I spent most of the day being an activist. I participated in Harrisburg, PA's March Against Monsanto with about 75 other people. It wasnt really a march, but a protest rally on the Capital Steps. It was a perfect day for it, sunny and breezy. I went armed with a multipurpose sign. On 1 side it said: If GMOs are safe why arent they labeled, Monsanto is Corporate Speak for Despicable, and at the bottom a bumper sticker with this quote from Kurt Vonnegut - "If people insist on living as if theres no tomorrow, there really wont be one. On the reverse was a sign I used at a rally several years ago in Sunbury which said: Tax The Rich, and below that I shamelessly self promoted my song Corporate Owned on youtube, my blog at Daily Kos and Democratic Underground where Ive responded to other posts but havent originated a post yet. At the bottom was another bumper sticker with this quote from Maggie Kuhn, a founder of the Gray Panthers in the late 60s: Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. It was a great rally, unfortunately I didnt take my camera. Im hoping someone will hook me up to some pictures. If they do Ill share them. Lots of great signs, some bee costumes and a really nice crowd. Lots of talk about our idiot Governor who just sold out our state forests to frackers, to obviously finance his reelection campaign, where he is majorly behind in the polls. It was sort of daunting going alone, knowing no one, but I really enjoyed it and talked with lots of folks who share my ideas and goals, which was great. Thanks for posting.