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This poll was open for exactly one week. So everyone who wished should have had a chance to participate.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
52 votes, 5 passes | Time left: Time expired | |
Approve | |
29 (56%) |
Disapprove | |
23 (44%) |
5 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(162,380 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Pretzel_Warrior
(8,361 posts)Must you hijack these threads? Just vote or don't vote and move on.
(162,380 posts)LOL - a bit testy, aren't we?
(20,776 posts)
(162,380 posts)Bugs is one of my heroes!!!
(20,776 posts)
(23,218 posts)You're one helluva troublemaker.
(162,380 posts)what's a gal to do???
(23,218 posts)
(1,716 posts)Most on-topic hijack evah!
(162,380 posts)LEMME AT ME!!!
(8,361 posts)mick063
(2,424 posts)And I'm damn tired of it.
(8,361 posts)Or quite a bit more evil but evil nonetheless?
(162,380 posts)or is that your own paranoid inference?
(8,361 posts)

(162,380 posts)mick063
(2,424 posts)He is your man. Defend it.
Let's hear it.
(8,361 posts)Does that mean you think Obama is evil?
(2,424 posts)Last edited Tue Jul 9, 2013, 01:22 AM - Edit history (3)
Didn't think so.
I'll help. Let me change one word.
"Not getting into an issue by issue debate on this thread. I asked Does that mean you think Paul Ryan is evil?"
Sounds ohhh so familiar.
Edit: I apologize for being abrasive. I will never win people over by putting them on the defensive.
I'll answer your question:
President Obama is a good man and a good husband. He is ethically sound on a personal level. I believe he is sincere in that he means to help the common man. I just think he doesn't know how as evidenced by the people he surrounds himself with. He is basically a Freidman economist. He genuinely believes that ultra strong corporations benefit the working man.
Many of his policies reflect the state of our nation, which in my opinion as compared to the nation I knew long ago, is largely unethical. In other words, he is President of all of us.
With respect to the "lesser of two evils" statement. You know as well as I that it is a figure of speech. A common term used frequently even here on DU. Most people would interpret it in that context. You did not.
Now to finally answer your question. No I don't think President Obama is evil. I believe he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing. I interpret his outlook as that of satisfying those opposed and supportive of him at the same time as the most fair, ethical approach. He is trying to please everyone at the same time, his vision of being President of all the people, regardless if it is sound policy or not. Having said that, I am vehemently in disagreement with many of his policies. Because of that, I believe this basically good man is not fit for the job, but exceedingly more fit than any Republican nominee presented.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Pretzel_Warrior
(8,361 posts)Logic says, there are two bad (evil) choices. A person stares at both and tries to analyze which will do less harm, but regardless who he chooses neither one is good. question was to clarify--does he think Obama is evil?
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)easy choice for Democrats. No one is saying that Obama is slightly better than Rmoney.
By the way, Penny Pritzker is the female version of Mittens.
(5,815 posts)What I like about him, I really like.
What I hate, I really hate.
(30,439 posts)cantbeserious
(13,039 posts)eom
(8,244 posts)I like polls
(51,077 posts)
(27,247 posts)Gravitycollapse
(8,155 posts)Mira
(22,507 posts)KittyWampus
(55,894 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)eissa
(4,238 posts)I wanted him to, AND he allowed republicans to obstruct his agenda at every turn. Therefore, he is DEAD to me and I'll never vote for him again!
Snowden/Paul 2016!
(46,585 posts)I must say I remain profoundly sad, hugely disappointed, and occasionally angry that Pres Obama did not prosecute Bush, Cheney, et. al. I think the world was looking to him to do the right thing. I think it is morally wrong, I think it is stupid, and I think it's a huge mistake.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Dawgs
(14,755 posts)Unless, maybe, I also approved of Nixon.
(772 posts)2008 was the first presidential election in which I could vote. I sat that one out for reasons that I'll only go so far to describe as stupid.
It wasn't until early 2011 that the man started to grow on me. That's the year I registered with the Democratic Party. I voted for him for the first time in 2012. No buyer's remorse here. The man is brilliant on so many levels and can see 10 steps ahead of his most bitter critics.
No one is without fault, of course, but this President is the best for this particular moment in our history. I feel as if it was only someone with his style of leadership that could have begun the healing process of the 8-year disaster that was Bush. An ideologue would've given us some "Oh my gosh, I can't believe he proposed/said that, my hero!" moments, but would've been naught in terms of productivity.
(8,244 posts)I'm not really into like that whole scene anymore tho.
(8,244 posts)limpyhobbler
(8,244 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Thanks. Feel free to do the same, obviously.
(8,244 posts)Skraxx
(3,154 posts)Maybe there's a very loud, prolific minority who really hate him, always have and dominate discussions?
(12,081 posts)I've seen some liberal threads get over 300 recs before. We are here, and you will hear from us on election day.
(3,154 posts)Your mommy says your the handsomest too.
(12,081 posts)Skraxx
(3,154 posts)leftstreet
(36,567 posts)Skraxx
(3,154 posts)It's so understated.
Blue Bike
(65 posts)The poll adds the approval and disapproval, and then calculate the percentages based on those two options, as if the "pass" option weren't there.
If "pass" is included in the math, the approval would actually be 60%.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)If you include "pass" the results as of now are:
Approve: 59%
Disapprove 25%
Pass: 15%
(8,244 posts)Just Saying
(1,799 posts)
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)limpyhobbler
(8,244 posts)BainsBane
(55,650 posts)If a pollster called me, I'd say yes because I don't want to give the Republicans any leverage, but I'm disappointed.
(10,611 posts)that he's faced, and he's gotten a LOT done - not that the MSM will do anything to inform the public.