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Related: About this forumOccupy Clear Channel - Take Back OUR Airwaves 12/12/11
Occupy Clear Channel - Take Back OUR Airwaves 12/12/11
Join us Monday, December 12th for a national action to "Occupy" Clear Channel stations and demand our rights as owners of the radio airwaves.
Clear Channel stations across the country are abandoning progressive talk in favor of even more right-wing stations on our airwaves - in anticipation of an election year. We will let them know that eliminating progressive views and further promoting right wing pro-corporate views to the exclusion of any other thought is not acceptable on our public airwaves.
This will be in conjunction with a physical protest in Sacramento. We will meet at 1440 Ethan Way at Clear Channel's offices in Sacramento Monday morning at 10:30. Then we will go inside to inspect their public files.
And we are asking other people around the country to do inspections of Clear Channel stations on the same day. Can you help in this action to start reclaiming our public airwaves?
It's easy: Just visit your local Clear Channel station on Monday, during normal business hours. Politely tell them you are there to inspect their public files. Because we are the owners of the airwaves, they legally must let you in. If they do not , get their names and write down what they tell you, and let us know. (Details of our rights are at . We suggest you print this and carry it with you in case the stations do not well understand our legal right to conduct such inspections. Refer to the section, "The Local Public Inspection File."
Find out where your local Clear Channel station is here: (You may need to cut and paste into your browser.)
They may ask you for your name and address, and may charge a reasonable amount for photocopying files. They also may observe you as you do your inspection. They may NOT ask you to identify your organization or reason for doing an inspection, and they cannot refuse to provide you with a copy of the file.
Once inside, we suggest you start by looking at the letters file. You will (should) find complaints there; see who is complaining and about what, and how the station is reacting to the community. Also, look through the political files; find out who is buying political ads and for how much money.
You will be amazed at what you find, and you'll find it enormously empowering. Take notes and tell us what you discover.
If you plan to join us, please reply to this email or post on our facebook page before Monday, and we will add your city to our publicity outreach. If we can have people in many cities inspect Clear Channel's files on the same day, we will send a powerful message to Corporate radio station owners that WE own the airwaves, and they must serve our interest - the public interest.
Helpful links:
Occupy Clear Channel Facebook page:
Stories on Clear Channel flipping stations here:
The New York Times just did an article Sunday about our rights, and how stations can be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for refusing public entry at will :
Broadcast Law Blog
Full details about public files inspections:
This is reprinted from the website at the first link above.
If you are in a city where you have a Clear Channel station (they lease over 800 of our frequencies so chances are good that they lease a station in your town), please pay the station a visit. After this week's airing of a call to violence against progressives and our elected officials aired on 1510 WLAC AM, it has become apparent that Clear Channel intends to deny access and discriminate on OUR airwaves against Democrats, progressives and liberals.
Please visit a station near you and follow the above procedures. These are YOUR airwaves. Hold Clear Channel accountable for their blatant bias and for their violent rhetoric.
You should also contact Sue Wilson (Now a DUer SueWilson) and let her know which city you're in and which station you're inspecting.
You can contact her at
Thanks to all who take part in this National Action Day!
And thanks to bfealk and SueWilson for directing us to this great organization: Media Action Center