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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsFolks want Hillary to say something about the OrangeClusterFuckofMadness in the WH. Well she did..
Last edited Wed Feb 1, 2017, 03:14 PM - Edit history (1)
I have to begin by saying my original plan for this visit was to focus on our agenda to help small businesses and entrepreneurs. This week we proposed new steps to cut red tape and taxes to make it easier for small businesses to get the credit they need to grow and hire.
I want to be a small business president. My father was a small business man. And I believe that in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it.
And so, well be talking a lot more about small business and about our economic plans in the days and weeks ahead.
But today, here in this community college devoted to opening minds and creating great understanding of the world of which we live, I want to address something that I am hearing about from Americans all over our country.
Everywhere I go, people tell me how concerned they are by the divisive rhetoric coming from my opponent in this election.
And I understand that concern, because its like nothing weve heard before from a nominee for president of the United States from one of our two major parties.
From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia.
He is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party.
His disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous.
In just this past week, under the guise of outreach to African Americans, Trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in such insulting and ignorant terms:
Poverty. Rejection. Horrible education. No housing. No homes. No ownership. Crime at levels nobody has seen." Right now," he said, "you walk down the street and get shot.
Those are his words.
But when I hear them, I think to myself: How sad. Donald Trump misses so much.
He doesnt see the success of black leaders in every field, the vibrancy of black-owned businesses, the strength of the black church.
He doesnt see the excellence of historically black colleges and universities or the pride of black parents watching their children thrive. And he apparently didn't see Police Chief Brown on television after the murders of five of his officers conducting himself with such dignity. He certainly doesnt have any solutions to take on the reality of systemic racism and create more equity and opportunity in communities of color and for every American.
It really does take a lot of nerve to ask people hes ignored and mistreated for decades, What do you have to lose? Because the answer is: Everything.
Now, Trumps lack of knowledge or experience or solutions would be bad enough.
But what hes doing here is more sinister.
Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters.
Its a disturbing preview of what kind of president hed be.
And that's what I want to make clear today:
A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far, dark reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military.
Ask yourself, if he doesnt respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?
Now, I know some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself that theres a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere.
Because after all, its hard to believe anyone let alone a nominee for president could really believe all the things he says.
But the hard truth is, theres no other Donald Trump. This is it.
Like she repeated this over and over and over and over.
She got criticized for this speech and there was backlash. She was too "harsh", she was "descending to his level" they said.
Chris Matthews got in on the action and while discussing the speech with ex GOP Chairman Michael Steele, lamented that it dragged politics to a level it shouldn't be and he and Michael agreed that Hillary was wrong. Trump's gaslighting had so infected political media, the pundits couldn't see the truth if it slapped them in the face.Maybe Chris should eat crow now, because this speech was prescient about the dangers of a Trump presidency.
Hillary warned us time and time again about Trump, and was criticized for being too negative and too "anti- trump" even when her speeches weren't all about Trump. In fact, most of her speeches were about her policy positions and plans but the media didn't have time to discuss such unimportant things.
It is important to be ANTI TRUMP because of what he represents. He is a throwback, a dying breed of American who looks back instead of forward. He is regressive and autocratic and wants to hold on to an old tired view of the world that is tribalistic, nationalistic and provincial - to do so he will allow religious theocracy to take hold, he will fuck the environment over and justify doing so because it's a god given right, and wealth=right in his mind. He'll allow backward right-libertarian ideologues to steer policy and crush socialism in favor of feudalism and he will starve green energy initiatives in favor of extractive industries. He will turn his back to the promise of 21st century civilisation: Liberalism - open markets, green energy, cosmopolitanism, diversity, secularism, a vast social safety net, democracy.
The true progressive position is to be AntiTrump and all he stands for, on that score Hillary was right.
(28,942 posts)for running against Hillary and not against some modern-day reincarnation of Mussolini.
The Polack MSgt
(13,490 posts)Joined at the damn hip now and forever
(7 posts)It makes me very angry to see him or any of the posse whine about the media. They wouldn't be the occupants of the WH if the media had not crucified HRC. Emails seem rather silly today, don't they .
