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(66,927 posts)We love you.
(27 posts)we still love Point Reberts, a tiny triangular U.S.- owned spit of land near Washington State border. An early boundary commission drew the latitude line than sliced it off BC over 100 years ago.
Since the population integration is so complete with BC over the years, there is no real conflict but for the border crossing, lately a source of annoyance to all.
In fact if Canada were to annex Point Roberts everyone would benefit from erasing a needless hindrance to commerce and neighborly interaction. A united North America should start here. Our province would look after Point Roberts better than the current slash-and-burn federal administration.
Just say’in
(938 posts)in the 60's our family would have reunions on the Canadian side of Lake Erie (I'm from Cleveland). The grown ups liked the cheap liquor prices and the kids loved the legal fireworks. The US side was polluted but on the Canadian side we could fish, swim and water ski. The Canadians were great!
(125,312 posts)I saw personal fireworks growing up in Ottawa was off of the dock of an American girl in my class. Nice memories of summer you have.
(20,006 posts)There's a lot of variation. I have no idea what the laws are in Canada.
(125,312 posts)Except for sparklers. I saw fireworks set off off of someone's dock at the cottage in Quebec 20 years ago. Maybe it is legal there.
(402 posts)in the 1960s. However, fireworks could not be sold within the city limits, so fireworks stands were set up just on the other side of city limits signs.
Jack Valentino
(1,701 posts)on our vacation there. We did Niagara Falls and such.
They were indeed legal in Canada, but illegal in Michigan at that time, and a long time thereafter.
(Can't speak for other state's laws..)
(125,312 posts)Last edited Fri Mar 28, 2025, 12:27 AM - Edit history (1)
1969. My family went to a Canada Day party quite a long walk from our house. We didn't get to handle the sprinklers because we were 4, 4, 5 and 7. But other people had them.
Jack Valentino
(1,701 posts)I have to presume my father bought them legally in Ontario, at that time, knowing my father---
unless he bought them from some illegal roadside merchant which is extremely unlikely,
since the whole family was with him.
Yeah, we were allowed the sparklers in Michigan, too.
At the age of five, I used one to set fire to a hay bale in the back yard...
Dad came and stomped it out.... LOL
(125,312 posts)stereotypes of Americans, legal fireworks were part of that.
Jack Valentino
(1,701 posts)Michigan folks would drive down to Indiana to load up on fireworks which were illegal here,
not just firecrackers, but bigger stuff...
Much later, circa 2014 or so, practically everything had been legalized here....
and for about two weeks surrounding one 4th of July, our neighborhood sounded like a 'war zone'---
and I mean that quite literally. Felt like I was under siege myself!
we're not talking "firecrackers", we're talking fireworks "artillery shells"
going off until almost 2 AM, well before the fourth, so frequently
that our dog could not "do his business",
and the Vietnam vet down the street had PTSD re-inflicted
It was so bad that we called the police, who said they could not do anything
unless they caught someone in the act of violating noise ordinances after decent hours...
Later that year the city government wrote new ordinances, severely limiting the windows of time
when people could legally use such fireworks. Seems to have been effective.
(125,312 posts)Not the sparklers. The real fireworks show authorities did at a place called 'The Mile Circle' near my house. I wasn't a cryer normally.
Tree Lady
(12,315 posts)I have friends who do and we have gone there many, many times and last 3 summers for 2-3 weeks.
I am sick about this. I don't understand why at least enough of Americans to vote him out didn't realize how bad he was, we tried to warn everyone. Why couldn't just enough have listened?
It makes me wonder if the election did get stolen because its hard to believe so many are that stupid.
(26,437 posts)Hard to believe and utterly horrifying that it's true.
(55,085 posts)that I should move to Toronto. I was living in NYC at the time, had met three members of the Toronto Scottish rugby team at PJ Clarke's, my favorite NY bar (bartenders often accidentally made extra drinks for me). They invited me to their game against the NY Scottish rugby team on Wards Island the next day, and I went and had a delightful time with these transplanted Brits (not all Scottish; one was from Liverpool and looked and sounded quite a bit like Paul McCartney), all of them crazy about Canada and Toronto. All very nice guys, btw. Perfect gentlemen. I didn't learn anything about rugby, but was very impressed by Brits who'd moved to Canada. All of whom thought Toronto much better than NYC.
