinking if this regime ever gets the idea of taking away that right to bear arms, there will be hell to pay.
(13,124 posts)while conservatives (and landowners of the time) see the 2nd Amendment as a means for protecting their own properties and their selves, the primary reason behind its drafting was for the reason that a tyrannical president, who has control of a standing military, would not be able to easily dominate a populace that could organize, through a "well-regulated" means, by bearing arms against such tyranny.
(67,658 posts)"well-regulated militia" mean the State National Guard????
(13,124 posts)there are militias that answer only to a Governor.
(67,658 posts)
(30,809 posts)i think Trump and MAGA are fragile.
Bread and Circuses
(593 posts)Subjected to editing by A.I.
Were only needed to be indentures servants to the Oligarchs
(23,539 posts)Their plan is to have everything finished long before the midterms. Why in the hell would they want to wait until the midterms when it would likely go very bad for them?
(13,124 posts)in order to further their goals of voter suppression, fraud, intimidation.
(104,040 posts)
Response to angrychair (Original post)
Initech This message was self-deleted by its author.
(17,004 posts)of crashing to be used to mean an accident or something which just happens without agency and forethought, whereas the former term generally implies some intention -- which are the case here.
(162,363 posts)that's a sure sign our government had some pretty big holes in it