(26,060 posts)where a man was forgiven everything and a woman was forgiven nothing.
(71,470 posts)She was not only forgiven nothing, she was pilloried for stuff that wasn't even wrong. (From both sides.) The standard to which she was held was impossibly high.
(26,060 posts)It's hard to win an election when you're getting so much shit from your own side.
(15,521 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,165 posts)duhneece
(4,300 posts)County NM Dems is 'my' party facebook page and I had to post your and the following post and this is too perfect a recap not to share. Thank you.
(26,060 posts)but I remember reading that on twitter the day after the election. I honestly don't remember where as that day I was still in quite the fog.
(4,300 posts)And for that, I am grateful to fact, I am reminded of all the reasons I love DU so much so often these days. It almost feels like I was taking DU for granted before that. I now cling to DU often as if it was (were?) a lifeboat and I'm in an old inner tube. Nah, that doesn't describe it well!
(26,060 posts)the election, and so angry at my country I'm pretty sure I just monitored by Twitter feed. I couldn't watch tv at all. DU was down and holy cow Joni Mitchell was right, you don't realize how much you miss being among like minded people, where you can howl at the moon and everyone understands until it's not there anymore. But that particular tweet has really stuck with me.
(4,300 posts)How about becoming 'leftyAlamogordonm'? Come live with me and be my Love?
(26,060 posts)calimary
(85,134 posts)The double standard was fucking INFURIATING!!! I found myself tweeting to the Andrea Mitchells of the world repeatedly exhorting them to fixate on some of the potential criminality that they were allowing trump to get away with so they could obsess on Hillary's emails. I remember tweeting one that demanded a closer - hell, ANY investigation of the Russian connection, and added - "don't know how? Pretend it's Hillary!"
(18,286 posts)Especially Susan Sarandon and Oliver Stone, who just wrote a piece on his FB page, not criticizing Trump for the Muslim ban, or anything like that, but attacking our media for wanting to lead us to war with Russia because they want to prove Trump is in Putin's back pocket. And he voted for Stein.
The Polack MSgt
(13,490 posts)Thanks for the link, I will check it out.
O.S. is as out of touch as only a "liberal" multimillionaire can be... Seriously - fuck these people.
Oh, and welcome to the Sturm und Drang of DU, bhusar
(131 posts)I am here off and on, and was posting more until the hack happened.
(31,443 posts)Response to LisaM (Reply #1)
Post removed
(14,274 posts)Arkansas Granny
(31,914 posts)niyad
(121,998 posts)uponit7771
(92,333 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)But Trump was not POTUS on August 25th 2016.
(32,640 posts)cynatnite
(31,011 posts)Va Lefty
(6,252 posts)herding cats
(19,656 posts)Yeah, I know she'd never do that, but it would be great if she did.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)maybe she will once the giant dickhead finally gets impeached
herding cats
(19,656 posts)I admire your glass half full personality! Seriously, I need to channel that myself.
(85,134 posts)All those "we wanna SEND a MESSAGE" folks sure sent a message alright. Wonder if they're happy NOW?
herding cats
(19,656 posts)I know some who are still saying "this will teach the people!" Um, yeah, you're people, too, idiots! We're going to be clawing our ways back to where we were a year ago for years, and years to come. I cannot begin to express how angry it makes me. Regressive, freaking fools.
(96,033 posts)Not politics. We try to keep it light, doing a quick survey of the room before giving a harsh opinion, such as of Trump. None of us liked Trump.
But we had someone (SK) there who hadn't been by in years and years, then showed up again during the summer and fall. She prides herself on her mighty intellect, but lacks social grace.
I'm not telling this well at all. The fact is, I was blindsided.
After SK giving all the reasons she did not like Hillary and how Hillary was not to be trusted, and the emails, and Comey... And after hearing me and others rebut this, and say our piece about Trump -- here is what SK said to me personally: "I'll just have to wait and see what else comes out this week." And she gave me a smile so smug it galls me to this day.