At times like this I wish I'd taken their advice, but back then I would never have believed the US could reach this point. I still feel at times that this has to be a nightmare we'll wake up from.
(1,495 posts)Do believe there was some serious hankypanky in volved. If athat African Boer Mush was involved.
(20,517 posts)Visited Toronto for a wedding as a young teen, and Montral for Expo '67.
Toronto's new subway system was only a couple of years old, and so much quieter than NYC's!
Tom Dyer
(124 posts)electric_blue68
(20,517 posts)As a NYC'r at 12 & 13 yrs old ('65 & '66) - my dad (sometimes with our mom) took us about 5 times each summer to NYC's Worlds Fair! 🥰 Absolutely loved going!
(8,309 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,404 posts)Such a shame that a relationship that has lasted more than a century can be destroyed in such a short time
And forgive us if any of our retaliation affects your lives. Because we will ruthlessly defend our democracy
(1,213 posts)that this relationship can be repaired.
(5,778 posts)bluestarone
(19,308 posts)how much i hate our president!
Mme. Defarge
(8,666 posts)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response to speak easy (Original post)
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(90,855 posts)Do you support what the President is doing to Canada? Canada was once one of our closest allies. Trump is threatening to take "possession" of them, by force.
Response to sheshe2 (Reply #14)
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(90,855 posts)This is Democratic Underground.
(55,085 posts)Abolishinist
(2,346 posts)Member since: Sun Jul 6, 2003, 12:26 PM
Number of posts, all time: 0
(55,085 posts)Abolishinist
(2,346 posts)Either a glitch or something DU has programmed into it to for whatever reason to hide the real join date. Doesn't make sense to me, but whatever.
Jack Valentino
(1,701 posts)That must be some kind of record!
(2,346 posts)Account status: Posting privileges revoked
Member since: Sun Jul 6, 2003, 12:26 PM
Number of posts, all time: 0
(34,378 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,622 posts)
(3,789 posts)If you are meeting with Americans have a third party witness! Not kidding.
(55,085 posts)AllyCat
(17,671 posts)kimbutgar
(24,641 posts)pansypoo53219
(22,072 posts)chouchou
(1,723 posts)O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Think. Again.
(22,330 posts)
(24,432 posts)defacto7
(14,005 posts)My favorite country now.
I'm I right in saying that taking a vacation in Canada would be a supportive effort? Even paying the Canadian tariffs would be to their benefit at least. That is if they'd let us in.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,678 posts)And we produce great food here too. We get lots from Mexico and South America and even South Africa and Vietnam.
Lots to see, lots to do, lots to eat, lots to drink, lots to listen to.
We are beginning to hurt and would welcome Americans in. We distinguish between people and their government. Besides, most of Canadian politics is on the blue side of US politics. (In Canada it is reversed. Liberals are red, CONservative Party is blue, NDP orange, but of course from left to right it is NDP, Liberal, Cons).
Bienvenu means (literally) You are well to have come here: you are welcome here.
(35,817 posts)usedtobedemgurl
(1,617 posts)canetoad
(18,811 posts)Fellow Commonwealth country, even if they speak funny.
regnaD kciN
(26,872 posts)...freedom-loving Americans are not standing with Mad King Donald on this (or lots of other things).
(810 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,678 posts)ancianita
(40,184 posts)
(17,681 posts)Hekate
(96,939 posts)orangecrush
(23,908 posts)BadgerMom
(3,159 posts)Please know many of us are on your side.
I’ve traveled to Vancouver and Victoria Island and been gobsmacked by their beauty. I’ve lived on the banks of the Niagara River in Lewiston, NY and traveled to wonderful Toronto. We’ve been to Banff and Lake Louise. Breathtaking. Everywhere we met great neighbors. I hope this terrible period ends soon.
(85,595 posts)And we’ll stand with her against any trumpy tricks.
(2,346 posts)It's quite good, and although I would have paid more it's actually less than the brand I usually buy.
I would also like to revisit Montreal again, perhaps this summer.
(2,382 posts)Last edited Thu Mar 27, 2025, 10:28 PM - Edit history (1)
I am appalled and horrified by our rapid descent into fascist madness.
Ping Tung
(1,946 posts)My grandmother brought 4 of her 6 kids through Canada on her way to the USA from England. Including my mother. 2 of her kids had to stay behind because they had to be adopted out. They both landed in Normandy in 1944 and survived the war.
