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(45,728 posts)Thank you for posting.
(10,210 posts)I sure hope they renew his contract by next Sunday when it expires.
Different Drummer
(9,031 posts)Alice11111
(5,730 posts)jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)simply adore.
(4,187 posts)I have, ever since I saw him on the McLaughlin Show over a decade ago. He has always been a true liberal with a clear and consistent message.
(14,372 posts)But this is close to plagiarism from a statement by FDR.
(18,386 posts)He has a "strong jaw"
lol, sigh.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)google his ex Kathryn Harrold...gorgeous movie star.
(2,479 posts)the right to privacy, the right to vote, clean water, clean air, Social Security, and Medicare from reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted attacks by conservatives.
(58,785 posts)in our government -- against the opposition of most conservatives.
Liberals created government of, by and for the people -- against the opposition of most conservatives.
(9,090 posts)ignoring the right's best weapon.
reagan killed the fairness doctrine in 87, they bought up 1000 of the loudest radio stations on the planet, put limbaugh on most of them for free and since then they have all been selling the same lies - free market trickle down, deregulating media (or anything) lowers cost, environmental regulation increases cost, brown people are voting illegally so we need voter ID/suppression, electronic voting makes it safer, single payer doesnt work, corporations are people, unions put as much money in politics as corporations, liberal media, and liberals/dems are whores, liars and their ideas are treasonous.
and a 95% monopoly means americans much prefer limbaugh/hannity/savage ignorance lies and hate to liberal radio.....
to 50 mil a week for 30 years
and liberals just walked by listening to music
talk radio is the only major medium with NO political counterpart that's easy and free in 40 states with 80 senators, and the rcons are now one state legislature away from being able to call for a constitutional convention
democrats have been getting their ass kicked for no reason except they ignore talk radio
Different Drummer
(9,031 posts)loyalsister
(13,390 posts)Liberal republican women led the charge in the suffrage movement.
(51,050 posts)Nya nya nya, ya liberal snowflakes.
(48,726 posts)
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)It was only 150 years ago
Crunchy Frog
(27,430 posts)and Nixon established the EPA.
(51,050 posts)Hell, they think Ike is a boarder-line Socialist.
(20,013 posts)over civil rights and rode that pony to victory in '68 and '72. Maybe not the epitome of evil like Elf Sessions, but I wouldn't call tricky progressive by any definition of the word. He did propose the EPA, but vetoed the Clean Water Act. Thankfully, the House and Senate voted to override Nixon's veto.
(3,064 posts)The Clean Air Act was established in 1963 and strengthened in 1965 by the first pollution limits on automobiles, the Solid Waste Disposal Act was passed in 1965 and the Clean Water Restoration Act was passed in 1966.
And in 1967 the Secretary of Health Education and Welfare, John Gardner, commissioned a Task Force on Environmental Health and Related Problems. It went to Congress with 34 recommendations, the last ten calling for NEPA.
In 1969 when Nixon assumed office the nation would be shocked by two environmental catastrophes, the oil well blowouts off the coast of Santa Barbara and the Cuyahoga River catching fire off Cleveland. The people were demanding laws protecting the environment.
The bill was hashed out in Congress and Nixon signed it Jan.1st, 1970.
The Johnson administration also signed into law the Wilderness Act and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
(13,046 posts)progressoid
(51,050 posts)paleotn
(20,013 posts)....They eliminated their liberal wing by the time Hayes became president. There wasn't another significant reformer from the Republican ranks until TR. And after that.....virtually none. Now northern Republicans did help end the filibuster over the '65 civil rights act. But then there was that whole southern strategy bit in '68 and '72. It seems every time you the Republicans try to do something decent, they immediately lapse back into reactionary asshole mode. It's written in their DNA.
(2,116 posts)Proud liberal 80
(4,363 posts)Will chime in to that tweet and say that democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK while Republicans freed the slaves and voting rights and blah blah blah, deliberately confusing political ideology with political party.
(24,324 posts)TheFrenchRazor
(2,116 posts)irisblue
(34,730 posts)I forgot.
(6,166 posts)elleng
(138,541 posts)Did he write this for The West Wing, dialogue/speech by President Josiah Bartlett or Candidate Matt Santos?
Johnny Noshoes
(1,993 posts)It was Santos' reply to something GOP candidate Arnie Vinick said during their free form debate.
(138,541 posts)Stonepounder
(4,033 posts)I Googled it and sure enough it was from the West Wing. And then I looked up the episode and found out that it was written by O'Donnell. He is a national treasure and wherever he lands I will find him and listen to him!
H2O Man
(76,226 posts)Way, way, way recommended, in fact.
He's my favorite journalist.
Thank you for this.
(3,853 posts)I mean what get the respective bases downright infuriated.