Every month when Games Night rolls around, I wonder if SK will will show up, because I want to ask her one thing: "Happy now? Happy with the results?"
SK has not been back, which is just as well, but eventually our paths will cross again, and I will ask her that -- then turn my back and walk away.
(85,134 posts)And seems to me that's a key strategy! "Happy NOW?"
Just a wee bit of a reality check. Seems to me if we gently confront people - GENTLY - and guide them toward thinking. Thinking back to WHY they voted this way. WHAT did they want? Do they REALLY think they're getting what they want, now? Now that they voted for him and he's in there, is this all working out the neat and cool and bigly way they expected? Are they REEEEEEEAAAAALLLY happy with the whole "Captain Chaos" thing?
It might be a gentle way to invite some of these folks to start waking up. Nudge them awake. I bet there are more than a few with second thoughts. Starting to have second thoughts. Starting to wake up and realize - "uh, gee, uh - this isn't working out the way I thought..." or, even better: "uh, gee, uh - HE isn't working out the way I thought."
There are still plenty of 'em out there who are still, somehow, liking what they see. But I suspect that won't last long for many of them. INEVITABLY something will click. INEVITABLY, something will hit them that affects them directly. Just imagine it: if we can gently nudge them toward that way of thinking, from the figurative clown-car airplane they're on (that's looking like it's on the way down - the HARD way), and make sure they see the parachute nearby, then they might be that much more likely to reach for that parachute and bail out of the plane.
On edit - I just got a heart! Whoever sent it to me, THANK YOU! <3
(1,779 posts)herding cats
(19,656 posts)Her book is enough, for now. I just wish her peace after how she was dragged through the mud by people who should have known better.
(1,779 posts)right -- as Thom Hartmann says, she will remain focused on children and family issues! Good for her!
(65,616 posts)He showed his hand every time he opened his huge piehole.
Either they willingly knew or decided to ignore it... both positions are horrible.
Trump did not hide who he was, just the opposite, he celebrates his myopic-man-pig view of the world!
(10,408 posts)Muslim ban, wall, everything else. He was quite clear. Shows you how little progress we as a country have made, regardless of the popular vote.
(985 posts)When he leaves office, anything that isn't fvcked up is going to be gravy.
(22,976 posts)And so, we wound up with the horrible, hateful, ignorant, destructive miserable piece-of-shit prez, who's already deep in the running for "worst ever."
It was all there, in plain sight. Oh, but the emails! The emails!
(5,108 posts)If it weren't for the electoral college...Nearly three million more still voted for her.
(32,640 posts)Dear People Demanding to Know Why Hillary Clinton Isn't Doing Whatever It Is You Think She Needs to
You took a hard pass, and now you have the unmitigated temerity to want more from her? Fuck you.
I note with all the mirthless laughter in the universe that one of the incessant criticisms of Hillary Clinton was that she was entitled.
She gave it everything she had already. You don't get to ask for even more.
And what, pray tell, do you expect her to do, anyway? Crash the confirmation hearings? She's not a sitting Senator anymore. That's not the way it works. Show up at a protest, dragging the Secret Service with her, constantly on the lookout for people who sent her death threats; chanted that she should be locked up or killed? That's not the way it works, either.
Even if you could name some meaningful action that you'd like her to be taking in this moment, this darkest of moments in our nation's history, she doesn't owe it to you.
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)This was the General.
This is about people who think that she owes them something or other now.
Is that clearer?
(96,033 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)Yes, yes, YES! I am furious at the people who call themselves "progressives" for what they did, the lies they told, the self-righteous, smug comments about how Hillary was a "flawed candidate" that they couldn't, just couldn't bring themselves to vote for. Their just couldn't go against their so-called principles.
To the Ungrateful Wrecks: YOU OWN THIS, ASSHOLES! The horror we're in right now is on you. Don't say there were other factors, of course there were, so stop trying to change the subject. YOU OWN THIS and I will never forgive you.