Thank you Canada. Especially for giving us my favorite singer. Joni Mitchell.
Andy Canuck
(305 posts)You’ve brought a tear to my eye.
(15,991 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,678 posts)Cha
(309,078 posts)
Mahalo, speak easy

(1,297 posts)Kick his orange ass! 💙
(20,006 posts)
(11,338 posts)for that orange thing in the Oval Office.
(1,242 posts)My hotel was on Lonsdale Quay. (Key not kway) Duh.
I had one free day so I went to a pub and got the feel for the people and place.
Then I asked if anyone wanted to show me the city. I'm buying!
One gent took me up and off to the Sea Taxi we went.
I bought a real Cuban cigar in the Gaslight district and did a lot of sightseeing in between beer stops and caught part of a hockey game.
Lovely everything. It reminded me of Denver, Milwaukee, Long Island etc. The cold weather architecture was familiar.
The people are more worried about a big earthquake sinking the airport. Liquefaction.
This was pre chump.
(8,127 posts)Country of my birth 🇨🇦🍁 Stay strong like the great nation you are 🤗
Maru Kitteh
(29,865 posts)But YES. 1000%. All day, every day.
Jack Valentino
(1,701 posts)This tariff war with them makes no sense whatsoever,
unless you read yourself to sleep with 'Mein Kamph' every night!
In his Hitler-like dreams, I think he mistakes them for Czechoslovakia
(they both start with a 'C'...)
(4,087 posts)AmericaUnderSiege
(777 posts)Article 5, motherfuckers. Article fucking 5.
Enter stage left
(3,991 posts)We've been to Victoria to Vancouver to Kamloops to Kelowna BC to Watterton Lake to Lethbridge AB to Regina SK to Winnipeg MB to Thunder Bay ON to Ottawa & Montréal QC to Charlottestown Prince Edward Island and Halifax NS.
We've driven from the US to Alaska 3 different times. We've seen Calgary, Vulcan, Edmonton, Banff, Jasper, Watson Lake, Prince Rupert, Haines Junction, Whitehouse, Skagway, and finally eventually you get to the Canada/Alaska border and head west to Tok AK.
The Canadian people are some of the most wonderful people I've EVER had the pleasure to meet and know.
I will support them 1000 times over the stupid fuck in the Whitehouse.
If you voted for him, and still support him, FUCK YOU!
I love Canada.
(11,113 posts)niyad
(122,937 posts)madamesilverspurs
(16,196 posts)don't deserve Trump's nastiness. But then, neither do we.
Historic NY
(38,704 posts)
(3,388 posts)Dorothy V
(270 posts)Of course, the orange monstrosity has no clue what friendship is. It just thinks it can bribe and bully people to its side.
I have visited Canada once, in Newfoundland and the Maritimes. Good people in a lovely land! Never met an unlikable Canadian.
I am also aware of Canada's actions during WWII. I am sure the orange monstrosity is unaware of what it could face. Canada: Beware the Nice Ones!
(24,607 posts)Loved it. Have always wanted to visit the western side.
Canada: I am so sorry we have an evil asshole in power at the moment. Please forgive us in 4 years.
Sky Jewels
(8,970 posts)Millions of us are very “SORRY”!!
(24,751 posts)Maybe they will take pity on us old liberals and alllow anti-clown face to immigrate? Wishful thinking, I know, but where reality totally sucks, sometimes hope is all we have. Now, I 100% believe in standing up and demonstrating total disapproval and disdain - telling the truth. I'm going to a Stand Up (think that was the name) rally against tsf and eloon and the worldwide reich wing movement headed by Pooty.
Sky Jewels
(8,970 posts)Thank you for telling Trump to go fuck himself!
(55,148 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,864 posts)Sharma Dreihund
(11 posts)Canada shares a border with Denmark---in the Arctic.
Blue Owl
(55,745 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,535 posts)And, I apologize as an American.
(4,288 posts)Elbows up!!
(162,911 posts)FUCK these fascist repuke assholes and FUCK the people who voted for them.
(120 posts)I hope that in just under four years, Trump will live to witness absolutely everything he and Musk have done instantly reversed as thoroughly as is possible.
(2,821 posts)
(25,961 posts)when we asked for your help to defend our troops..............