Liberals get pissed off over thing like unnecessary wars being started and innocents being killed and soldiers coming home in coffins to the benefit of the oil elite.
Conservatives get pissed off over the prospect of their taxes going up. They could care lees over the war thing, as long as they don't have to fight it.
(5,475 posts)eleny
(46,166 posts)lastlib
(25,457 posts)geretogo
(1,281 posts)These are the hypocrites Jesus spoke of 2000 years ago . They make me sick .
(58,724 posts)I don't know about that.
(10,770 posts)...or at least deserves the majority of the credit. It was not by any stretch a conservative organization, though, as a single-issue campaign they didn't promote a broader liberal agenda. Even so, it was a fundamentally liberal goal, and the writing and work they did went on to directly inspire the civil rights movement and liberal feminism.
Its fair to say that liberals got women the right to vote.
(44,091 posts)William769
(56,937 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)It was passed by a higher percentage of Republican Congressman and Senators than Democratic ones.
The filibuster in the Senate was broken by Dirksen.
Obviously things changed after 1968.
(844 posts)Agree Democratic Party switched in the sixties
(53,061 posts)This wasn't an ideological vote but a geographic one. Conservatives and liberals in the north supported it at roughly the same rate (85-95%). Only 1 Southerner (Yarborough) did. Liberals like Fulbright voted against it. A lot of Northern conservatives voted for it.
(844 posts)Excellent rebuttal
(9,311 posts)the basis of a useful rule.
of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities:
"a fairer, more egalitarian society"
a person who advocates or supports egalitarian principles.
(5,475 posts)"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to ... egalitarianism!"
(9,311 posts)long ago the Gettysburg Address oozed into my brain in school.
Egalitarianism as a rule to categorize is a simple and relatively straightforward judgement, albeit black and white.
(10,770 posts)and that personal freedom, equality and opportunity lead naturally to a healthy and prosperous nation.
Conservatives believe that people are basically bad, dishonest and lazy, and all sorts of measures of control, coercion and hierarchies of power (essentially structural inequality of limited rights) are necessary to prevent a disordered societal collapse.
(9,311 posts)Best to you.
(103,952 posts)
(47,882 posts)as we do now. Anyone who claims both parties are the same, no point voting, etc. is definitely trying to discourage us to help the Republicans.
Our worst Democrats are usually better than their best Republicans.
Dawson Leery
(19,399 posts)Conservatives supported apartheid
Conservatives supported overthrowing democratically elected governments
Conservatives opposed dealing with Nazi Germany
Conservatives opposed seat belts
Conservatives opposed civil rights
Awsi Dooger
(14,565 posts)Otherwise we're constantly on the defensive. It's been that way for decades and it's incomparably pathetic. That's what the right savors and more often than not they succeed. Even a basic dig like saying Democrat instead of Democratic gets under our skin.
I take the offensive on political sites of sports forums. Those forums are overwhelmingly far right and flooded with Trump supporters. I call them SAM or Simplistic Angry Males. They can't stand it. Really can't stand it. But the one they react to most is when I write that the new first rule of politics is...Never Prevent a Conservative from Sounding Like a Conservative. Whenever there's a moronic post from a righty I'll drop in those 9 words. They react as a block. I'm not saying it's great but apparently they are so unfamiliar with conservatism being mocked that they become unhinged and don't know how to react, other than slobbering words that normally prompt me to paste the 9 words again.
Wonderful fun.
I have no idea why we've never run a major campaign defining conservatism for what it really is, and how it has performed over the decades. That's supposed to be the idea...attack the perceived strength and when that crumbles the remainder is cupcakes.
(3,450 posts)klook
(13,046 posts)for the hodgepodge of simplistic, selfish, cruel hypocrisies that it is.
Would make a good OP.
(27,450 posts)Conservatives would rather be told what to think because the thought of trying to do it on their own scares the shit out of them.
(367 posts)Cha
(308,101 posts)Soxfan58
(3,482 posts)Part of that was in the season 7 debate ep. of The West Wing. Which I believe Mr O'Donnell was a writer on.
(2,229 posts)Love
(4,198 posts)I once heard a sermon at my Unitarian church where the pastor said that "the fundamental difference between a conservative and a liberal is that conservatives always try to make the circle bigger and liberals always try to make it smaller."
Everything else is nothing but an inevitable manifestation of these philosophies on the part of both groups.
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)Dorn
(562 posts)So if the circle is a happy fulfilled lived conservative don't / didn't want women or minorities to vote, they don't want gays to marry, they don't want the poor to have health care, they don't want teachers to have unions. I see myself wanting more people inside the circle and fewer outside, my conservative relatives want the reverse.
(4,198 posts)Conservatives make the circle smaller liberals make it bigger
(562 posts)Thank you Lawrence, your message is well written.