(96,033 posts)Hillary gave it all for US, and "owes" us not a damn thing more. Goddess bless her forever.
(14,274 posts)SleeplessinSoCal
(9,853 posts)There needs to be one with very specific reasons why. False equivalency. Panders too much. Too inside politics. Two faced. Annoying. Etc.
(10,173 posts)He should look back at his reaction to this speech and ponder how he got it so wrong.
(24,241 posts)He's ridiculous and annoying on every level. He jokes and compulsively yells through his entire program.
A: There's nothing funny about any of this.
B: Yelling whatever comes to his mind is infantile and rude.
Can't watch him.
(85,134 posts)She. Does. NOT. Belong. On. That. Network.
Already, at 3pm Pacific time, when her Pox Noise-transplant show starts, both my husband and I grab for the remote to see who can change the channel away from MSNBC first. He finds her rather revolting, in several ways, with absolutely no prompting from me.
(9,853 posts)It just hurts my brain too much. Same with trump. Mute all three of them. Better yet, force the three of them to spend eternity listening to Kellyann Conjob.
(25,577 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)Doodley
(10,493 posts)She told us that Trump is unfit to have his finger on the nuclear button. She said he doesn't have the temperament to be president. Well, now he has his finger on the button and both Clintons need to still be fighting for our survival.
(5,108 posts)the Clintons owe us NOTHING more The electoral college, supposedly meant to prevent catastrophic presidents such as Trump, on the other hand...
(10,493 posts)I believe we are in great danger, not just as a nation, but globally. Do you share that view? This isn't a time for saying I told you so, or for blaming the electoral college or the voters. When a ship hits an iceberg, you don't waste time saying I said there was an iceberg, It should be all hands on deck, and we need the Clintons and the most powerful Democrats at this time. We need their help more than at any other time.
(5,108 posts)I don't believe that they OWE us still more. There are a lot of other progressives in prominent positions (and I don't necessarily mean the overly-idealistic celebrity types) who need to be stepping up and continuing to do so. Yes, the world IS in great danger with Trump, Bannon and Co
(22,240 posts)and I implore Hillary to make her voice heard one way or another now.
Progressive dog
(7,341 posts)to retire from politics.
(24,241 posts)She was shamed, diminished and belittled beyond anything any of us could bear. What makes you think that would change now? Nobody from the media gave her an inch and they wouldn't now either.
She owes us nothing. I wish her peace. She's done more than her share.
(10,493 posts)Are you saying that was just lip service and now she should feel no obligation to do anything?
(24,241 posts)AND she got hosed by "liberals", the media, fellow politicians, drumpf humpers and everyone in between. She laid it all on the line and got ignored at best and ridiculed at worst every single day. No, it was not just lip service when she warned us all of the threat that we are now facing. If she said anything publicly at this point, it would be met with "lock her up" and "what about those emails, Hillary?"
What else is she supposed to do to appease you? How do you know she isn't doing anything behind the scenes right now? She has nothing to prove to you, me or anyone else. You make it sound like she has more of an "obligation" to do more than the rest of us. I think it is wrong to be critical when we don't know what she's doing as a private citizen. My guess is she's doing more than a lot of folks.
(96,033 posts)What bullshit to say what you said: "Are you saying that was just lip service and now she should feel no obligation to do anything?"
Go back and read this thread. Hillary gave us everything she had. The media squeezed her dry. The Far Left and the Far Right squeezed her dry. Trump got a billion dollars worth of free air time. What the hell do you want?
Whatever happens now is UP TO US. Go call your Senators and your Representative. Join Indivisible. DO SOMETHING, and stop waiting for someone else to do it for you.
(14,274 posts)ehrnst
(32,640 posts)pnwmom
(109,717 posts)even though the media rarely covered her policy speeches (she WAS making them) and her website was full of hundreds of pages of detailed plans.
(10,173 posts)Not making it about HIM and what he represents - TRUMPISM - is a mistake. He is that much of an existential threat.
I think it will dawn on many that who you vote for President does matter.
