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(82,333 posts)struggle4progress
(121,739 posts)
This is a big site with a lot of interests and a lot of information.
Besides General Discussion, look around the various groups that interest you. Odds are you'll find some useful activity on an issue that interests you. Odds are also good that somebody on here is involved in it. There may also be something going on near you.
Keep posting, keep asking, good luck!
(389 posts)struggle4progress
(121,739 posts)Fearless
(18,458 posts)
(4 posts)Boycotting s Power Has Been Overlooked
The unsuccessful attempts at Campaign Finance Reform leave citizens little power over the financial influences of special interest. Now with the overwhelming amount of money and benefits from the Citizens United decision going to Republicans, Democrats must assemble public support and strategies to fight the Republicans almost unlimited financial strength.
Below are some of the organizations that may assemble who we have been in contact with as of 1/20/2012.
Boycotting the corporations donating to Republicans will have an impact and restore some sense of control in a population extremely jaded by special interest.
As for Corporations and special interest, why expose yourself by donating if your going to become public enemy #1 ?
Americans need to beat the special interest money and have been unsuccessful with every attempt. Boycotting gives the strength back to the public in a time when Occupy Wall Street has created an organized citizenry in a discontented atmosphere that only needs a target.
Dont forget the threat of Boycott had Fox News cancel Glenn Beck. It was a Boycott then Divesting that brought down The Apartheid Empire
The list does not contain all of the Political Activism Organizations, Universities, University Radio Stations, NPR Stations, News papers, Christian Environmental, Environmental or Social Justice Organizations we have been in contact with because the list is growing by the hour.
Color of Change, Move On .Org, The New Bottom Line, Campaign for Americas Future, EJF Environmental Justice Foundation, EDF Environmental Defense Fund, PDA Progressive Democrats of America, Green Conduct, (Dutch Organization who has had great success speaking directly to Shell Oils Shareholders at Shareholders Meetings)
CREDO ACTION, Clean Water Action, SOJOURNERS, Energy Action Coalition, Campus Progress ETC,