Stop the normalization of the KKK
A&E is planning a series called Generation K. This is a frightful proposition that will truly bring these deplorables to the main front. Here are phone numbers and email addresses of the top execs in advertising and the president of the network. Please call or write to these people to let them know we will boycott the advertisers of this program. Thanks
the execs of A&E. I called the VP of national sales and informed him that I would contact each of their sponsors and tell them I would boycott their products if they advertised on A&E if they actually broadcast this terrible program. I didn't get to talk with the exec, but left him a message telling him that I certainly hoped he was not in the basket of deplorables and to make sure that show didn't air.
Feel free to call all these people. They should be at work today. The president's phone number and email are also onthe list and he needs to hear this from many people. Please call