Can Doug Jones be the Guy Hunt of Democrats? (John Archibald/
By John Archibald |
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on September 13, 2017 at 6:30 AM, updated September 13, 2017 at 12:08 PM
Way back in 1986, when dinosaurs and Democrats roamed Alabama, a Primitive Baptist preacher and Amway salesman wanted to be governor.
And everybody laughed.
Guy Hunt was a graying Gomer Pyle, a perennial candidate who talked of having "a good work ethnic." And he was a Republican, which was the kiss of death. Republicans couldn't get to 40 percent in the previous gubernatorial race.
The party was in shambles, the state solidly Democratic, and it hadn't elected a Republican leader since Reconstruction.
Guy Hunt? Right. The guy couldn't get a minute of media attention. So-called experts said he had a better chance of getting hit by a bus. He couldn't even draw a crowd at the All Steak in Cullman, his home county.