She was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
(6,288 posts)She had another speech after bannon joined trump. She talked about the alt right back in august, 2016. I don't beleive anyone else talked about it. The media has completely ignored bannon and the colossal rise of neo-nazi alt right movement in the US. He took the alt right movement mainstream and now follows through their policies.
Remember, Glenn Beck said that Dugin is much worse than Hitler. Dugin's philosophy is the foundation of alt-right - read about Spencer, one of their leaders. Miller has connection to Spenser and now Miller is in WH.
(1,391 posts)I don't want you to think the only thing I took out of this post was the part about Tweety, but that is exactly why I haven't watched MSNBC (except for a few hours on the women's march) since the night of the red hats. Chris Matthews was disgusting, he would play all of Mein Trumpfs while disregarding other candidates, both republican and democratic, and the way he fawned all over KellyAnne, I thought he was going to jump her on stage. Between Tweety and Mrs. Greenspan and Chuckles the Clown, I hop them partially responsible for the pussy grabber. Along with the stupidity of the american voter.
(10,173 posts)Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)Punching-face f'ing mad at those who voted third party, didn't vote or bitched about her not saying or doing enough.
(44,895 posts)I hope she'll be continuing to speak up for years to come.
Because I'm seeing way too much "BUT WHY IZNT HILLARY SAYING SOMETHINGS?!!?!1" online... I guess that trolling talking point came down through official channels...
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)Almost six months ago, and since then? Leaders keep trying, even if their speeches are not well received. Or is this more of the "incremental approach?"
As a recognized leader, one who has done so much for women's rights and other issues, as our former Secretary of State and candidate for POTUS, I would hope she remains active in the progressive movement. I would hope she would use her position to continue to push for justice in this world. She should be in the news every day. This is not a mainstream media conspiracy to silence her; she has chosen to remain silent.
How about her speech on the Dakota Access pipeline? (crickets)
I do remember her comments on Keystone: "I'll tell you what I think after I'm elected president."
So yes, I am bummed by her silence. She IS a role model. Time to act like one.
(10,173 posts)Frankly, if she wants to live on a pretty island somewhere for the rest of days, she deserves it...
It's not up to her to be in the news everyday, it's up to us collectively to get our shit together and our priorities straight. For caring enough about policy and being aware of dangers to our democracy. That's on us. Not her.
I don't need a politician to draw me a roadmap.
And really, she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't at this point.
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)for not being ideologically pure enough. And for being a corrupt, unlikable liar, in bed with big corporations. And NOW suddenly she's a "role model" and supposed to dive back in and play your game? If you had voted for her, then you'd have a right to expect action from her. You and millions of others figured you could just blow that off and then disavow the consequences, and we've seen the result.
Find your own role model. Are you holding the same expectations for the person you DID vote for in the GE?
(14,274 posts)ehrnst
(32,640 posts)So I've noticed. The purity stamp is administered by only one, who deems who is pure, and who is a "shill."
That worked so well for Nader, didn't it?
(825 posts)uponit7771
(92,333 posts)Ned Flanders
(233 posts)She can help, but isn't. And yes, I guess I do have high expectations for the President of the United States!
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)Who did you vote for, Ned? And have you been urging them to speak out against the president you wanted?
Show us.
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)...about the time she pleaded guilty to being a moderate. I have many more reasons, but it is clear I will be sanctioned for rehashing old crap. Nevermind that bit about those who forget the past....
But despite my personal rejection of her, I know she can still be a cause for good. But that means speaking up, staying involved. Take a vacation, but come back!
Sparkle on, Good Neighbor!
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)But you and your ilk were never prevented from voting for her.
Please do let us know, though, just how much better she would have have to be for you to prefer her over what we have now, (since you knew very well what a Trump presidency would be like). Because if you didn't want her to win, then you wanted Trump, because he was the only other candidate with a chance.
Thank you and all of your kind for that, btw. Hope your "conscience" is sustaining you.
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)Nor have I ever been accused of being a team player, ha.
And that either/or talk? "Only the Sith speak in absolutes."
I guess I'm at the point where I don't believe incremental change, as practiced currently, is going to save us. I had hoped that the Bush years would convince conservatives of the evil of their ways, but it is clear they cannot change. Forest fires do improve the health of a forest.
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)And yes, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton was going to be president. No one with a genuine connection to reality could possibly have believed otherwise. But I guess that encompasses a lot of voters in the past election.
If you wanted reality-based possibilities for president that were not a Democrat or Republican, the arrangements for that would have required a lot of hard work on party building, starting decades ago, not the usual last-minute electoral fantasies of the uber-left. If you weren't willing to put in that kind of work, tough shit. You have no right to complain. If you actually did, but it fell short, good for you, but it still doesn't change the reality on election day, or the delusional nature of other expectations.
And your unwillingness to answer simple and direct questions is duly noted. That's always my first clue to an intellectually bankrupt argument. But throwing the country against the wall and breaking it into pieces, then crossing your fingers that those pieces will magically re-assemble themselves into something better, is not even a semblance of a political or social plan. Maybe the next four years will finally convince people afflicted wth chronic Naderitis of that fact.
Let's start with who you voted for. I voted for Clinton, and I will say that unashamedly. Can you say the same about your choice?
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)Are you having lulz with me? I thought I did answer your questions directly, but then again, cognitive dissonance isn't only a Conservative trait, I reckon.
Regardless of labels, I'm supporting the long-term progressive candidate. I'm sorry you're offended that my candidate was critical of yours, but primaries are supposed to be about debates (lol, tons of them!) and open analysis of candidates. Good and bad.
I think the final primary results proved I am not delusional regarding Bernie's chances. Especially considering the crap that was slung at him by the good guys.
I voted Bernie in the primary, and HRC in the general.
I really would like to discuss this in more detail, but am afraid I will be kicked for rehashing the primaries. (I really don't get that rule.)
Now, I answered your questions, how about answering mine. Do you think a great leader remains silent in times of crisis? Do you disagree that our nation is in crisis? Do you really think "she deserves a vacation" is an adequate excuse?
Don't you think that someone with her influence and ability to rouse the masses to good deeds should be out there now, when we need her?! Let's see Congress try and silence and censure her!
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)And yes, thinking that Bernie Sanders still had a chance in the GE on election day was delusional, and that's what we're talking about, as I clearly indicated. But for your information, I supported Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the GE, despite your arrogant presumptions about "your candidate" and "my candidate". As far as "crap", Sanders did not put up with a tenth of what Clinton did this election cycle.
As far as your questions, is this little bit of sophistry supposed to compel some damaging concession from me? Yes, speaking up in times of crisis is one of the things you might expect from a "great leader". But you know what? A great leader also recognizes a coming crisis BEFORE it actually happens, and speaks up to try to prevent it. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton did.
As far as her reasons for not adding her voice at this very moment: Maybe she doesn't feel like being accused of being an attention whore. Maybe she realizes that she is still such a lightning rod for hostility, still such a polarizing personality even within her own party, that injecting herself back into the politics of the day would just divide Democrats (considering that there are many Democrats who would rather cut their noses off than appear to agree with or support her in any way) and give the Republicans a convenient stalking horse to divert their base and the media from the real issues, as they have done so often before. Maybe she feels like it was time to let other people in the Democratic Party carry the torch for a while, after having done it all of her adult life. Maybe she's tired of being attacked from all sides, every day of her life, for the last two decades or more. Maybe she's just fucking tired, period. Maybe she realizes that this "crisis" is going to be here for the long term, and that she won't be much use over that long term if she's burned out (as does actually happen to real human beings, and as those with empathy can grasp). Maybe she doesn't presume that this fight can't possibly be carried out effectively for even a few weeks without her.
Apparently you don't think that any of those reasons could justify her taking even a month of time to herself, but I have no problem with any of it. If she never spoke up in public again about the causes she cares about, then disappointment in her might be justified, but Trump has only been president for three weeks.
And you know, maybe she's enjoying an "I fucking told you all so" moment. An entirely human reaction, to which she is, frankly, richly entitled.
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)But one thing I have learned from this election cycle, finally, is that you really can't debate with delusional people.
Keep drinking those electrolytes!
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)and are now reduced to insults and disparagement, for which you offer no evidence whatsoever.
Enjoy your stay.
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)WTF? How many insults did you sling my way? Is this like the Kid Rock song, "It's all good and fun until I start to poke back?"
But seems like I'm not the only one saying HRC and the Democrats need to speak up about what counts.
The Sand Reckoner
(194 posts)still trying to cobble together an argument.
Instead of cutting and pasting what other people think (with no evidence that they're any less wrong than you are), why not try responding to the points I raised with stuff from your own brain?
(96,033 posts)No?
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)And her record since then has not been stellar. I expect big things from my POTUS.
(96,033 posts)By the way, how was your day to day impression of the Obama presidency? Did you give up on him for life the first time he deviated from your stellar thoughts?
Ned Flanders
(233 posts)Let's say this first: I think Obama is one of the greatest Presidents in our nation's history. Ok? I love the guy.
But I was torn, and still am, on the Obama presidency. It was clear to me, some schmoe with a keyboard, that the Republicans would never compromise, and would attack him nonstop, fabricating scandals, etc., instead of working with him in the style of earlier years. Remember when the parties fought each other, but ultimately compromised and came together as necessary to keep the government running?
Obama kept trying to work with them, even when they kicked him in the teeth. In a way that was good, because I think his term has effectively proved that the Republicans don't believe in working together with other parties. He showed real class, and kept to the high road.
On the other hand, giving in to them seemed to only empower them. Why weren't Obama and other Dems calling out Conservative lies long ago? Why is a phrase like "fake news" only now being used? Of course if Obama had started throwing out Executive Orders, it could have created a total gov't shutdown as the Repubs fought back, so where's Captain Hindsight when I need him? But still, almost three years to repeal DADT?
I hope he has also shown that incremental change doesn't work. Fighting so hard for minor changes which can be easily reversed by the next administration is not an effective strategy. I dislike the word, "revolution," but certainly we need big, dramatic changes.
Then there's his record on protecting whistle blowers. At complete odds with his campaign promises. I do remember cheering when he called whistle blowers "...the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government," as well as "such acts of courage and patriotism. . . should be encouraged rather than stifled." Kudos for pardoning Manning.
And why didn't he pardon Siegelman? Have I been misled on his story? Please set me straight if so.
But enough of that. I hope Obama has proven that the Republicans won't compromise. He did a great job under obstructionist conditions (probably saved our nation from financial meltdown). I hope he enjoys retirement, then comes back and speaks up. And not to say, "impeachment is off the table."
(14,274 posts)Jamaal510
(10,893 posts)[IMG][/IMG]
(10,046 posts)No longer serving to come OUT and show yourselves! Be heard. Make noise.
Stop being nice.
Speak out
Go low, the hell with high, until they worry
(96,033 posts)Edina
(22 posts)Good to see this post but I feel it is a bit late. I primarily post on another liberal site but I felt I had to say something to this post. During the primary and the early GE this very website was toxic and highly anti-Hillary Clinton which is essentially anti-Democratic Party. I know you had a special section for Hillary supporters but the bile I read generally on this site against Hillary Clinton was a Left version of Red State. I just stopped coming to your site until lately. Now that Hillary has been vanquished by both the Right and the Left and our country is being run by a bunch of vipers I thought I might get some good insights and decided to re-visit your site. So, while I applaud your sentiment I do not see it reflected on most Progressive websites where there are still many folks who are content to blame Trump on "Hillary the terrible candidate". I am disappointed in Liberals once again being manipulated by the Right and eating their own. Liberals who voted for Stein and the Bernie or Busters were played by the Right and it paid off very well for them.
(7,178 posts)StevieM
(10,559 posts)site. She deserves so much better than how she has been treated.
I'll never understand how Hillary Clinton came to be seen as a Joe Lieberman Democrat.
(4,542 posts)butdiduvote
(284 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)She always knew what she was talking about.
(306,943 posts)I have to begin by saying my original plan for this visit was to focus on our agenda to help small businesses and entrepreneurs. This week we proposed new steps to cut red tape and taxes to make it easier for small businesses to get the credit they need to grow and hire.
I want to be a small business president. My father was a small business man. And I believe that in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it.
And so, well be talking a lot more about small business and about our economic plans in the days and weeks ahead.
But today, here in this community college devoted to opening minds and creating great understanding of the world of which we live, I want to address something that I am hearing about from Americans all over our country.
Everywhere I go, people tell me how concerned they are by the divisive rhetoric coming from my opponent in this election.
And I understand that concern, because its like nothing weve heard before from a nominee for president of the United States from one of our two major parties.
From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia.
He is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party.
His disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous.
In just this past week, under the guise of outreach to African Americans, Trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in such insulting and ignorant terms:
Poverty. Rejection. Horrible education. No housing. No homes. No ownership. Crime at levels nobody has seen." Right now," he said, "you walk down the street and get shot.
Those are his words.
But when I hear them, I think to myself: How sad. Donald Trump misses so much.
He doesnt see the success of black leaders in every field, the vibrancy of black-owned businesses, the strength of the black church.
He doesnt see the excellence of historically black colleges and universities or the pride of black parents watching their children thrive. And he apparently didn't see Police Chief Brown on television after the murders of five of his officers conducting himself with such dignity. He certainly doesnt have any solutions to take on the reality of systemic racism and create more equity and opportunity in communities of color and for every American.
It really does take a lot of nerve to ask people hes ignored and mistreated for decades, What do you have to lose? Because the answer is: Everything.
Now, Trumps lack of knowledge or experience or solutions would be bad enough.
But what hes doing here is more sinister.
Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters.
Its a disturbing preview of what kind of president hed be.
And that's what I want to make clear today:
A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far, dark reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military.
Ask yourself, if he doesnt respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?
Now, I know some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself that theres a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere.
Because after all, its hard to believe anyone let alone a nominee for president could really believe all the things he says.
But the hard truth is, theres no other Donald Trump. This is it.
Thank you, JH! tweety and Michael steele are tools.
(10,173 posts)Last night he was saying a lot of people voted for Trump because he promised not to get them into stupid wars, when the Man ( OrangeManiac) said he would bomb the families of terrorists, was issuing tough talk on Iran, and was way too flippant about nuclear armament. Trump has an itch for war yet Chris and others believed him to be some kind of dove.
(51,926 posts)Hillary put every last ounce of energy into Election 2016 and also deserves to ride off without looking back.
To the Trumpoid voters and the malcontented sore heads who couldn't find it within themselves to cast a vote, I say "It's yours now, you handle it".
Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)... I have a lot of disagreements with her, but this is the kind of statement I would have liked to hear more - and be more genuine.
Response to Fantastic Anarchist (Reply #97)
athena This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,342 posts)I don't hear it. She was right in her comments above, but she's had her two chances. The Clinton's are the past. Just saying ... the party's moving on.
(10,173 posts)but also elsewhere, which is why I created this post.
(4,229 posts)Like they have been doing.
(10,173 posts)We don't need a singular leader of the Democratic Party.
(1,008 posts)Hillary knows that she could be the sacrificial victim if his EinSatzTrumpen gets fully unleashed. Think of opposition leaders in all nations that go Fascist or strong-man authoritarian. Silence may make sense for her.
That scenario could happen as #RESIST grows, for strategic reasons. Even though none of the Resisters I know give a *(&* about Hillary - including me. It would consume media full-time, and his lackeys would quietly proceed to dismantle the safety net, civil liberties etc. In the background, barely noticed by the masses.
If this is too alarmist, ban me.
(10,173 posts)malaise
(280,598 posts)warnings and the fact that she nailed him